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[NeurIPS'23] Emergent Correspondence from Image Diffusion
MIT License
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correspondences diffusion-models

Diffusion Features (DIFT)

This repository contains code for our NeurIPS 2023 paper "Emergent Correspondence from Image Diffusion".

Project Page | Paper | Colab Demo



If you have a Linux machine, you could either set up the python environment using the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate dift

or create a new conda environment and install the packages manually using the shell commands in setup_env.sh.

Interactive Demo: Give it a Try!

We provide an interactive jupyter notebook demo.ipynb to demonstrate the semantic correspondence established by DIFT, and you could try on your own images! After loading two images, you could left-click on an interesting point of the source image on the left, then after 1 or 2 seconds, the corresponding point on the target image will be displayed as a red point on the right, together with a heatmap showing the per-pixel cosine distance calculated using DIFT. Here're two examples on cat and guitar:

demo cat demo cat

If you don't have a local GPU, you can also use the provided Colab Demo.

Extract DIFT for a given image

You could use the following command to extract DIFT from a given image, and save it as a torch tensor. These arguments are set to the same as in the semantic correspondence tasks by default.

python extract_dift.py \
    --input_path ./assets/cat.png \
    --output_path dift_cat.pt \
    --img_size 768 768 \
    --t 261 \
    --up_ft_index 1 \
    --prompt 'a photo of a cat' \
    --ensemble_size 8

Here're the explanation for each argument:

The output DIFT tensor spatial size is determined by both img_size and up_ft_index. If up_ft_index=0, the output size would be 1/32 of img_size; if up_ft_index=1, it would be 1/16; if up_ft_index=2 or 3, it would be 1/8.

Application: Edit Propagation

Using DIFT, we can propagate edits in one image to others that share semantic correspondences, even cross categories and domains:

edit cat

More implementation details are in this notebook edit_propagation.ipynb.

Get Benchmark Evaluation Results

First, run the following scripts to enable the usage of DIFT_adm:

git clone git@github.com:openai/guided-diffusion.git
cd guided-diffusion && mkdir models && cd models
wget https://openaipublic.blob.core.windows.net/diffusion/jul-2021/256x256_diffusion_uncond.pt


First, download SPair-71k data:

wget https://cvlab.postech.ac.kr/research/SPair-71k/data/SPair-71k.tar.gz
tar -xzvf SPair-71k.tar.gz

Run the following script to get PCK (both per point and per img) of DIFT_sd on SPair-71k:

python eval_spair.py \
    --dataset_path ./SPair-71k \
    --save_path ./spair_ft \ # a path to save features
    --dift_model sd \
    --img_size 768 768 \
    --t 261 \
    --up_ft_index 1 \
    --ensemble_size 8

Run the following script to get PCK (both per point and per img) of DIFT_adm on SPair-71k:

python eval_spair.py \
    --dataset_path ./SPair-71k \
    --save_path ./spair_ft \ # a path to save features
    --dift_model adm \
    --img_size 512 512 \
    --t 101 \
    --up_ft_index 4 \
    --ensemble_size 8


First, prepare HPatches data:

cd $HOME
git clone git@github.com:mihaidusmanu/d2-net.git && cd d2-net/hpatches_sequences/
chmod u+x download.sh

Then, download the 1k superpoint keypoints:

wget "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1mxy3oycnz7m2acd92u2x/superpoint-1k.zip?rlkey=fic30gr2tlth3cmsyyywcg385&dl=1" -O superpoint-1k.zip
unzip superpoint-1k.zip
rm superpoint-1k.zip

Run the following script to get hompography estimation accuracy of DIFT_sd on HPatches:

python eval_hpatches.py \
    --hpatches_path ../d2-net/hpatches_sequences/hpatches-sequences-release \
    --kpts_path ./superpoint-1k \
    --save_path ./hpatches_results \
    --dift_model sd \
    --img_size 768 768 \
    --t 0 \
    --up_ft_index 2 \
    --ensemble_size 8

python eval_homography.py \
    --hpatches_path ../d2-net/hpatches_sequences/hpatches-sequences-release \
    --save_path ./hpatches_results \
    --feat dift_sd \
    --metric cosine \
    --mode lmeds

Run the following script to get hompography estimation accuracy of DIFT_adm on HPatches:

python eval_hpatches.py \
    --hpatches_path ../d2-net/hpatches_sequences/hpatches-sequences-release \
    --kpts_path ./superpoint-1k \
    --save_path ./hpatches_results \
    --dift_model adm \
    --img_size 768 768 \
    --t 41 \
    --up_ft_index 11 \
    --ensemble_size 4

python eval_homography.py \
    --hpatches_path ../d2-net/hpatches_sequences/hpatches-sequences-release \
    --save_path ./hpatches_results \
    --feat dift_adm \
    --metric l2 \
    --mode ransac


We follow the evaluation protocal as in DINO's implementation.

First, prepare DAVIS 2017 data and evaluation tools:

cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/davisvideochallenge/davis-2017 && cd davis-2017
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/davisvideochallenge/davis2017-evaluation

Then, get segmentation results using DIFT_sd:

python eval_davis.py \
    --dift_model sd \
    --t 51 \
    --up_ft_index 2 \
    --temperature 0.2 \
    --topk 15 \
    --n_last_frames 28 \
    --ensemble_size 8 \
    --size_mask_neighborhood 15 \
    --data_path $HOME/davis-2017/DAVIS/ \
    --output_dir ./davis_results_sd/

and results using DIFT_adm:

python eval_davis.py \
    --dift_model adm \
    --t 51 \
    --up_ft_index 7 \
    --temperature 0.1 \
    --topk 10 \
    --n_last_frames 28 \
    --ensemble_size 4 \
    --size_mask_neighborhood 15 \
    --data_path $HOME/davis-2017/DAVIS/ \
    --output_dir ./davis_results_adm/

Finally, evaluate the results:

python $HOME/davis2017-evaluation/evaluation_method.py \
    --task semi-supervised \
    --results_path ./davis_results_sd/ \
    --davis_path $HOME/davis-2017/DAVIS/

python $HOME/davis2017-evaluation/evaluation_method.py \
    --task semi-supervised \
    --results_path ./davis_results_adm/ \
    --davis_path $HOME/davis-2017/DAVIS/


If you find our code or paper useful to your research work, please consider citing our work using the following bibtex:

    title={Emergent Correspondence from Image Diffusion},
    author={Luming Tang and Menglin Jia and Qianqian Wang and Cheng Perng Phoo and Bharath Hariharan},
    booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},