Turdidae810 / HSCL

Code of Hierarchical Supervised Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
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Hierarchical Supervised Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

This repository contains the official implementation code of the paper Hierarchical Supervised Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis, accepted at International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 2024.


HSCL introduce supervised contrastive learning and propose a hierarchical training strategy for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis.


  1. Download the CMU-MOSI and CMU-MOSEI dataset from Google Drive. Download the pretrained BERT model from Huggingface.

  2. Set up the environment.

conda create -n HSCL python=3.7
conda activate HSCL
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you encounter the following error: ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch==1.8.0+cu111, please run pip install torch==1.8.0+cu111 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu111/torch_stable.html.

  1. Start training.

Training on CMU-MOSI:

python main.py --dataset mosi --data_path [your MOSI path] --bert_path [your bert path]

Training on CMU-MOSEI:

python main.py --dataset mosei --data_path [your MOSEI path] --bert_path [your bert path] --when 5 --omega2 0.05 --lr_main 1e-4 --lr_bert 1e-5


Please cite our paper if you find our work useful for your research:

  title={Hierarchical Supervised Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis},
  author={Chen, Kezhou and Wang, Shuo and Hao, Yanbin},
  booktitle={International Conference on Multimedia Modeling},


If you have any question, feel free to contact me through chenkezhou@mail.ustc.edu.cn.