TulaUnogi / bat-choice-clothing

Project portfolio 5: e-commerce
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Welcome to Bat Choice Clothing

An alternative style online thrift store.

It's a responsive e-commerce application with payment processing system, stock and User profile management. Created as a fifth Project Portfolio for Code Institute.

- By Karolina Piech

Table of contents

  1. E-Commerce
  2. UX
  3. Agile Development
  4. Features implemented
  5. Features Left to Implement
  6. Technology used
  7. Testing
  8. Bugs
  9. Deployment
  10. Resources
  11. Credits and acknowledgements



Three core ideas behind BatChoice would be the following:

Ease of use

Simple and comfortable way for customers to browse through second hand gothic and alternative style clothing.


Providing a single trustworthy and quality checked point for these pieces of clothing.


Helping customers towards making good and enviromentally friendly fashion choices.

All of which combined, with a community focused on aestethic and quality, shall provide a standing ground for future growth. Possibly even into international spaces.

Business Model and Marketing

Business Model

Bat Choice Clothing has a plan on providing sustainable high quality used and vintage alternative style clothes and footwear for our online customers. Due to being a small online business and using a storage space based in Founder's private place the company would save on the high costs of renting a retail unit in a city. The savings generated through that would be spent towards better quality clothing sourced locally from thrift and vintage shops, flea markets, car boot sales, internet auctions (in some cases) and wholesalers. Product pricing would vary between the items depending on their style, brand and condition. Providing users with a good reselling value by continous online research to ensure appropriate market price match and prevent overpricing will build the company's trust within the thrifting community and carefully curated collections will make it stand out amongst the competitors like Depop, Ebay or Amazon. Business would mainly focus around female customers aged 16+, interested in goth, punk, emo and other styles within the wide spectrum of alternative fashion, music and lifestyle. After Bat Choice Clothing becomes a recognisable brand in the Internet, the product range would expand to include also male clothing and accessories to attract a broader audience. The "big picture" future plan includes engaging the local goth micro-brands to sell their arts and crafts on Bat Choice Clothing's website to share the spirit of creativity and upcycling. With the goth and alternative community growing rapidly within the past few years altogether with society's increasing environmental awareness and vintage clothes simply being "in" there are high hopes for this company's big success.


The initial starting points for getting grounded, would be advertising through various forms of Social Media. Obvious choices for visibility would be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. However, spreading out and creating tendrils on other platfroms such as Tiktok would only help with visibility as well as providing website traffic and growth at a future date.

Once a presence has been established on these platforms, and users have begun registering themselves to the site, we plan on keeping them informed and updated on everything Bat-Choice through a newsletter system. To avoid avoid coming across or being seen as spam, these 'newsletters' should be rolled out on a semi-regular basis. The key insights we would want to provide should show our users updates on currently stocked lines, seasonal discounting, stock highlights or even aspects of the growth/changes of the business and charity events and organisations supported by Bat Choice Clothing.

Facebook page

The sample facebook page has been created at the following address: https://www.facebook.com/bat.choice.clothing It includes basic information about company and posts related to the website.

Top of the page:

Top of the page at the current state

An example of a post with a goth meme created to encourage engagement with the brand's posts:

A post including a 'goth vs visigoth' meme

Post advertising a discount for fb followers:

Example of a post advertising a discount


Twitter example page can be found at the following address: https://twitter.com/BatChoiceClthg. This account will mostly feature engagement posts and happy customers outfits.

View of the profile:

Twitter profile

Engagement example post:

Halfoween meme post


Instagram profile has been created with the idea of advertising selected items, sharing outfit ideas, uploading happy customers photos etc. A sponsored co-operation with a thrift- loving influencers is an idea for a future advertisement on this platform. Link to the profile can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/batchoice.clothing/.

Profile page:

Profile page

Happy customers outfits in stories:

Customer wearing red tartan skirt and black top

Sneak-peak of a future drop:

Three mini skirts

Outfit idea featuring item available in store:

Black bralet top, red tartan mini skirt, belt, and Killstar bag

Post promoting selected item available in store:

Iron Fist Gold Digger heels
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Database planning

Data structure

Data models

Data schema
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UX design


In the initial phase of this project I designed a broad set of wireframes and mockups covering most of the features and screen sizes to help me decide on the structure, design and layout of the website before entering the coding stage. To help me with this task I used Justinmind.


Name and Logo

At first I needed to decide on the website's purpose, name and logo. As I wanted to create a goth/alternative online thrift shop, something related to the vampires, coffins or bats were the first things that came to my mind. In the end I chose to make the word play of "Bat Choice" and picked a bat's head as a part of the logo. To design my logo I used a free logo maker available at https://app.logo.com/.


