TykTechnologies / tyk-operator

Tyk Operator for Kubernetes
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[TT-3672] Ingress Controller + Security Policy incompatibility #485

Closed BenWolstencroft closed 2 years ago

BenWolstencroft commented 2 years ago

We're using the Tyk Operator Ingress controller to create api configurations within tyk, and also using Tyk Operator to define our policies within tyk, however, operator appears to be unable to reconcile access right entries within policies..

It appears that the only way to achieve this is to use the automatically generated full name of the API that's created within Tyk by the controller from the ingress defintion.. this is unacceptable as it's an auto-generate name that we do not know at design/dev time.

We believe that the best solution is for the reconciler to be able to find api's based on the name of the tyk ingress within k8s.


API Definition (Template):

apiVersion: tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1
kind: ApiDefinition
  name: myapideftemplate
    template: "true"
  name: foo
  protocol: http
  use_keyless: true
    target_url: http://example.com


apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: httpbin-ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: tyk
    tyk.io/template: myapideftemplate # <--- refers to the api definition (template) above
    - http:
      - path: /httpbin
        pathType: Prefix
            name: httpbin
              number: 8000

Security Policy:

apiVersion: tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1
kind: SecurityPolicy
  name: policy-give-me-access
  name: 'Give Me Access'
  state: active
  active: true

## Option 1:
  - name: httpbin-ingress # <-  refers to the ingress above, does not work
    namespace: default
    - Default

## Option 2:

  - name: myapideftemplate # <-  refers to the api definition (template) above, does not work
    namespace: default
    - Default

## Option 3:

  - name: auto-generated-ingres-full-name-1u72yba # <-  refers to the api definition generated by the controller from the ingress definition, works, but unacceptable behaviour
    namespace: default
    - Default

  quota_max: 10
  quota_renewal_rate: 60
  rate: 5
  per: 5
  throttle_interval: 2
  throttle_retry_limit: 2
BenWolstencroft commented 2 years ago

Just spotted that this issue is the same as https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-operator-internal/issues/18

caroltyk commented 2 years ago

Hi @BenWolstencroft , we're reviewing this issue now. We couldn't use the name from ApiDefinition template / Ingress as multiple APIs could be generated from them. Would it be okay if we document how the API name is generated by our controller?

BenWolstencroft commented 2 years ago

Hi @BenWolstencroft , we're reviewing this issue now. We couldn't use the name from ApiDefinition template / Ingress as multiple APIs could be generated from them. Would it be okay if we document how the API name is generated by our controller?

Apologies if my understanding is incorrect here but is it not the case that single tyk classType ingress will result in a single API in tyk? therefore if we had a method to refer to the ingresses by namespace and name within the SecurityPolicy that should only yeild a single Api defined in tyk?

If the above isn't the case then detailed understand of how names are generated would be useful if also accompanied with examples of how to refer to them across helm charts across multiple environments

In our use case we have the following:

The problem is compounded by the fact that we deploy all of the above to a second kubernetes cluster as a persistent testing and training environment, so for each API Definition / Ingress combo, we'll get one API name in Tyk for the first cluster, and another name for our second cluster.

buraksekili commented 2 years ago

Hi @BenWolstencroft, thank you for raising this one. We, as a team, will internally investigate this issue to find a way to a solution. Until then, let me explain how API names are generated by the Ingress controller.

The Ingress controller creates Tyk APIs for each path defined under each Ingress rule. For example, consider this example: the first rule has two paths (/ and /httpbin) and the second rule has one path (/pathonly). Our Ingress controller currently creates an API for each path, where each API's name comes from the <namespace>-<ingress_name>-<short hash of (Host + Path)> (https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-operator/blob/master/controllers/ingress_controller.go#L151-L152). So, for the first rule, Ingress controller generates default-httpbin-ingress-a1863f096 where

BenWolstencroft commented 2 years ago

Thank you @buraksekili

Incidentally i've done some more work on this problem and have found a workaround which stops us from having to use the generated names..

Using the Helm lookup capabilities we've been able to develop a way to targetlabelled / annotated api's within kubernetes and then have helm do the discovery work at deploy time

  {{- range $index, $apidefinition := (lookup "tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1" "ApiDefinition" "" "").items }}
  {{- if not (hasKey $apidefinition.metadata.labels "template") }}
  {{- if (contains "public" $apidefinition.spec.domain) }}
    - name: {{ quote $apidefinition.metadata.name }}
      namespace: {{ quote $apidefinition.metadata.namespace }}
      - Default
  {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
  {{- end }}

In the use-case in this example above, we have a policy which allows access to any 'public' api, so we filter based on the 'domain' containing the word public

This does however mean that we have to regularly run our deployment of the policy helm chart to ensure that the policies are kept up to date as API definitions are added or changed.

caroltyk commented 2 years ago

Hi @BenWolstencroft, thanks a lot for letting us know the workaround!

caroltyk commented 2 years ago

Closing the issue with workaround identified. Please track with https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-operator-internal/issues/18 with future development