TrustedDataGraph / HackFS2023DataVerification

DataVerification and Reputation System
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

TODOs #1

Open kozayupapa opened 1 year ago

kozayupapa commented 1 year ago
  1. Preparation Phase:

    1. Project task
      • [x] create team
      • [x] Check#1
      • [ ] Check#2
    2. Selection of the collaborating DataDAO:
      • [x] Identify and select a DataDAO that aligns with the project's objectives, establishing collaboration. (#2 )
      • [ ] Identify what data DataDAO and who the users are
      • [ ] Identify the benefits to DataDAO of the addition of the evaluation system
      • [ ] Define the interface between DataDAO and the extensions we create
      • [x] research identity way #3
    3. Web2 UI Design and Front/Backend Framework Development:
      • [ ] Design the web2 interface and create a UI design considering Demo
      • [ ] Select the necessary front-end and back-end frameworks and tools for development and set up the environment.
    4. Sending Simple DataView/ReviewData Creation Requests via Web2:
      • [ ] Create a simple data view which is already dealt on filecoin
      • [ ] interface that allows users to submit review result (not need to store or relate to web3 , just mock on this preparation phase)
      • [ ] Receive some event from filecoin protocol
  2. System Design and Feature Definition:

    • [ ] Design a mechanism to verify the reliability and validity of the data.
    • [ ] Implement mechanisms such as peer reviews, reputation scores, and data validation.
    • [ ] Incorporate means to ensure the quality and reliability of stored datasets.
    • [ ] Select and implement algorithms and models for data validation.
  3. User Participation and Rewards System Development:

    • [ ] Implement basic functionalities such as user registration, data submission, and verification processes.
    • [ ] Create a system where users can participate and contribute to the data verification process.
    • [ ] Implement user registration and profile management features.
    • [ ] Introduce a mechanism to reward users who participate in the verification process with rewards or tokens.
    • [ ] Provide communication features among users to facilitate discussions and exchanges of opinions.
  4. Platform Development and Testing:

    • [ ] Implement the designed system and develop the platform.
    • [ ] Provide an interface for users to perform data verification and evaluation.
    • [ ] Conduct testing of the platform to ensure stability and reliability.
  5. User Onboarding and Adoption:

    • [ ] Design an onboarding process that makes it easy for users to participate in the system.
    • [ ] Develop marketing strategies to widely promote the advantages and reward mechanisms of the system.