Closed ShivamShrivastava18 closed 5 months ago
Hey , @TusharAMD , i would like to add a requirement.txt file to this project for better understanding of packages/frameworks used throughout the project. Full Name :- Aaradhya Singh , GSSOC-2024 (contributor)
Kindly assign this issue to me
If this issue is still pending, I can take this up under GSSoC'24. Lemme know. :)
Dear @TusharAMD , I would like to contribute to this project under GSSOC'24 by adding a requirements.txt file that can install required packages and libraries to run this project by only one command. I would also like to update this in the file as well. It provides a consistent environment and makes collaboration easier hence allowing more people to contribute or try out this amazing project. Thanks for considering my request.