TrustedDataGraph / HackFS2023DataVerification

DataVerification and Reputation System
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

Saturn L1-node customize #12

Open kozayupapa opened 1 year ago

kozayupapa commented 1 year ago

1 . install to cloud server

2. check behavior.

takehararyuuji@instance-4:~/L1-node$ curl localhost:10080/ipfs/bafybeielt6cevxh4v32oscimbpcevd6f2smilq56oj64wwn55aif57cmnm?format=car
no candidates foundtakehararyuuji@instance-4:~/L1-node$ 
  node@localnet:lassie Fetch /ipfs/bafybeielt6cevxh4v32oscimbpcevd6f2smilq56oj64wwn55aif57cmnm +5m
  node@localnet:lassie:error Invalid status (404) for bafybeielt6cevxh4v32oscimbpcevd6f2smilq56oj64wwn55aif57cmnm. no candidates found +5m
2023-06-14T22:03:00.992Z        ERROR   lassie/aggregateeventrecorder   aggregateeventrecorder/aggregateeventrecorder.go:316   Expected success response code from server, got: Unauthorized
  node@localnet:log-ingestor Submitting 7 retrievals (5.96 kB with cache rate of

comment out recorder


curl -O --retry-max-time 0 localhost:10080'/ipfs/bafybeibut3dwkveb6vgt3rqo3si7z6uvxwzskzub2oop5wm6qw4tj4hoh4?format=car&protocols=graphsync&providers=/ip4/'

ipfs command log

(base) 00_DAO % ipfs -h                                               
  ipfs  - Global p2p merkle-dag filesystem.

  ipfs [--config=<config> | -c] [--debug | -D] [--help] [-h] [--api=<api>] [--offline] [--cid-base=<base>] [--upgrade-cidv0-in-output] [--encoding=<encoding> | --enc] [--timeout=<timeout>] <command> ...

    init          Initialize local IPFS configuration
    add <path>    Add a file to IPFS
    cat <ref>     Show IPFS object data
    get <ref>     Download IPFS objects
    ls <ref>      List links from an object
    refs <ref>    List hashes of links from an object

    dag           Interact with IPLD DAG nodes
    files         Interact with files as if they were a unix filesystem
    block         Interact with raw blocks in the datastore

    cid           Convert and discover properties of CIDs
    multibase     Encode and decode data with Multibase format

    daemon        Start a long-running daemon process
    shutdown      Shut down the daemon process
    resolve       Resolve any type of content path
    name          Publish and resolve IPNS names
    key           Create and list IPNS name keypairs
    pin           Pin objects to local storage
    repo          Manipulate the IPFS repository
    stats         Various operational stats
    p2p           Libp2p stream mounting (experimental)
    filestore     Manage the filestore (experimental)
    mount         Mount an IPFS read-only mount point (experimental)

    id            Show info about IPFS peers
    bootstrap     Add or remove bootstrap peers
    swarm         Manage connections to the p2p network
    dht           Query the DHT for values or peers
    routing       Issue routing commands
    ping          Measure the latency of a connection
    bitswap       Inspect bitswap state
    pubsub        Send and receive messages via pubsub

    config        Manage configuration
    version       Show IPFS version information
    diag          Generate diagnostic reports
    update        Download and apply go-ipfs updates
    commands      List all available commands
    log           Manage and show logs of running daemon

  Use 'ipfs <command> --help' to learn more about each command.

  ipfs uses a repository in the local file system. By default, the repo is
  located at ~/.ipfs. To change the repo location, set the $IPFS_PATH
  environment variable:

    export IPFS_PATH=/path/to/ipfsrepo


  The CLI will exit with one of the following values:

  0     Successful execution.
  1     Failed executions.

(base) 00_DAO % ipfs resolve bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs resolve /ipfs/bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs cid /ipfs/bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
Error: expected 0 argument(s), got 1

  ipfs cid - Convert and discover properties of CIDs

  ipfs cid

  ipfs cid base32 <cid>... - Convert CIDs to Base32 CID version 1.
  ipfs cid bases           - List available multibase encodings.
  ipfs cid codecs          - List available CID multicodecs.
  ipfs cid format <cid>... - Format and convert a CID in various useful ways.
  ipfs cid hashes          - List available multihashes.

  For more information about each command, use:
  'ipfs cid <subcmd> --help'

(base) 00_DAO % ipfs cid bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm 
Error: expected 0 argument(s), got 1

  ipfs cid - Convert and discover properties of CIDs

  ipfs cid

  ipfs cid base32 <cid>... - Convert CIDs to Base32 CID version 1.
  ipfs cid bases           - List available multibase encodings.
  ipfs cid codecs          - List available CID multicodecs.
  ipfs cid format <cid>... - Format and convert a CID in various useful ways.
  ipfs cid hashes          - List available multihashes.

