Tsai-Cheng-Hong / Verilog-ADPLL

ADPLL 完成階段:Synthesis
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数模混合仿真具体过程咨询(Digital-analog hybrid simulation specific process consultation) #3

Closed wxknxxzj closed 2 years ago

wxknxxzj commented 2 years ago

简体中文版: 嗨,您好!我又遇到了一个问题,我想询问一下您数模混合仿真方式的细节,可以吗?

  1. 听您前面的回答是使用了ultrasim进行的数模混合仿真,是吗?

  2. 我目前研究过的数模混合仿真方式,有两种,一种是基于synopsys旗下的vcs+xa,另一种是基于cadence AMS。前者是基于命令行模式运行的,后者是基于可视化界面运行的。所以我想询问的是,您是基命令行模式进行的仿真,还是基于可视化界面进行的仿真呢?我猜想您可能是基于命令行模式下运行的,不知道是否正确呢?这将对我决定仿真模式有重要的参考价值。 下面是vcs+xa的一个工程案例,这是基于命令行的。 图片 下面是cadence ams下的一个数模混合仿真案例,这是基于可视化的。 图片

  3. 我了解到使用命令行模式,可能会带来便利。所有我想确认一下您使用的是命令行方式,还是可视化方式。 期待您的回答,祝好!

=============================================================================== English version: Hi! I have another question, I would like to ask you the details of your hybrid digital-analog simulation method, please?

  1. Listening to your previous answer, it is a digital-analog hybrid simulation using ultrasim, right?
  2. There are two kinds of digital-analog hybrid simulation methods that I have studied, one is based on vcs+xa under synopsys, and the other is based on cadence AMS. The former is based on the command line mode, the latter is based on the visual interface. So what I want to ask is, are you doing a command line based simulation or a visual interface based simulation? I guess you may be based on the command line mode running, not sure if it is correct? This will have important reference value for me to decide the simulation mode. The following is an engineering case of vcs+xa, which is based on the command line. 图片 Below is an example of a mixed digital-analog simulation under cadence ams, which is based on visualization. 图片
  3. I understand that it may be convenient to use the command line mode. So I want to make sure you are using the command line or the visual way. Looking forward to your answer, good luck!
Tsai-Cheng-Hong commented 2 years ago

简体中文版: 嗨,您好!我又遇到了一个问题,我想询问一下您数模混合仿真方式的细节,可以吗?

  1. 听您前面的回答是使用了ultrasim进行的数模混合仿真,是吗?
  2. 我目前研究过的数模混合仿真方式,有两种,一种是基于synopsys旗下的vcs+xa,另一种是基于cadence AMS。前者是基于命令行模式运行的,后者是基于可视化界面运行的。所以我想询问的是,您是基命令行模式进行的仿真,还是基于可视化界面进行的仿真呢?我猜想您可能是基于命令行模式下运行的,不知道是否正确呢?这将对我决定仿真模式有重要的参考价值。 下面是vcs+xa的一个工程案例,这是基于命令行的。 图片 下面是cadence ams下的一个数模混合仿真案例,这是基于可视化的。 图片
  3. 我了解到使用命令行模式,可能会带来便利。所有我想确认一下您使用的是命令行方式,还是可视化方式。 期待您的回答,祝好!

=============================================================================== English version: Hi! I have another question, I would like to ask you the details of your hybrid digital-analog simulation method, please?

  1. Listening to your previous answer, it is a digital-analog hybrid simulation using ultrasim, right?
  2. There are two kinds of digital-analog hybrid simulation methods that I have studied, one is based on vcs+xa under synopsys, and the other is based on cadence AMS. The former is based on the command line mode, the latter is based on the visual interface. So what I want to ask is, are you doing a command line based simulation or a visual interface based simulation? I guess you may be based on the command line mode running, not sure if it is correct? This will have important reference value for me to decide the simulation mode. The following is an engineering case of vcs+xa, which is based on the command line. 图片 Below is an example of a mixed digital-analog simulation under cadence ams, which is based on visualization. 图片
  3. I understand that it may be convenient to use the command line mode. So I want to make sure you are using the command line or the visual way. Looking forward to your answer, good luck!

中文: 1.是的,我是使用ultrasim進行Simulation 2.我是使用的cadence AMS 3.我是使用可視化界面


  1. Yes, I am using ultrasim for Simulation
  2. I am using cadence AMS
  3. I am using the visual interface
wxknxxzj commented 2 years ago
