Turpo2098 / MCMusicBooks

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Welcome to my MCMusicBook Plugin for Spigot. It's an easy way to write music from Note Blocks into only one book and play it.

It's my first try for a Domain Specific Language with an Lazy Parser( so it only Evaluates when it has to).


  1. Get a Book and Quill. This is your main access point for this plugin.
  2. Now write your Script e.g.:
    hrp f
    wait 300
    gui #G
  3. Have the book in your main hand and execute the command /music
  4. Enjoy

WARNING: \ If there is something it is unable to parse the Program stops. There are also NO Comments


  1. It is possible to play a Sound with "instrument note" for example:

    hrp f   //Plays with a Harp f
    gui #G  //Plays with a Guitar #G

    A List with all possibles instruments is down below.

  2. You can wait between two different Sounds with "wait"

    wait 314 //Waits 314 Milliseconds
  3. The Uppercase Letters for Notes are one octave Higher than the lower ones:

    hrp g
    wait 400
    hrp G   //one ocatve higher
  4. If you want to play more than one note simultaneously you can specify more than one Note with "< Notes >" :

    <hrp g hrp f> //Plays g and f on a harp
  5. You can avoid writing something multiple times with the "def" keyword:

    def w wait 500
    hrp g
    w   //Waits 500 Millis
    hrp g
start       ::= instruction*
instruction     ::= instrument sharp? note
          | '<' sound* '>'
          | 'wait' digit
          | 'def' identifier instruction
          | identifier
identifier  ::= [a-zA-Z]+
sound       ::= instrument sharp? note
  bass guitar       bsg
  bass drum     bsd
  snare         sna
  hat           hat
  bell          bel
  flute         flu
  chime         chi
  guitar        gui
  xylophone     xyl
  iron_xylophone    ixy
  cow_bell      cbl
  didgeridoo        ddg
  bit           bit
  banjo         bnj
  pling         plg
  harp          hrp

 a b c d e f g A B C D E F G

 Úse a # before the Note