  For more information about each command, use:
  'ipfs cid <subcmd> --help'

(base) 00_DAO % ipfs cid format bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs cid base32 bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs cid hashes bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
Error: expected 0 argument(s), got 1

  ipfs cid hashes - List available multihashes.

  ipfs cid hashes [--numeric | -n] [--supported | -s]

  'ipfs cid hashes' relies on

  For more information about each command, use:
  'ipfs cid hashes <subcmd> --help'

(base) 00_DAO % ipfs ls bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm     
bafkreibk75xkjxfrqglirzdf5tr2ht3tgq6wtxrwjwydiwb63o5rhld56q 36 hellodaoz2.txt
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs cat bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
Error: this dag node is a directory
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs cat bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm/hellodaoz2.txt
this is test file from kozayupapa z2%                                                                                                                              
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs refs bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm           
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs refs bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm/hellodaoz2.txt
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs ping bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm/hellodaoz2.txt
Error: failed to parse peer address 'bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm/hellodaoz2.txt': failed to parse peer ID: invalid cid: illegal base32 data at input byte 58
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs ping bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm           
Error: failed to parse peer address 'bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm': can't convert CID of type "dag-pb" to a peer ID
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs ping /ipfs/bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
Error: failed to parse peer address '/ipfs/bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm': failed to parse multiaddr "/ipfs/bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm": invalid value "bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm" for protocol p2p: failed to parse p2p addr: bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm has the invalid codec 112
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing /ipfs/bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
Error: expected 0 argument(s), got 1

  ipfs routing - Issue routing commands.

  ipfs routing

  ipfs routing findpeer <peerID>... - Find the multiaddresses associated with a Peer ID.
  ipfs routing findprovs <key>...   - Find peers that can provide a specific value, given a key.

  For more information about each command, use:
  'ipfs routing <subcmd> --help'

  ipfs routing get <key>...           - Given a key, query the routing system for its best value.
  ipfs routing provide <key>...       - Announce to the network that you are providing given values.
  ipfs routing put <key> <value-file> - Write a key/value pair to the routing system.

(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing findpeer  QmUA9D3H7HeCYsirB3KmPSvZh3dNXMZas6Lwgr4fv1HTTp           
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing findprovs --help                                         
  ipfs routing findprovs <key>... - Find peers that can provide a specific value, given a key.

  ipfs routing findprovs [--verbose | -v] [--num-providers=<num-providers> | -n] [--] <key>...


  <key>... - The key to find providers for.


  -v, --verbose        bool - Print extra information.
  -n, --num-providers  int  - The number of providers to find. Default: 20.


  Outputs a list of newline-delimited provider Peer IDs.

(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing findprovs       
Error: argument "key" is required

  ipfs routing findprovs <key>... - Find peers that can provide a specific value, given a key.

  ipfs routing findprovs [--verbose | -v] [--num-providers=<num-providers> | -n] [--] <key>...

  Outputs a list of newline-delimited provider Peer IDs.

  For more information about each command, use:
  'ipfs routing findprovs <subcmd> --help'

(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing findprovs ipfs
Error: invalid cid: selected encoding not supported
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing findprovs QmUA9D3H7HeCYsirB3KmPSvZh3dNXMZas6Lwgr4fv1HTTp
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing findprovs /ipfs/bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing findpeer QmQzqxhK82kAmKvARFZSkUVS6fo9sySaiogAnx5EnZ6ZmC                    
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs id QmQzqxhK82kAmKvARFZSkUVS6fo9sySaiogAnx5EnZ6ZmC
Error: no addresses
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs id 12D3KooWJqxfjvbDkKByJQeT5urmeFBavNhNvidsAeqjWr6hf7jT
Error: no addresses
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing findprovs bafybeicei4mwohlmgtfe5m3hqkfl7srgsbmf4xqmf56altsdbq7wl4ismm 
(base) 00_DAO % ipfs routing findpeer 12D3KooWJqxfjvbDkKByJQeT5urmeFBavNhNvidsAeqjWr6hf7jT              
(base) 00_DAO % 
kozayupapa commented 1 year ago

Debug Big file issue

inside instance (outside docker)

inside docker curl to lassie daemon

it happens even if I try to download from inside container, and call lassie daemon (port) directly .


inside docker call lassie command

takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs           1.6G 1016K  1.6G   1% /run
/dev/sda1       194G  8.9G  185G   5% /
tmpfs           7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda15      105M  5.2M  100M   5% /boot/efi
/dev/loop0       54M   54M     0 100% /snap/snapd/19361
/dev/loop1       56M   56M     0 100% /snap/core18/2751
/dev/loop2      344M  344M     0 100% /snap/google-cloud-cli/139
/dev/loop3       56M   56M     0 100% /snap/core18/2785
tmpfs           1.6G     0  1.6G   0% /run/user/1001
takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ df -h .
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1       194G  8.9G  185G   5% /
takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ docker exec -it 9a
"docker exec" requires at least 2 arguments.
See 'docker exec --help'.

