TrustedDataGraph / HackFS2023DataVerification

DataVerification and Reputation System
MIT License
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HackFS2023DataVerification DataTrustedGraph+

Data Reputation System Filecon is a massive source of large datasets. It allows anyone to upload any kind of data in a permissionless manner, which is commendable. However, it's often challenging for people to know where the data came from, when it is located, how to access it and especially, if the data is valid or not. To address these challenges, we have developed a system to allow verified entities like Universities, DataDAOs to validate Filecoin datasets and write reports on the authenticity of the data and thus allowing users to download verified datasets in a decentralised manner.

3 NFTTokens

Need to deploy 3 smart contract. every data should be stored on NFT and web3 storage.


prepare .env file to specify each contract

cd Frontend
npm install
mpn run dev

Data CID Preparation

Dataset filtering

this step need the lotus client. So I prepare special backend. on future would like to use FMV node.

Data Retrieve