TykTechnologies / tyk-operator

Tyk Operator for Kubernetes
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Tyk Operator

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Tyk Gateway is a modern, ultra-performant, purpose-built, and open source API Gateway.

Tyk Operator brings Full Lifecycle API Management capabilities to Kubernetes. You can configure Ingress, APIs, Security Policies, Authentication, Authorization, Mediation by using GitOps best practices with Custom Resources and Kubernetes-native primitives.

API Management with Tyk Operator

Introduction | Documentation | Learning with Videos | Quickstart Examples | IDE Integration | Community


What can you do with Tyk Operator?

Tyk Operator can configure Tyk Gateway as a drop-in replacement for standard Kubernetes Ingress. You can manage your API definitions and security policies with it. It also works with the Classic Portal so you can manage your Classic Portal declaratively.

Custom Tyk Objects are available as CRDs and documentation for each of these custom resources are available here.

Tyk Licensing

Tyk Operator and Tyk Gateway are both 100% Open Source. Tyk Operator will operate on a single gateway.

Feel free to reach to our commercial team (or your account manager for existing customers) if you need advice about architecture, licensing, or just to discuss your requirements for runnning in HA, scaling across clusters, nodes & namespaces.

What benefits Tyk Operator has?

You can get the benefits of GitOps with declarative API configurations:


Read more from our Official doc site.

Learn about our CRDs:

Learning with Videos

Quickstart Examples

HTTP Proxy

```yaml apiVersion: tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1 kind: ApiDefinition metadata: name: httpbin spec: name: httpbin do_not_track: false use_keyless: true protocol: http active: true proxy: target_url: http://httpbin.org listen_path: /httpbin strip_listen_path: true ```

TCP Proxy

```yaml apiVersion: tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1 kind: ApiDefinition metadata: name: redis-tcp spec: name: redis-tcp active: true protocol: tcp listen_port: 6380 proxy: target_url: tcp://localhost:6379 ```

GraphQL Proxy

```yaml apiVersion: tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1 kind: ApiDefinition metadata: name: trevorblades spec: name: trevorblades use_keyless: true protocol: http active: true proxy: target_url: https://countries.trevorblades.com listen_path: /trevorblades strip_listen_path: true graphql: enabled: true execution_mode: proxyOnly schema: | directive @cacheControl(maxAge: Int, scope: CacheControlScope) on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT | INTERFACE enum CacheControlScope { PUBLIC PRIVATE } type Continent { code: ID! name: String! countries: [Country!]! } input ContinentFilterInput { code: StringQueryOperatorInput } type Country { code: ID! name: String! native: String! phone: String! continent: Continent! capital: String currency: String languages: [Language!]! emoji: String! emojiU: String! states: [State!]! } input CountryFilterInput { code: StringQueryOperatorInput currency: StringQueryOperatorInput continent: StringQueryOperatorInput } type Language { code: ID! name: String native: String rtl: Boolean! } input LanguageFilterInput { code: StringQueryOperatorInput } type Query { continents(filter: ContinentFilterInput): [Continent!]! continent(code: ID!): Continent countries(filter: CountryFilterInput): [Country!]! country(code: ID!): Country languages(filter: LanguageFilterInput): [Language!]! language(code: ID!): Language } type State { code: String name: String! country: Country! } input StringQueryOperatorInput { eq: String ne: String in: [String] nin: [String] regex: String glob: String } """The `Upload` scalar type represents a file upload.""" scalar Upload playground: enabled: true path: /playground ```

Universal Data Graph - Stitching REST with GraphQL

```yaml apiVersion: tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1 kind: ApiDefinition metadata: name: udg spec: name: Universal Data Graph Example use_keyless: true protocol: http active: true proxy: target_url: "" listen_path: /udg strip_listen_path: true graphql: enabled: true execution_mode: executionEngine schema: | type Country { name: String code: String restCountry: RestCountry } type Query { countries: [Country] } type RestCountry { altSpellings: [String] subregion: String population: String } type_field_configurations: - type_name: Query field_name: countries mapping: disabled: false path: countries data_source: kind: GraphQLDataSource data_source_config: url: "https://countries.trevorblades.com" method: POST status_code_type_name_mappings: [] - type_name: Country field_name: restCountry mapping: disabled: true path: "" data_source: kind: HTTPJSONDataSource data_source_config: url: "https://restcountries.com/v2/alpha/{{ .object.code }}" method: GET default_type_name: RestCountry status_code_type_name_mappings: - status_code: 200 playground: enabled: true path: /playground ```

IDE Integration

API developers may add K8s extensions to popular IDEs to enjoy auto-completion while editing Tyk CRD YAML files. Here's the detail steps.

VS Code

Watch video tutorial here.

Steps 1. Go to the following link: 2. Click on Install. This will prompt you to open Visual Studios. 3. Click Open Visual Studios at the subsequent prompt. This will open VS Code and take you to the Extensions' section. 4. Click Install in the Kubernetes extension page. Note: The extension should take effect immediately. In case it doesn't, simply restart VS Code.


Steps 1. Open `Plugins` settings following official GoLand documentation 2. Install `Kubernetes` plugin () 3. Open GoLand `Preferences` as described [here](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/go/settings-preferences-dialog.html), 4. Go to `Languages & Frameworks > Kubernetes` 5. Click `Add URLs` and add `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-operator/{version_tag}/helm/crds/crds.yaml`, 1. For example, if you would like to use CRDs of `v0.9.0`, replace `{version_tag}` with `v0.9.0` and add 2. Please add CRDs of `master` for latest CRDs, as follows ![goland-support](./docs/img/goland-ide-support.gif) 6. Apply and save changes.


Tyk Operator is under active development.

We are building the operator to enable you to build and ship your APIs faster and more safely.

If you find any defects, please raise an issue. We welcome code contributions as well.

If you require any features that we have not yet implemented, please take your time to create a GitHub issue detailing your use case so that we may prioritise accordingly.

For larger and more in-depth feature requests, please consider starting an RFC thread in the Discussions area.