Usage:  docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]

Execute a command in a running container
takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ docker exec -it 9
"docker exec" requires at least 2 arguments.
See 'docker exec --help'.

Usage:  docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]

Execute a command in a running container
takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ sudo docker logs 1627 -f
Wed Jun 14 14:10:13 UTC 2023 [container] Booting local network L1 v0_dev
Wed Jun 14 14:10:13 UTC 2023 [container] ID: ad1456cb-8dad-4da7-88d0-61c9fabad4de
Wed Jun 14 14:10:13 UTC 2023 [container] CPUs: 4
Wed Jun 14 14:10:13 UTC 2023 [container] Memory: MemTotal:16390100kB MemFree:11547888kB MemAvailable:15291756kB 
Wed Jun 14 14:10:13 UTC 2023 [container] Disk: /dev/sda1       194G  6.3G  188G   4% /usr/src/app/shared
Wed Jun 14 14:10:13 UTC 2023 [container] SDD: true
Wed Jun 14 14:10:13 UTC 2023 [container] SSL config unavailable, starting non-TLS nginx and node shim
nginx: [warn] duplicate MIME type "text/html" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:97
Lassie daemon listening on address
Hit CTRL-C to stop the daemon
  node@localnet Saturn L1 Node +0ms
  node@localnet:id ad1456cb-8dad-4da7-88d0-61c9fabad4de +0ms
  node@localnet:version 0_dev +0ms
  node@localnet:important ===== IMPORTANT ===== +0ms
  node@localnet:important Earnings will be sent to Filecoin wallet address: f16i6hqgydlkv4hrdctianggjh6y2rtlsw6tlpoxi +0ms
  node@localnet:important Payment notifications and important updates will be sent to: "" +0ms
  node@localnet:important ===== IMPORTANT ===== +0ms
  node@localnet:server shim process running +0ms
  node@localnet:local-nodes Refreshing local nodes +0ms
  node@localnet:local-nodes Failed to refresh local nodes: request to http://localhost:10365/nodes/local failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED +23ms
  node@localnet:log-ingestor No retrievals to submit since 2023-06-14T14:10:15.274Z +0ms
  node@localnet:log-ingestor No retrievals to submit since 2023-06-14T14:11:15.279Z +1m
  node@localnet:log-ingestor Submitting 1 retrievals (830 B with cache rate of 0.0%) +1m
  node@localnet:log-ingestor Failed to submit 1 retrievals: Error Missing nodeToken. +1ms
  node@localnet:log-ingestor Submitting 1 retrievals (830 B with cache rate of 0.0%) +60s
  node@localnet:log-ingestor Failed to submit 1 retrievals: Error Missing nodeToken. +1ms

  node@localnet:log-ingestor Submitting 8 retrievals (6.91 kB with cache rate of 0.0%) +1m
  node@localnet:log-ingestor Failed to submit 8 retrievals: Error Missing nodeToken. +0ms
takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ sudo docker ls
docker: 'ls' is not a docker command.
See 'docker --help'
takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ sudo docker container ls
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE       COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                                                                                                                                                                                                NAMES
9b2de38b2341   my-saturn   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   5 hours ago   Up 5 hours>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>7766/tcp, :::7766->7766/tcp,>10361/tcp, :::10361->10361/tcp,>10364-10365/tcp, :::10364-10365->10364-10365/tcp   gifted_beaver
takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ docker exec -it 9b
"docker exec" requires at least 2 arguments.
See 'docker exec --help'.

