Tufin / pytos

A Python SDK for Tufin Orchestration Suite
Apache License 2.0
55 stars 21 forks source link
aws-vpc checkpoint cisco-aci cisco-asa cisco-ios-xe cisco-ios-xr cisco-ipsec firewall firewall-configuration firewall-management firewall-rules fortigate fortimanager fortinet juniper-srx junos paloaltonetworks security-audit vmware-nsx


|Build Status| |Version|

.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/Tufin/pytos.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/Tufin/pytos :alt: Build Status .. |Version| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pytos.svg?style=flat :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytos/ :alt: Version

Pytos is the Tufin Orchestration Suite (TOS) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python, which allows Python developers to make use of the services provided by SecureTrack, SecureChange and SecureApp.

Common Use Cases


Install the package by running the following command (it is recommended that you upgrade pip first)::

# pip install pytos

Running Tests

The package can be tested in all supported Python versions using ``tox``. The tested Python version
must be installed including ``tox``:

    $ tox -e py34

You can also run individual tests with your default Python version by running ``nosetests`` command directly:

    $ nosetests -v tests/securetrack_test/test_secure_track_helper_unittest.py:TestGeneralSettings


Connect to SecureTrack with valid username and password::

    from pytos.securetrack.helpers import Secure_Track_Helper
    st_helper = Secure_Track_Helper("", ("username", "password"))


Connect to SecureChange with valid username and password::

    from pytos.securechange.helpers import Secure_Change_Helper
    sc_helper = Secure_Change_Helper("", ("username", "password"))


Connect to SecureApp with valid username and password::

    from pytos.secureapp.helpers import Secure_App_Helper
    sa_helper = Secure_App_Helper("", ("username", "password"))

How to use pytos logger

To use the pytos logging mechanism perform the following steps:

The following table defines the log levels and messages, in decreasing order of severity.

| Parameters          | Description                                  |
| CRITICAL            | Only critical messages.                      |
| ERROR               | Messages with error and above.               |
| WARNING             | Message with warning and above.              |
| INFO                | Messages with info and above.                |
| DEBUG               | All levels.                                  |

Create an ini like configuration file with the following sections::

    log_file_path = /var/log/pytos/

    common = WARNING
    helpers = WARNING
    reports = WARNING
    requests = WARNING
    mail = WARNING
    sql = WARNING
    xml = WARNING
    web = WARNING
    third_party = WARNING

In your code call the following methods::

    import logging
    from pytos.common.logging.Defines import COMMON_LOGGER_NAME
    from pytos.common.logging.Logger import setup_loggers
    from pytos.common.functions.Config import Secure_Config_Parser

    conf = Secure_Config_Parser(config_file_path="/ini/like/configuration/path/pytos.conf")
    logger = logging.getLogger(COMMON_LOGGER_NAME)
    setup_loggers(conf.dict("log_levels"), log_to_stdout=True)
    logger.info("Hello world")

Getting Help

For tracking bugs and new feature requests please use GitHub issues. Please also use these community resources for getting

* Join the `Tufin Developer Community <https://community.tufin.com>`__
* If you think you found a bug, please `submit an issue <https://github.com/Tufin/pytos/issues>`__