TusharAMD / SuperSpeechSaga

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Welcome to Super Speech Saga 🎮

Bring game characters to real life🌟



Refer this video to get started Super Speech Saga

📖 Introduction

Welcome to the cutting-edge realm of SuperSpeechSaga, where we're reshaping the landscape of gaming through real-time dialogue generation. Step into a world where your voice shapes the story, where every decision you make influences the dialogue and narrative unfolding around you. Our mission is simple yet groundbreaking: to redefine player engagement by offering an ever-evolving, personalized experience. Get ready to embark on an adventure where your voice isn't just heard—it changes the very fabric of the game world. Embrace the future of interactive storytelling with us!

Game Screenshot

...But that's not all—our characters are just as dynamic, responding to your choices with authentic, real-time dialogue of their own. Whether you're forming alliances, negotiating deals, or facing off in epic showdowns, every interaction feels alive and responsive. Prepare to encounter characters who adapt to your gameplay style, creating a truly immersive experience where the story unfolds uniquely for you. Get ready to experience gaming like never before, where your voice not only shapes the story but also sparks conversations that evolve in real time. Embrace the future of interactive storytelling with us!

🚀 Features

👨🏻‍💻 Technology Used


🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions from the open-source community to make SuperSpeechSaga even more amazing. Here are some guidelines to get you started:

Contributors can add any game to the project. Ensure to include the necessary files such as assets, prompts, README.md, and app.py.

Read the Contribution to get more idea about how to contribute.


  1. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/TusharAMD/SuperSpeechSaga
  2. Install the modules
    pip install pygame
    pip install speechrecognition
    pip install google-generativeai
    pip install pyttsx3

🎊 Part of Girlscript Summer of Code 2024

Embark on a journey where your voice brings game characters to life, and every decision shapes your adventure. Welcome to SuperSpeechSaga! 🌟🎮🗣️


Thanks to all contributors for helping this project grow! 🍻

✍️ Feedback & Support

If you encounter any issues with the SuperSpeechSaga or have any feedback or suggestions, please open an issue in the Issues section of this repository. We appreciate your feedback and will respond as soon as possible.

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