TrustLevel / trustlevel-stack-cdk2

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The following diagram shows Trustlevel main infrastructure components:

<img src="docs/Trustlevel.drawio.png" alt="Trustlevel components" style="margin: 1rem;" />

The api project contains trustlevel components linked together using yarn workspaces.

Execution (top level)

# install and link all dependencies
yarn install

# prettify/lint all projects
yarn run fix


Find deployment instructions here: Cdk deployment

AWS Credentials and 1Password

If you want to use 1Password to securely use AWS Credentials on your local machine, follow the instructions here.

# add to ~/.aws/config to please AWS_PROFILE settings
[profile trustlevel]
region = eu-west-1

# For temporary terminal sessions - add to ~/.zsrhc
alias trustlevel="source ~/.config/op/" # activate 1Password aws plugin for current terminal session

# For global terminal session add to ~/.zsrhc
source ~/.config/op/

Trustlevel Api

Once the stack is deployt, you can call the trustlevel api as follows:

  1. Copy the text you want to determine the trustlevel for
  2. Escape the text so that you can paste it into a json attribute (here are some example tools that do the work for you: online formatter or jq)
  3. Call the trustlevel api (curl example):

    curl --location 'https://<stage-url>/v1/trustlevels/' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'x-api-key: <stage-api-key>' \
    --data '{
       "text": "<your-escaped-text>"

Snet calls


  1. snet-cli installation (c.f.: snet-poc)
  2. Metamask wallet with some tokens (mainnet or goerli)


# create your identiy (e.g. using goerli testnet; you can also select mainnet, but it would involve real tokens)
snet identity create <name-of-your-identity> key --private-key <metamask-private-key> --network goerli

# switch to the identity you want to use
snet identity <name-of-identity>

# Create a deposit for service executions
# Note setting --gas-price may help you to overcome execution errors
snet account deposit 10.0

# Create a channel for service executions (example org-id = trustlevel-aws-test)
snet channel open-init <org-id> default_groups 10.0 +2days

# Execute the example service
# (example org-id = trustlevel-aws-test)
# (example service-id = trustlevel-aws-service-test-4)
snet client call <org-id> <service-id> default_groups determineTrustLevel '{"input_string":"Witnesses and some local journalists say that at least four Israeli missiles struck three buildings inside the Jabalia refugee camp last night. The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says 110 people were killed"}'