TwoBitAlchemist / NeoAlchemy

A microframework for Neo4J inspired by SQLAlchemy
MIT License
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Docs for 0.8.0b Latest Build Status Report

NeoAlchemy is a SqlAlchemy-like tool for working with the Neo4J graph database in Python. It is intended to be very easy to use, and intuitively familiar to anyone who has used SqlAlchemy and/or the Cypher Query Language.

NeoAlchemy is built on top of the Neo4J Bolt driver and only supports Neo4J 3.0+ connected over the Bolt protocol. It supports Python 2.7 and 3.3+.

Getting Started

NeoAlchemy is available on PyPI, so it can be installed normally using pip install neoalchemy. NeoAlchemy is built on top of the official Neo4J Python driver. If you install from PyPI, this will automatically be installed alongside it. You can also install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt.

Questions, support requests, comments, and contributions should be directed to GitHub accordingly.

Low-Level QueryBuilder API

import uuid

from neoalchemy import Create, Node, Property, Graph
from neoalchemy.validators import UUID

graph = Graph()

person = Node('Person',  # primary label
    uuid=Property(unique=True, type=UUID, default=uuid.uuid4),
    screen_name=Property(indexed=True, type=str.lower),

# Emit schema-generating DDL

person.real_name = 'Alison'
person.screen_name = 'Ali42'
person.age = 29
create = Create(person)

graph.query(create, **create.params)

Learn more about the QueryBuilder API.

High-Level Schema OGM

import uuid

from neoalchemy import OGMBase, Property, Graph
from neoalchemy.validators import UUID

class Person(OGMBase):
    graph = Graph()

    uuid = Property(unique=True, type=UUID, default=uuid.uuid4)
    real_name = Property(indexed=True)
    screen_name = Property(indexed=True, type=str.lower)
    age = Property(type=int)

# Cypher schema generation emitted automatically
# No user action required

Person(real_name='Alison', screen_name='Ali42', age=29).create()

Learn more about the Schema OGM.