I decided on using two main fonts available through Google Fonts:

Colour palete

When you think of the word "goth" you most likely picture something dark and moody. And so is the colour palette I decided on. I used the mix of black, white, grey and my favourite shade of purple to summon the dark, yet feminine vibes. To better visualise it I used this colour palette generator:

Colour palette

Site User

Goals for the website


Large to medium screens

Homepage Clothing wireframe Clothing mockup About page Contact page Product details Shopping bag Sign in Sign up Profile page

Small screens

Tablet size about page Product details on tablet Checkout on tablet Homepage on phone Shoes page on phone Shopping bag on phone Sign in on phone
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Agile Development


This project has been started alongside GitHub Projects to plan and track the workflow which would help me to manage the expected workload. After setting out the milestones and epics for my project I broke them down into a set of user stories and smaller tasks, which helped me monitor my progress and finish all of the mandatory features. Outside of user stories I also included separate issues for creating each module of this README file, to help me keep on track with documentation. To see the project's Kanban page please click here

User Stories

Initial stage of the project included UX planning. I thought about the features and functionality I would expect from the first uses of the website and based on that I created a set of 14 User Stories. I labelled 12 of them as mandatory and the on, as they provide the core functionality and source of important informations for the User. The remaining 2 Stories are labelled as NINTH- Nice To Have, Not Important, as they provide some improvements, but are not necessary for the User to enjoy the website's base functionality.

The User Stories include the acceptance criteria and are broken down into smaller, bite- size tasks that I would tick on completion, so I could easily track my progress. During the coding session I would record the encountered bugs, issues and solutions related to the Story in the comments below. Once all of the tasks in the Issue are completed I would move the User Story form "In progress" to "Completed" card in my project's Kanban.

List of Mandatory User Stories

  1. USER STORY: Navigation
  2. USER STORY: User Profile
  3. USER STORY: Products display
  4. USER STORY: Product filtering and searching
  5. USER STORY: Shopping Basket
  6. USER STORY: Checkout
  7. USER STORY: About Us
  8. USER STORY: Contact form
  9. USER STORY: Newsletter
  10. USER STORY: Custom error pages
  11. USER STORY: Stock Management

NINTH: Not Important, Nice To Have

  1. USER STORY: Filtering by colour and size
  2. USER STORY: Change products grid
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Features implemented

  1. USER STORY: Navigation
  2. USER STORY: User Profile
  3. USER STORY: Products display
  4. USER STORY: Product filtering and searching
  5. USER STORY: Shopping Basket
  6. USER STORY: Checkout
  7. USER STORY: About Us
  8. USER STORY: Contact form
  9. USER STORY: Newsletter
  10. USER STORY: Custom error pages
  11. USER STORY: Stock Management
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Features Left to Implement

  1. USER STORY: Filtering by colour and size
  2. USER STORY: Change products grid
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Technology used

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The website has been tested on multiple device sizes including:

The responsiveness is good throughout the website.

Below you can see some results returned by Am I Responsive? page

Code validation

Account Registration Tests

Test Result
User can create profile Pass
User can log into profile Pass
User can log out of profile Pass
Toasts are displaying Pass
Toasts are dismissable Pass

User Navigation Tests

Test Result
User can easily navigate to Homepage from other pages Pass
User can easily navigate to Product pages: New In, Clothing and Shoes Pass
User can access About pages Pass
User can easily navigate to Contact Us Pass
User access their account page Pass
User access their bag after adding items Pass
User access checkout after adding items to bag Pass
User can access their profile page after logging in Pass
SuperUser can access Django Admin page Pass
SuperUser can access Product Management Pass

Account Authorisation Tests

Test Result
Only Superuser can access Django Admin and Product Management pages Pass
Non authorised user won't access User's bag Pass
Non authorised user won't access User's checkout Pass
Non authorised user won't save their details at checkout Pass
Non authorised user won't access User's profile page Pass
Non authorised user won't be able to write a review Pass
Non authorised user can add items to bag and purchase items Pass

Ordering process and Discounts Tests

Test Result
User can add items to bag Pass
User can view all of their added items in bag Pass
User can delete their bag items before processing to checkout Pass
User can add a discount code Pass
User can see an error message when passing an invalid discount code Pass
User can make more than one order Pass
User can see their order history in their profile Pass
User can see the order status information Pass

Admin and Product Management Tests

Test Result
Items display correctly on front-end when updated / added Pass
Admin can change the order status Pass
Admin can delete the products Pass

Reviews Tests

Test Result User can see the displayed order reviews Pass Registered users can review their orders Pass Error toast displayed when reviewed order does not exist Pass

Sending emails Tests

|Confirmation email is sent to the user after registration|Pass| |User can send an email through a Contact Us page |Pass| |Order confirmation email is sent after completing an order |Pass| |User receives newsletter emails after subscribing to a newsletter|Pass|

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Known bugs

The app is currently not finished yet, so there is no product management, User profile or Stripe payments present yet.

