TrustTheVote-Project / BallotStudio

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Ballot Studio

System for designing, printing, and scanning paper ballots.

Ballot Studio is designed to be a core piece of an open source voting system.

Getting Started

Ballot Studio is in two parts, a Python back end that draws PDF ballots, and a go middle layer that runs a web app with login and database and editing ballot data and scanning ballot images.

Python Setup

Go Setup



Developing the Python Draw Server

ballotstudio will normally automatically start and stop the draw server. It can be run on its own with:

FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=draw/ bsvenv/bin/flask run

ballotstudio can be given the option -draw-backend to point to that at Flask's default port 5000.

Production Notes

The draw server should can be run by gunicorn for a production environment. ballotstudio would be given a -draw-backend http://localhost:port/ option to point at the gunicorn server.

NIST 1500-100 extensions

NIST 1500-100 (version 2) is a specification on election results reporting, but is used here because it has all the structural information about candidates and contests and the election as a whole. We extend it with a few additional fields about ballot layout and rendering.


Optional field "PageHeader" is a string that would be rendered at the top of each page. For example:

Header Election Name, YYYY-MM-DD
Precinct 1234, Some Town, Statename, page {PAGE} of {PAGES}

\n newlines within the text will be rendered. Templated fields within the text are: