Turistforeningen / node-s3-uploader

Flexible and efficient resize, rename, and upload images to Amazon S3 disk storage. Uses the official AWS Node SDK for transfer, and ImageMagick for image processing. Support for multiple image versions targets.
MIT License
241 stars 54 forks source link
aws aws-s3 image-processing imagemagick nodejs npm-package s3 thumbnails

AWS S3 Image Uploader

Documentation for s3-uploader@1.1 can be found here.

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Flexible and efficient image resize, rename, and upload to Amazon S3 disk storage. Uses the official AWS Node SDK, and im-resize and im-metadata for image processing.

Overview of image upload to AWS S3


All changes are documentated on the releases page. Changes for latest release can be found here.


npm install s3-uploader --save



var Upload = require('s3-uploader');

new Upload(string awsBucketName, object opts)

AWS note

The aws object is passed directly to aws-sdk. You can add any of these options in order to fine tune the connection – if you know what you are doing.


var client = new Upload('my_s3_bucket', {
  aws: {
    path: 'images/',
    region: 'us-east-1',
    acl: 'public-read'

  cleanup: {
    versions: true,
    original: false

  original: {
    awsImageAcl: 'private'

  versions: [{
    maxHeight: 1040,
    maxWidth: 1040,
    format: 'jpg',
    suffix: '-large',
    quality: 80,
    awsImageExpires: 31536000,
    awsImageMaxAge: 31536000
    maxWidth: 780,
    aspect: '3:2!h',
    suffix: '-medium'
    maxWidth: 320,
    aspect: '16:9!h',
    suffix: '-small'
    maxHeight: 100,
    aspect: '1:1',
    format: 'png',
    suffix: '-thumb1'
    maxHeight: 250,
    maxWidth: 250,
    aspect: '1:1',
    suffix: '-thumb2'

upload(string src, object opts, function cb)


client.upload('/some/image.jpg', {}, function(err, versions, meta) {
  if (err) { throw err; }

  versions.forEach(function(image) {
    console.log(image.width, image.height, image.url);
    // 1024 760 https://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/path/110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c866d813b8d1.jpg


+-- B
    `-- C
    `-- D
    `-- E

Where A is the original image uploaded by the user. An mpc image is created, B,
which is used to crate the thumbnails C, D, and E.


Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are made Collaborators and given commit-access to the project. These individuals are identified by the existing Collaborators and their addition as Collaborators is discussed as a pull request to this project's README.md.

Note: If you make a significant contribution and are not considered for commit-access log an issue or contact one of the Collaborators directly.

MIT License