Tuhin-thinks / gitlab-devsec-ops-python

Set of automation scripts to find out useful information about gitlab project and automate actions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Set of automation scripts to find out useful information about gitlab project and automate actions.


Python version 3.7 or higher

Python Packages

Gitlab - https://python-gitlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ \ colorama - https://pypi.org/project/colorama/


pip install python-gitlab
pip install colorama

⚠ Important: Config file

create a config.json file on the project root folder.

JSON file contents

    "project_id": <project-id>,
    "PAT": "<gitlab-personal-access-token>"


1. check_approves.py

This script will check if the merge request has the minimum number of approves.

2. check_mr_ok.py

This script will check, if all open merge requests for a particular user (username provided by user) is in correct label or not.

3. find_resolved_issues.py

This script will scan through all assigned issues for a particular user (username provided by user) and find out whether all the issues and their related merge requests are in correct label or not.