TungstenAutomationLabs / AI-Knowledge-Works

AI Knowledge Works provides automation bot templates for use with Azure AI Search
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AI Knowledge Works

The AI Knowledge Works project provides a suite of template and example Automation Bots, implemented in Tungsten RPA, to create, update and maintain an Azure AI Search knowledge base, for use in a Retrieval Augmented Generation pattern in Intelligent Automation and Enterprise ChatBot scenarios.

The Automation Bots are intended to complement and extent TotalAgility workflows, bringing the full power of Generative AI to both ChatBot style interactions with humans, as well as providing a for applied use of LLMs and Generative AI as part of enterprise Intelligent Automation projects.

The Automation Bots have been implemented in Tungsten Automation RPA version: 271

Project Structure, Template & Examples

The project includes Basic Engine Robot Automation Bot templates for:

Required Technology Components

The following are required and/or recommended technology components to run the various examples.

Environment Variables & Security

The examples in this project make use a the _Types/AIKnowledge_WorksEnv.type data model to pass in Azure account, endpoint and key information at the point of robot execution. In a production environment, this approach should be replaced to make use of the built in RPA password store, 3rd party secure secret storage (e.g. Azure Key Vault), or dynamically populating the _AIKnowledge_WorksEnv.type using secure variables from TotalAgility (taking appropriate steps to ensure these are not logged or stored unencrypted at any point).

Automation Bot Design

Each robot includes 3 types:

To enable remote debugging, in the final step of the robots, "enable" the "Return Debug" step in the "Return Response" group: Return Debug

Appendices & Further Reading

The following links and resources provide additional guidance for using this project.

AI Search hotels-sample

See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/search-get-started-portal

Azure Command Lines to Create Resources

The following command line examples can be updated to create the Azure resources needed for this project. To run these commands, first install Azure Command-Line Interface, then run:

az login

Azure Resource Group: The following Command can be used to create a resource group for use with AI Search:

az group create --name YOUR_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --location northeurope --tags "CustomTag=Tag Value" "Description=Resource Group for use with AI Knowledge Works automation bots."

Azure AI Search: TODO

Azure Open AI: TODO

Azure Multi-Service Account: TODO

Azure Storage Account: The following Command can be used to create a storage account:

az storage account create --name YOUR_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --location northeurope --resource-group YOUR_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --sku Standard_LRS --allow-blob-public-access false --tags "CustomTag=Tag Value" "Description=Azure Storage Account for use with AI Knowledge Works automation bots."

The following Command can be used to create a storage account container for use in the pull pattern: