TyGuy / atlas-axiom

Code for Atlas Axiom robot art project
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Atlas Axiom Robot Code

This repo contains code The Atlas / Axiom robot.


Running the main program


Make sure of the following:

On the burn pi, you'll need 3 terminal windows open:

Before running the scripts:

Zero with UGS.

Check the state files, and make sure they're ok.

Run the main burn script

Variant 1 (try this for camera/lights/audio):

cd ~/atlas
python atax/atax_burner.py --basefile B1_heart_gear

Variant 2 (for a simple burn experience):

cd ~/atlas
python atax/burntest.py --basefile B1_heart_gear

Run the image display

There are 3 ways we could potentially run this, let's start with most ambitious, and scale back to simpler methods if needed.

For the first 2, start by opening a terminal window on the image display pi.

Variant 1 (user presses physical buttons to determine images):

cd atlas-axiom/image-display
python3 image_display.py

Variant 2 (Alan used keyboard input on image display Pi to determine images):

cd atlas-axiom/image-display
python3 image_display_k.py

Notes on the keyboard script:

Variant 3 (cut out the image display pi completely, and run the following on the BURN PI):

cd ~/atlas
python atax/direct_ugi.py

Instructions are printed when you start the script.

Killing the burn script

Hit ctrl+c ONCE to stop the burn script.


Cannot connect to GRBL:

Cannot connect to the serial port for the GC on image display pi:

[probably other stuff but I can't think of it right now]...

Other potentially useful scripts, for debugging or testing:

Running arbitrary gcode (from burn pi)

cd ~/atlas
python atax/gcode_repl.py
# then type any gcode, and enter it. Type "exit" to quit.

Running just the torch (from burn pi)

cd ~/atlas
python atax/torch.py
# then type "on" to turn it on, "off" to turn it off, "exit" to exit.

Starting UGS

Just run start_ugs from anywhere. This should actually work now.

Old stuff below here

Useful links [WIP needs more]