TrueSunnyD / Project-Prophecy

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[Bug] Item missing with scrapping cars #48

Closed trashpandagaming closed 1 year ago

trashpandagaming commented 1 year ago
  1. [BUG] or [ENHANCEMENT] please specify: Bug
  2. Describe what's happening (please include as much detail as possible): when scrapping cars got an error for an item not existing
  3. Has this happened once? or multiple times? please specify: 1 time so far will do more testing
  4. Level of priority you feel is needed to take action and get this issue resolved 1 being the lowest 5 being the highest: 3
  5. Your discord name (please include #0000 numbers) example: TrueSunnyD#9925: Trash panda#2063
  6. Please add pictures of any F8 errors (if any) when bug is happening or links if you have a video of it: missing item scrapping
BoboTheInsane commented 1 year ago

Missing item is a window, code is missing from [qb]\qb-core\shared\items.lua add near Line 1009 code to fix below:

['chop-window'] = {['name'] = 'chop-window', ['label'] = 'Window', ['weight'] = 500, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'changeme.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Chopped up windshield'},

BoboTheInsane commented 1 year ago

Code for [qb]\qb-scrapyard\client\main.lua add between lines 185 and 438

{ header = "Exchange Window", txt = "Exchange an Window for materials", params = { event = "qb-scrapyard:client:exchangeItems", args = { itemremove = "chop-window", item = "glass", amountremove = 1, amount = math.random(5,10) }, isServer = false } },

TrueSunnyD commented 1 year ago

Thanks bobo!!! This will be fixed by patch 1.40