TutteInstitute / fast_hdbscan

A fast multi-core implementation of HDBSCAN for low dimensional Euclidean spaces
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
89 stars 8 forks source link

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.. image:: doc/hdbscan_logo.png :width: 600 :alt: HDBSCAN logo :align: center

====================== Fast Multicore HDBSCAN

The fast_hdbscan library provides a simple implementation of the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm designed specifically for high performance on multicore machine with low dimensional data (2D to about 20D). The algorithm runs in parallel and can make effective use of as many cores as you wish to throw at a problem. It is thus ideal for large SMP systems, and even modern multicore laptops.

This library provides a re-implementation of a subset of the HDBSCAN algorithm that is compatible with the hdbscan <https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/hdbscan>_ library for data that is Euclidean and low dimensional. The primary advantages of this library over the standard hdbscan library are:

This library does not support all the features and input formats available in the hdbscan library.

Basic Usage

The fast_hdbscan library follows the hdbscan library in using the sklearn API. You can use the fast_hdbscan class HDBSCAN exactly as you would that of the hdbscan library with the caveat that fast_hdbscan only supports a subset of the parameters and options of hdbscan. Nonetheless, if you have low-dimensional Euclidean data (e.g. the output of UMAP), you can use this library as a straightforward drop in replacement for hdbscan:

.. code:: python

import fast_hdbscan
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs

data, _ = make_blobs(1000)

clusterer = fast_hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=10)
cluster_labels = clusterer.fit_predict(data)


fast_hdbscan requires:

fast_hdbscan can be installed via pip:

.. code:: bash

pip install fast_hdbscan

To manually install this package:

.. code:: bash

wget https://github.com/TutteInstitute/fast_hdbscan/archive/main.zip
unzip main.zip
rm main.zip
cd fast_hdbscan-main
python setup.py install


The algorithm used here is an adaptation of the algorithms described in the papers:

McInnes L, Healy J. *Accelerated Hierarchical Density Based Clustering*
In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), IEEE, pp 33-42.
2017 `[pdf] <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8215642>`_

R. Campello, D. Moulavi, and J. Sander, *Density-Based Clustering Based on
Hierarchical Density Estimates*
In: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Springer, pp 160-172.


fast_hdbscan is BSD (2-clause) licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are more than welcome! If you have ideas for features of projects please get in touch. Everything from code to notebooks to examples and documentation are all equally valuable so please don't feel you can't contribute. To contribute please fork the project <https://github.com/TutteInstitute/fast_hdbscan/issues#fork-destination-box>_ make your changes and submit a pull request. We will do our best to work through any issues with you and get your code merged in.