Usage:  docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]

Execute a command in a running container
takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ docker exec -it 9b bash
permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/9b/json": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
takehararyuuji@instance-4:~$ sudo docker exec -it 9b bash
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app# curl
curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app# curl -O --retry-max-time 0 localhost:7766'/ipfs/bafybeibut3dwkveb6vgt3rqo3si7z6uvxwzskzub2oop5wm6qw4tj4hoh4?format=car&protocols=graphsync&providers=/ip4/'
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 2485M    0 2485M    0     0  4178k      0 --:--:--  0:10:09 --:--:-- 4743k
curl: (18) transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app# ls
12D3KooWSTo41sjDVRTWMnW2NrDkUD5MvAHMX7BqWc6uNSSWN1zA  public
node_modules                                  test
package-lock.json                                     shared
package.json                                          src
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app# lassie
   lassie - Utility for retrieving content from the Filecoin network

   lassie [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   daemon   Starts a lassie daemon, accepting http requests
   fetch    Fetches content from the IPFS and Filecoin network
   version  Prints the version and exits
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --verbose, -v         enable verbose mode for logging (default: false)
   --very-verbose, --vv  enable very verbose mode for debugging (default: false)
   --help, -h            show help
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay         194G   12G  183G   6% /
tmpfs            64M     0   64M   0% /dev
tmpfs           7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
shm              64M     0   64M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1       194G   12G  183G   6% /etc/hosts
tmpfs           7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /proc/acpi
tmpfs           7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /proc/scsi
tmpfs           7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /sys/firmware
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app# ls
12D3KooWSTo41sjDVRTWMnW2NrDkUD5MvAHMX7BqWc6uNSSWN1zA  public
node_modules                                  test
package-lock.json                                     shared
package.json                                          src
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app# cd shared/
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app/shared# ls
lassie  logrotate-cron.log  nginx_cache  nginx_log  nodeId.txt  ssl  ssl_bak
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app/shared# ll
bash: ll: command not found
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app/shared# ls -l
total 28
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  root 4096 Jun 16 05:08 lassie
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root 3280 Jun 16 05:00 logrotate-cron.log
drwx------ 15 nginx root 4096 Jun 16 03:48 nginx_cache
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  root 4096 Jun 14 13:03 nginx_log
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root   37 Jun 14 13:03 nodeId.txt
drwxrwxr-x  2  1001 1002 4096 Jun 14 14:10 ssl
drwxrwxr-x  2  1001 1002 4096 Jun 14 12:52 ssl_bak
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app/shared# date
Fri Jun 16 05:40:50 UTC 2023
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app/shared# lassie fetch -p --providers protocols=graphsync&providers=/ip4/ --protocols http bafybeibut3dwkveb6vgt3rqo3si7z6uvxwzskzub2oop5wm6qw4tj4hoh4
[1] 138
bash: --protocols: command not found
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app/shared# 2023-06-16T05:40:54.799Z FATAL   lassie/main     lassie/main.go:57       failed to parse multiaddr "protocols=graphsync": must begin with /

[1]+  Exit 1                  lassie fetch -p --providers protocols=graphsync
root@9b2de38b2341:/usr/src/app/shared# lassie fetch -p --providers /ip4/  bafybeibut3dwkveb6vgt3rqo3si7z6uvxwzskzub2oop5wm6qw4tj4hoh4
Fetching bafybeibut3dwkveb6vgt3rqo3si7z6uvxwzskzub2oop5wm6qw4tj4hoh4 from [{12D3KooWSTo41sjDVRTWMnW2NrDkUD5MvAHMX7BqWc6uNSSWN1zA: [/ip4/]}]
Querying indexer for bafybeibut3dwkveb6vgt3rqo3si7z6uvxwzskzub2oop5wm6qw4tj4hoh4...
Found 1 storage providers candidates from the indexer, querying it:
        12D3KooWSTo41sjDVRTWMnW2NrDkUD5MvAHMX7BqWc6uNSSWN1zA, Protocols: [transport-graphsync-filecoinv1]
Retrieving from [12D3KooWSTo41sjDVRTWMnW2NrDkUD5MvAHMX7BqWc6uNSSWN1zA] (started)...
Retrieving from [12D3KooWSTo41sjDVRTWMnW2NrDkUD5MvAHMX7BqWc6uNSSWN1zA] (connected)...
Retrieving from [12D3KooWSTo41sjDVRTWMnW2NrDkUD5MvAHMX7BqWc6uNSSWN1zA] (proposed)...
Retrieving from [12D3KooWSTo41sjDVRTWMnW2NrDkUD5MvAHMX7BqWc6uNSSWN1zA] (accepted)...
Retrieving from [12D3KooWSTo41sjDVRTWMnW2NrDkUD5MvAHMX7BqWc6uNSSWN1zA] (first-byte-received)...
Received 9049 blocks / 2.2 GiB....

root@1508e884ef92:/usr/src/app# ls -al
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root  12G Jun 16 06:25