Turistforeningen / node-mongo-querystring

Query builder for accepting URL query parameters into your MongoDB queries. Safe and feature rich. Supports most of MongoDB's query operators such as $eq, $gt, $lt, $ne, $in, $nin, $exists, $regex, geospatial queries such as bbox and near, as well as your own custom query business logic!
MIT License
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mongodb node nodejs npm npm-package parser string-parsing uri-query

MongoDB QueryString Parser

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Accept MongoDB query parameters through URI queries safe and easy. This is useful when building an API and accepting various user specificed queries.


operation query string query object
equal ?foo=bar { foo: "bar" }
unequal ?foo=!bar { foo: { $ne: "bar" }}
exists ?foo= { foo: { $exists: true }}
not exists ?foo=! { foo: { $exists: false }}
greater than ?foo=>10 { foo: { $gt: 10 }}
less than ?foo=<10 { foo: { $lt: 10 }}
greater than or equal to ?foo=>=10 { foo: { $gte: 10 }}
less than or equal to ?foo=<=10 { foo: { $lte: 10 }}
starts with ?foo=^bar { foo: { $regex: "^bar", $options: "i" }}
ends with ?foo=$bar { foo: { $regex: "bar$", $options: "i" }}
contains ?foo=~bar { foo: { $regex: "bar", $options: "i" }}
in array ?foo[]=bar&foo[]=baz { foo: { $in: ['bar', 'baz'] }}
not in array ?foo[]=!bar&foo[]=!baz { foo: { $nin: ['bar', 'baz'] }}
operation query string query object
bbox ?bbox=0,1,2,3 { geojson: { $geoWithin: { $geometry: { … } } } }
near ?near=0,1 { geojson: { $near: { $geometry: { … } } } }
near (max distance) ?near=0,1,2 { geojson: { $near: { …, $maxDistance: 2 } } }
near (max & min distance) ?near=0,1,2,3 { geojson: { $near: { …, $minDistance: 3 } } }
operation query string query object
after ?after=2014-01-01 { endret: { $gte: "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } }
after ?after=1388534400 { endret: { $gte: "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } }
before ?before=2014-01-01 { endret: { $lt: "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } }
before ?before=1388534400 { endret: { $lt: "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } }
between ?between=2014-01-01\|2015-01-01 { endret: { $gte: "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", $lt: "2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } }
between ?between=1388534400\|1420088400 { endret: { $gte: "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", $lt: "2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" } }


npm install mongo-querystring --save


var MongoQS = require('mongo-querystring');

new MongoQS(object options)

Bult in custom queries

var qs = new MongoQS({
  custom: {
    bbox: 'geojson',        // your geometry field
    near: 'geojson',        // your geometry field
    after: 'updated_on'     // your last modified field

Define custom queries

Custom queries are on the folling form; you define the URL query parameter name that your users will be using and a function which takes the result query object and the value for query parameter.

var qs = new MongoQS({
  custom: {
    urlQueryParamName: function(query, input) {
      // do some processing of input value
      // add your queries to the query object
      query['someField'] = input;
      query['someOtherFiled'] = 'some value';

qs.parse(object params)

Params is an object with URI query params and their values. Ex. req.params if you are working with ExpressJS.

var query = qs.parse(req.params);

mongo.collection('mycol').find(query, field).toArray(function(err, documents) {
  // matching documents


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Note: If you make a significant contribution and are not considered for commit-access log an issue or contact one of the Collaborators directly.

MIT Licensed