TrueSunnyD / Project-Prophecy

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Project-Prophecy Issue/ Enhancement Tracker

How to submit an issue:

1) Click on issues in near <> Code in the top left portion of the screen 2) Press on the green "New Issue" button on the right hand side. 3) Please annotate if it's a [BUG] or [ENHANCEMENT] in the title section and then the issue or enhancement you're reporting about. 4) Make sure to press (LABELS) on the right hand side of the screen and specify again if it's an enhancement or bug 5) Once submitting the ticket (at the bottom of the screen) it will be posted for me to see.

Please follow this template below when submitting an issue. This will help me track down these issues going on in the city faster.


1) Please name the title with an [BUG] or [ENHANCEMENT] depending on what you're submitting for. 2) Description Template:

1) [BUG] or [EHNANCEMENT] please specify: 
2) Describe what's happening (please include as much detail as possible):
3) Has this happened once? or multiple times? please specify:
4) Level of priority you feel is needed to take action and get this issue resolved 1 being the lowest 5 being the highest:
5) Your discord name (please include #0000 numbers) example: TrueSunnyD#9925:
6) Please add pictures of any F8 errors (if any) when bug is happening or links if you have a video of it:

All issues will be addressed immediately and will be fixed as soon as possible.

Thank you all for the continued support and help on this! <3