The truebit-toolchain docker image is built from the submodules in the ./modules
The ./workspace
directory is meant to be mounted into the image, and used to compile, interpret and test wasm code.
Make sure to pull in all of this repos submodule dependencies
git submodule update --init --recursive
Now you can build the Image
docker build . -t truebit-toolchain:latest
chmod 755 scripts/
docker run -it \
-v $(pwd)/workspace:/workspace \
truebit-toolchain:latest \
The rest of this README will assume you are in the bash inside Docker.
source $HOME/.cargo/env
cd reverse_alphabet
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten --release
mv target/wasm32-unknown-emscripten/release/{reverse_alphabet.js,reverse_alphabet.wasm} .
cd src
emcc -s WASM=1 /workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.c -o /workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.js
Once we've compiled our program to wasm this is the last step.
You'll want to replace DIR with your project directory (ex: reverse_alphabet). Absolute paths work best.
node /truebit-toolchain/modules/emscripten-module-wrapper/prepare.js \
/workspace/$DIR/reverse_alphabet.js \
--file /workspace/$DIR/alphabet.txt \
--file /workspace/$DIR/reverse_alphabet.txt \
--asmjs \
--out /workspace/dist
Successful compilation should print out something like this:
"vm": {
"code": "0x3f6b3f1a468a34102140afb7dee16e7f2128e0cac5717f3eb7184eeba4a706d6",
"stack": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"memory": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"input_size": "0x6f55d147a0b66458280fda3caf4b46564bc7998544f3d78a503f328d970a31cd",
"input_name": "0x4da89d96f282aac9cc2d4042cf98d702afcedb9870f4f7afd221b138a34b72c4",
"input_data": "0xf2f7d1878bfcf422892f78a56702f2f142c3a55153fba767d241b7083ccf8260",
"call_stack": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"globals": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"calltable": "0x7bf9aa8e0ce11d87877e8b7a304e8e7105531771dbff77d1b00366ecb1549624",
"calltypes": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"pc": 0,
"stack_ptr": 0,
"call_ptr": 0,
"memsize": 0
"hash": "0x9ab5c445aebf76fceada9a1eaedc834cfe3697bfab725795e19e4def6793c1fb"
When submitting a truebit task you will only need a few things.
The first being the hash field from the json output above. The second is the Truebit flavored wasm file you just created.
If you look in /workspace/dist
you should see a globals.wasm
file. This will need to be uploaded to either IPFS or the Blockchain. The IPFS hash or the contract address will act as the storage address.
cd ./modules/emsdk
# Fetch the latest registry of available tools.
./emsdk update
# Download and install the latest SDK tools.
./emsdk install latest
# Make the "latest" SDK "active" for the current user. (writes ~/.emscripten file)
./emsdk activate latest
# Activate PATH and other environment variables in the current terminal
source ./
cd ../..
Use emcc to compile C code to wasm.
emcc -s WASM=1 ./workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.c -o ./workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.js
If all goes well, you will have ./workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.js
and ./workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.wasm
Make sure you have ocaml installed and set to the correct version.
brew install opam
opam init -y
opam switch 4.06.1
Build the truebit wasm interpreter
cd ./modules/ocaml-offchain
eval $(opam config env)
opam install cryptokit yojson
cd interpreter
We can't test the interpreter without the module wrapper, which we'll setup next.
cd ./modules/emscripten-module-wrapper
npm i
This will test both the compiled wasm code, the emscripten module wrapper and the interpreter.
node ./modules/emscripten-module-wrapper/prepare.js \
./workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.js \
--file ./workspace/src/alphabet.txt \
--file ./workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.txt \
--asmjs \
--out ./workspace/dist
Success looks like this:
child process exited with code 0
"vm": {
"code": "0xcc0d89e2f7ad0f720cdc6521ab698c1053dac534cd770fb6531d935975ee5d7e",
"stack": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"memory": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"input_size": "0x593e5b969fbeac1646d534f40aeeb6d440f1b60353267ff7a67bb53a3a8f1125",
"input_name": "0x9f9a605ee9da9ebd0f0a58d289c2345d279c3e11baafdefe72bb5aa2ead36e38",
"input_data": "0x066ccee69369f2589250d208feef82cd3e06356124c01b9e9e8d56c9393e0e85",
"call_stack": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"globals": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"calltable": "0x7bf9aa8e0ce11d87877e8b7a304e8e7105531771dbff77d1b00366ecb1549624",
"calltypes": "0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30",
"pc": 0,
"stack_ptr": 0,
"call_ptr": 0,
"memsize": 0
"hash": "0x9e10c72398fc17ba4fa0163ea8da8d1401abfe4ef93335b122df18498cac5da7"
Now test the interpreter:
./modules/ocaml-offchain/interpreter/wasm \
-m -output -memory-size 16 -stack-size 14 -table-size 8 -globals-size 8 -call-stack-size 10 \
-file ./workspace/src/alphabet.txt \
-file ./workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.txt \
-wasm ./workspace/src/reverse_alphabet.wasm \
Success looks like this:
Warning: asm.js initialization is very dependant on the filesystem.wasm
Warning, cannot find global variable TOTAL_MEMORY. Use emscripten-module-wrapper to run files that were generated by emscripten
STUB env . ___syscall5
STUB env . ___syscall54
STUB env . ___lock
STUB env . ___unlock
STUB env . ___lock
STUB env . ___unlock
STUB env . nullFunc_iiii
STUB env . ___syscall6
STUB env . ___syscall5
STUB env . ___syscall54
STUB env . ___lock
STUB env . ___unlock
STUB env . nullFunc_iiii
STUB env . ___lock
STUB env . ___unlock
STUB env . nullFunc_iiii
STUB env . ___syscall6
"vm": {
"code": "0x8e891415c9620009e061e8f4a1bd6308c5b7c41cb65fbf4a697bbd675c145e3b",
"stack": "0x2d52148999d6995f2d73f8676d9a0ca3ca07d5311c2b13400e762b2f232e7f50",
"memory": "0xc93409e80b43d215e501e25b2b424acfd177f07dbb8e64296fe5a713c5c09c5a",
"input_size": "0x593e5b969fbeac1646d534f40aeeb6d440f1b60353267ff7a67bb53a3a8f1125",
"input_name": "0x9f4c2f7983a269a754906b124d17afdbdde81523d88233071058882c1fe72c0b",
"input_data": "0x066ccee69369f2589250d208feef82cd3e06356124c01b9e9e8d56c9393e0e85",
"call_stack": "0x817d9ede28dcb78bae11b94eb0965876da3e57f2f079fbd2f42a199b855d824e",
"globals": "0x7d13b6d2d20d9a562a4d6286c9846b566ede5305ebd6da78c1bfc857696569ba",
"calltable": "0xe712a0b2433b450758076aa5a00603d8080363fa1a34126455c15072305d993d",
"calltypes": "0x87c337054355411efa7f7195bb1afd7078b79c10ce5abfb9e85ab5e36649a9ff",
"pc": 1099511627775,
"stack_ptr": 20,
"call_ptr": 0,
"memsize": 100000000
"hash": "0x84713b9950ce35a131222d0d54d0476406524cc28be1db0329e62e2d414c5d71",
"steps": 27541,
"files": [
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --remote --merge