TritonDataCenter / python-manta

Python SDK for Manta (community maintained)
MIT License
25 stars 18 forks source link

python-manta is a community-maintained Python SDK for the Joyent Manta Object Storage Service (a.k.a. Manta). This provides a Python 'manta' package (for using the Manta REST API and a 'mantash' (MANTA SHell) CLI and shell. For an introduction to Manta in general, see Manta getting started docs.

Current Status

Tested mostly on Mac and SmartOS using Python 2.7. Linux should work. The intention is to support Windows as well. Python 3 support is new and we welcome feedback.

Python 2.6 support has been dropped in python-manta 2.7.

Feedback and issues here please:


tl;dr: pip install --upgrade manta

0. install pip (and maybe pynacl)


  1. Install pip: pkgin install py27-pip or pkgin install py34-pip

  2. Install libsodium and pynacl pkgin install libsodium SODIUM_INSTALL=system pip install pynacl


# See <>
curl -O
sudo python


sudo apt-get install python3-pip 
sudo apt-get install python-pip

Others? Please let me know if there are better instructions that I can provide for your system, so I can add them here.

1. install python-manta

The preferred way is:

pip install manta

If you don't have pip (see above), but have easy_install then:

easy_install manta

You should also be able to install from source:

git clone
cd python-manta
python install    # might require a 'sudo' prefix

2. verify install worked

The 'mantash' CLI should now work:

$ mantash help

And import manta should now work:

$ python -c "import manta; print(manta.__version__)"


First setup your environment to match your Joyent Manta account. Adjust accordingly for your SSH key and Manta login. The SSH key here must match one of keys uploaded for your Joyent Public Cloud account.

export MANTA_KEY_ID=`ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/ | awk '{print $2}'`
export MANTA_URL=
export MANTA_USER=jill
export MANTA_SUBUSER=bob # optional, if using RBAC subuser
export MANTA_ROLE=ops # optional, if specifying a non-default role for the subuser

mantash uses these environment variables (as does the Manta Node.js SDK CLI). Alternatively you can specify these parameters to mantash via command-line options -- see mantash --help for details.

For a colourful mantash prompt you can also set:

export MANTASH_PS1='\e[90m[\u@\h \e[34m\w\e[90m]$\e[0m '

or more simply:

export MANTASH_PS1='[\u@\h \w]$ '

See _update_prompt in bin/mantash for the list of supported PS1 escape codes.

Now test that things are working:

$ mantash ls /$MANTA_USER

If not, see for the Troubleshooting section below.

Python Usage

import os
import logging
import manta

# Manta logs at the debug level, so the logging env needs to be setup.

url = os.environ['MANTA_URL']
account = os.environ['MANTA_USER']
key_id = os.environ['MANTA_KEY_ID']

# optional fields for RBAC
subuser = os.environ.get('MANTA_SUBUSER', None)
role = os.environ.get('MANTA_ROLE', None)

# This handles ssh-key signing of requests to Manta. Manta uses
# the HTTP Signature scheme for auth.
signer = manta.SSHAgentSigner(key_id)

client = manta.MantaClient(url, account, subuser=subuser,
                           role=role, signer=signer)

content = client.get_object('/%s/stor/foo.txt' % account)
print content

print dir(client)   # list all methods, better documentation coming (TODO)

See more examples in the examples/ directory.


This package also provides a mantash (MANTA SHell) CLI for working with Manta:

$ mantash help
    mantash COMMAND [ARGS...]
    mantash help [COMMAND]
    cat            print objects
    cd             change directory
    find           find paths
    get            get a file from manta
    job            Run a Manta job

# This is a local file.
$ ls

# Mantash single commands can be run like:
#       mantash ls
# Or you can enter the mantash interactive shell and run commands from
# there. Let's do that:
$ mantash
[jill@us-east /jill/stor]$ ls
[jill@us-east /jill/stor]$                      # our stor is empty
[jill@us-east /jill/stor]$ put numbers.txt ./   # upload local file
[jill@us-east /jill/stor]$ ls
[jill@us-east /jill/stor]$ cat numbers.txt

# List available commands. A number of the typical Unix-y commands are
# there.
[jill@us-east /jill/stor]$ help

# Manta jobs.
# Note: The '^' is used as an alternative pipe separator to '|'.
# The primary reason is to avoid Bash eating the pipe when running
# one-off `mantash job ...` commands in Bash.

# Run a Manta job. Here `grep t` is our map phase.
[jill@us-east /jill/stor]$ job numbers.txt ^ grep t

# Add a reduce phase, indicated by '^^'.
[jill@us-east /jill/stor]$ job numbers.txt ^ grep t ^^ wc -l



Some pure Python dependencies are included in this distribution (to reduce install dependency headaches). They are covered by their respective licenses:


The python-manta Python API isn't currently well-suited to huge objects or huge directory listings (>10k dirents) because responses are fully buffered in memory rather than being streamed. If streaming is a requirement for your use case, you could consider the Manta Node.js bindings.

For other limitations (also planned work) see TODO.txt.


An attempt to cover some common install/setup issues.

pynacl dependency install failure on SmartOS

This test failure:

    PASS: pwhash_argon2id
    /tmp/pip-install-AIWK8Y/pynacl/src/libsodium/build-aux/test-driver: line 107: 53648: Memory fault(coredump)
    FAIL: randombytes
    PASS: scalarmult

Ultimately results in this install error:

  File "/opt/local/lib/python2.7/", line 186, in check_call
      raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['make', 'check']' returned non-zero exit status 2

            Command "/opt/local/bin/python2.7 -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/tmp/pip-install-AIWK8Y/pynacl/';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pip-record-YflZ4O/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-AIWK8Y/pynacl/


x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file error

$ mantash ls
mantash: ERROR: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:343: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib (/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/ in __init__)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/manta-2.4.1-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/mantash", line 2001, in <module>
    retval = main(sys.argv)
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/httplib2-0.8-py2.7.egg/httplib2/", line 80, in _ssl_wrap_socket
    cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ca_certs=ca_certs)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 387, in wrap_socket
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 141, in __init__
SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:343: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib

This is saying that python-manta (the httplib2 package it is using) cannot verify the MANTA_URL server certificate. In some cases the problem here is write access to the "cacerts.txt" file in the installed httplib2 package. That can be solved by making that file world readable (as discussed here).

$ sudo chmod 644 $(python -c 'from os.path import dirname; import httplib2; print dirname(httplib2.__file__)')/cacerts.txt

Development and Testing Notes

In order to make sure testing covers RBAC, you'll want to make sure you have a subuser set up with appropriate permissions for Manta in addition to the environment variable setup described above.

mkdir ./tmp

# create a dedicated test user
sdc-user create --login=python_manta --password=${PASSWORD} --email=${EMAIL}

# create a new ssh key and upload it for our user
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "${EMAIL}" -f ./tmp/python_manta
sdc-user upload-key \
         $(ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf ./tmp/manta | awk -F' ' '{gsub("MD5:","");{print $2}}') \
         --name=python_manta python_manta ./tmp/

# create a policy with minimum permissions we need
sdc-policy create --name=python_manta \
           --rules='CAN putdirectory' \
           --rules='CAN listdirectory' \
           --rules='CAN getdirectory' \
           --rules='CAN deletedirectory' \
           --rules='CAN putobject' \
           --rules='CAN putmetadata' \
           --rules='CAN getobject' \
           --rules='CAN deleteobject' \
           --rules='CAN putsnaplink'

# create a new role with that policy and attach it to our user
sdc-role create --name=python_manta \
        --policies=python_manta \

# create a directory with our role assigned to it
mmkdir ${MANTA_USER}/stor/tmp --role-tag=python_manta

Release process

Here is how to cut a release:

  1. Make a commit to set the intended version in manta/ and changing ## not yet released at the top of "" to:

    ## not yet released
    (nothing yet)
    ## $version

    Run make versioncheck to ensure you have the version updated correctly.

  2. Commit and push that change.

  3. Use the following make target to do the release:

    make cutarelease

    This will run a couple checks (clean working copy, versioncheck) and then will git tag and publish to pypi. If the PyPI upload fails, you can retry it via make pypi-upload.