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The deployment stage of the website should follow the steps below:

Create the Heroku app

Set up enviroment variables

class StaticStorage(S3Boto3Storage): location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION

class MediaStorage(S3Boto3Storage): location = settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION

- In the terminal migrate the models over to the new database connection
- In settings.py add the STATIC files settings as follows:

STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),)

MEDIA_URL = '/media/' MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')

if 'USE_AWS' in os.environ:

AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'ckz8780-boutique-ado'
AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = 'us-east-1'

STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.StaticStorage'
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.MediaStorage'

- Change the templates directory in settings.py to: TEMPLARES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')
- In TEMPLATES variable change the 'DIRS' key to look like this: 'DIRS': [TEMPLARES_DIR],
- Add Heroku to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list (the format will be your-app-name.herokuapp.com, you can copy it from the Domains section in Settings tab in your Heroku app)
- If you haven't done that up to this point, then create in your Django app's code editor new top level folders: static and templates
- Create a new file on the top level directory - Procfile, remembering to use a capital letter
- Within the Procfile add following:

web: guincorn PROJECT_NAME.wsgi

- In the terminal, add the changed files, commit and push to GitHub

> Heroku deployment

- In Heroku, navigate to the Deployment tab and deploy the branch manually 
- Heroku will display a build log- watch the build logs for any errors
- Once the build process is completed Heroku displays 'Your App Was Successfully Deployed' message and a link to the app to visit the live site

#### Forking the repository

By forking the GitHub Repository you can make a copy of the original repository to view or change without it effecting the original repository. You can do this with following steps:

- Log in to GitHub or create an account
- Enter this [repository link](https://github.com/TulaUnogi/bat-choice-clothing)
- Select "Fork" from the top of the repository
- A copy of the repository should now be created in your own repository

#### Create a clone of this repository

Creating a clone enables you to make a copy of the current version of this repository to run the project locally. To do this follow steps below:

- Navigate to https://github.com/TulaUnogi/bat-choice-clothing
- Click on the <>Code button at the top of the list of files
- Select the "HTTPS" option on the "Local" tab and copy the URL it provides to the clipboard
- Navigate to your code editor and in the terminal change the directory to your chosen location 
- Type "git clone" and paste the GitHub repository's link
- Press enter and git will clone the repository for you

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## Resources

- [Code Institute Full Stack Development course materials](https://codeinstitute.net/global/full-stack-software-development-diploma/) 
- [Django documentation](https://www.djangoproject.com/)
- [Crispy forms docs](https://django-crispy-forms.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
- [Bootstrap docs](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/getting-started/introduction/)
- [Stack overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/)
- [Slack](https://slack.com/intl/en-ie/)

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## Credits and acknowledgements

> Pictures

- [cottonbro studio on Pexels](https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-pink-dress-and-man-in-black-leather-jacket-standing-beside-brick-wall-10189421/) for 'founders'
- [freestocks.org on Pexels](https://www.pexels.com/photo/women-s-black-coach-212410/) for 'shop-new'
- [Sierra Koder on Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-group-of-women-dressed-up-in-witches-costumes-IzBFvkhf_HI) for 'newsletter'
- [Robbie Noble on Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/photos/person-wearing-pair-of-black-leather-dress-shoes-on-gray-surface-hSygsHzG9ok) for 'shop-new'
-[Peter Gargiulo on Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-black-and-white-photo-of-a-dark-background-cGNCepznaV8) for black background
-[Logo.com](https://app.logo.com/) for making a logo design much easier

> Code

- [Boutique Ado walktrough](https://github.com/Code-Institute-Solutions/boutique_ado_v1/tree/250e2c2b8e43cccb56b4721cd8a8bd4de6686546) from [Code Institute](https://learn.codeinstitute.net/) for the walktrough lessons on how to build an e-commerce web app
- [Lesson about using EmailJS](https://github.com/Code-Institute-Solutions/InteractiveFrontendDevelopment-Resume/tree/master/03-SendingEmailsUsingEmailJS/06-sending_emails) for other than Django approach to handling emails
- [Devin B. on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/52417275/23072594) for admin 404 image error fix
- [crimsonpython24 on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/63047180/23072594) for an idea on how to do a product count
- [Ashot Aleqsanyan on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/56985340/23072594) for custom font integration for Stripe
- [ferrangb on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/27458036/23072594) for generating username from email
- [Paolo Bergantino on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/979538/23072594) for filtering items not older than a month (used for 'New In' products)
- [potts18 on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/19131360) for an easy regex based solution to validate phone numbers
-[toraman on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/48520908) for regex pattern used in my postcode validation

> Acknowledgements 

- Tutors:
    - Holly for helping me with Stripe orders not processing
    - Jason for helping with category sorting
    - John for helping with reviews saving and disappearing trash icon in bag
    - Oisin for spotting lacking .save() that was preventing products getting sold out
    - Sarah for helping with Internal Server Error for allauth in production
- My Mentor Narender Singh for all the patience and support

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