TurboReel / mediachain

AI toolkit for making Shorts/Tiktoks
MIT License
103 stars 13 forks source link

🎬🔮 Mediachain

Langchain for creating audiovisual experiences

What is Mediachain?

AI toolkit for creating audiovisual experiences.

The goal is simple: help developers produce great audiovisual experiences.




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Why Mediachain exists?

A few months ago, I started working on TurboReel, an automation tool for generating short videos 100x faster. It was built with MoviePy and OpenAI. While MoviePy is great for basic tasks, I found it limiting for more complex ones. Plus, I relied too heavily on OpenAI, which made it tricky to keep improving the project.

We ended up using Revideo for the video processing tasks.

That made me realize that AI tools should be separated from the video engine(MoviePy, Revideo, Remotion, etc.) or AI service(GPT, ElevenLabs, Dalle, Runway, Sora, etc.) you choose to use. So you can easily switch between the best out there.

Also, there is no hub for audiovisual generation knowledge. So this is my attempt to create that hub.
