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In-N-Out: Faithful 3D GAN Inversion with Volumetric Decomposition for Face Editing
Official PyTorch implementation of the CVPR 2024 paper

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In-N-Out: Faithful 3D GAN Inversion with Volumetric Decomposition for Face Editing
Yiran Xu, Zhixin Shu, Cameron Smith, Seoung Wug Oh, and Jia-Bin Huang

Abstract: 3D-aware GANs offer new capabilities for view synthesis while preserving the editing functionalities of their 2D counterparts. GAN inversion is a crucial step that seeks the latent code to reconstruct input images or videos, subsequently enabling diverse editing tasks through manipulation of this latent code. However, a model pre-trained on a particular dataset (e.g., FFHQ) often has difficulty reconstructing images with out-of-distribution (OOD) objects such as faces with heavy make-up or occluding objects. We address this issue by explicitly modeling OOD objects from the input in 3D-aware GANs. Our core idea is to represent the image using two individual neural radiance fields: one for the in-distribution content and the other for the out-of-distribution object. The final reconstruction is achieved by optimizing the composition of these two radiance fields with carefully designed regularization. We demonstrate that our explicit decomposition alleviates the inherent trade-off between reconstruction fidelity and editability. We evaluate reconstruction accuracy and editability of our method on challenging real face images and videos and showcase favorable results against other baselines.


Getting started

Please download a pre-trained EG3D checkpoint, put it at ./eg3d/pretrained_models.

mkdir -p eg3d/pretrained_models
wget --content-disposition '' -O ./eg3d/pretrained_models/ffhqrebalanced512-128.pkl

To test our code, we provide a pre-trained checkpoint here. Please download the checkpoint and place it at eg3d/ckpts.

Please download the data and unzip it at eg3d/data/wildvideos.

We also provide all StyleCLIP checkpoints here. Please download them and unzip them at eg3d/CLIPStyle/mapper_results. (e.g., unzip -d ./eg3d/CLIPStyle)

To edit a video, as an example, run

cd eg3d
bash scripts/ rednose2 eyeglasses ckpts/rednose2

Don't worry about the Missing key(s) error as eyeglasses mapper has no fine mapper. The results will be saved at eg3d/results/rednose2.

Preparing data

  1. Processed data. We provide a dataset of preprocessed data. Please download it and put it at eg3d/data/wildvideos
  2. Your own data. This includes human face alignment and will use part of the code from official EG3D repo. First, follow EG3D's instructions on setting up Deep3DFaceRecon_pytorch.
    cd data_preprocessing/ffhq/
    git clone

    Install Deep3DFaceRecon_pytorchfollowing the their instructions.

Also make sure you have their checkpoint file epoch_20.pth and place it at data_preprocessing/ffhq/Deep3DFaceRecon_pytorch/checkpoints/pretrained/epoch_20.pth.

We provide a scrip to preprocess your own data of human faces. The script accepts following folder tree (either a video or an image):

├── VideoName1
│   ├── frame1
│   ├── frame2
│   ├── frameN
└── ImageName1
    └── image1


bash ${InputRoot} ${OutputRoot} ${VideoName}
bash ${InputRoot} ${OutputRoot} ${ImageName}


To train our model on a video, as an example, run

cd eg3d
bash scripts/ rednose2 train

The results will be saved at ckpts/rednose2/train.

To run your data, run

bash scripts/ ${videoname} ${expname}

OOD object removal

# change to eg3d
cd eg3d
# Here we try to use the pre-trained checkpoint. Suppose it has been placed at ./ckpts/rednose2/
# Remove the OOD object.
python outdomain/ --remove_ood=true --smooth_out=true --network=pretrained_models/ffhqrebalanced512-128.pkl --ckpt_path=./ckpts/rednose2/ --target_path Path-to-rednose2 --latents_path ./ckpts/rednose2/ --outdir ./results/rednose2/eval/ood_removal_smoothed
# Please replace `Path-to-rednose2` with your own path.

# Save it as a video.
python --frames_path ./results/rednose2/eval/ood_removal_smoothed/frames/projected_sr  --output_dir ./results/rednose2/eval/ood_removal_smoothed/frames/projected_sr.mp4


  1. EG3D, Chan et al. 2022
  2. Dynamic NeRF, Gao et al. 2021


  author = {Xu, Yiran and Shu, Zhixin and Smith Cameron and Oh, Seoung Wug and Huang, Jia-Bin},
  title = {In-N-Out: Faithful 3D GAN Inversion with Volumetric Decomposition for Face Editings},
  booktitle = {CVPR},
  year = {2024}


This is a research reference implementation and is treated as a one-time code drop. As such, we do not accept outside code contributions in the form of pull requests.


data_preprocessing/ffhq/, data_preprocessing/ffhq/, data_preprocessing/ffhq/, data_preprocessing/ffhq/, data_preprocessing/ffhq/,eg3d/outdomain/*, eg3d/inversion/*, eg3d/, eg3d/, eg3d/, eg3d/scripts/*, eg3d/, eg3d/,, and other materials including the model checkpoints and shell scripts are licensed under the CC BY-NC.

Files at eg3d/CLIPStyle/* are from StyleCLIP.

Files at eg3d/configs/*, eg3d/criteria are from PTI.

Other files at dataset_preprocessing, eg3d/dnnlib, eg3d/gui_utils, eg3d/torch_utils, eg3d/training, and eg3d/, eg3d/, eg3d/, eg3d/, eg3d/, eg3d/, are licensed from NVIDIA license.

Some images were from Upsplash under the standard Unsplash license.