TrueSunnyD / Project-Prophecy

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[BUG] Metal detecting #47

Open trashpandagaming opened 2 years ago

trashpandagaming commented 2 years ago
  1. [BUG] or [ENHANCEMENT] please specify: Bug
  2. Describe what's happening (please include as much detail as possible): says item broken Gameboy doesn't exist
  3. Has this happened once? or multiple times? please specify: just found it
  4. Level of priority you feel is needed to take action and get this issue resolved 1 being the lowest 5 being the highest: 2
  5. Your discord name (please include #0000 numbers) example: TrueSunnyD#9925: Trash panda#2063
  6. Please add pictures of any F8 errors (if any) when bug is happening or links if you have a video of it: fix gameboy