Tyler-pierce / ElasticFlow

A library to enable Flow to operate in a cluster similarly to EMR + Spark
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Computational distributable flows with stages.

Inspired by Flow, Spark, and Amazon's EMR. Elastic Flow provides the structure to distribute an enumerable data source to a cluster of servers and then aggregate into a result as data completes processing.

With Elastic Flow you create a Flow based program as normal; you'd then set your module in EF's config along with your master/slave setup. Work will then be distributed from master to your cluster to each server which are all running the same program on each server, as a single BEAM app. As work is completed the results are sent back to master to be aggregated. There are default aggregation methods but the common usage will be to define your own aggregate method.

This is currently in the working proof of concept stage. It fulfilled the author's (my) use case and as tested more is likely to be expanded on. There is included an example that can be run from within the library locally to simulate a distributed system, which is a great way to get a feel for the BEAM and Elastic Flow.

Scroll to the bottom if you wish to jump straight to an example.

Full Documentation


Add elastic_flow to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:elastic_flow, "~> 0.1.0"}

And run mix deps.get


Elastic Flow has a couple of required options; namely to set your master and slave node sname's, and the task function that will be run. There are also optional settings shown here and used in the Example App:

config :elastic_flow, 
  servers: %{
    :"yam1@baggy-the-cat" => :master, 
    :"yam2@baggy-the-cat" => :slave, 
    :"yam3@baggy-the-cat" => :slave
  task: {ElasticFlow.Example, :count_words},
  aggregator: {ElasticFlow.Example, :aggregate}, # Optional
  intercept: ElasticFlow.ExampleInterceptor, # Optional
  compress: false # Optional (`true` does not currently work if your data includes type Tuple)

More About EF Bits and Pieces


Jobs are organized as sequentially running steps. When you add a step you are adding a run of your program to a queue. If you continue to add jobs they will be queued up behind and run in order. One step is running at a time and the next starts automatically when the previous is completed.


At every step of the way (sending, receiving, aggregation, ..) receipts are left behind that can track specific portions of the work. These receipts are hashed together using the chunk of data's time of first conception, the amount of entries and the stage it came from. More importantly, they can be matched at any part of the journey from distribution to aggregation. Receipt matching could in theory be used to keep a soft real-time track on what work is completed or failed after the program is finished running.

In the future, receipts are hoped to carry enough data to be able to determine a retry on data. That way if a server fails, the data can be retried on whichever is available. Currently there is only enough there to see how much data was missed and from which server.


Run on the master node only; this takes the original data source, reads it into a Flow to distribute it via the master's sender to the clusters receivers. In the future different distribution methods will be able to be added. Currently some parts of the distribution Flow are customizable through configuration.


When processed data is returned to master, the aggregator runs an operation currently to countenance the data together as it arrives. The data needent be aggragated at all, if you only wish to record or emit a result for each piece or simply track when everything is completed. There are default aggregate functions included in the protocol lib/elastic_flow/aggregation/aggregation_protocol.ex, which may work for some basic use cases.

Senders and Receivers

Each node (master and slaves) have 1 sender and 1 receiver at the moment. All data that transfers between nodes is funneled through and casted from these processes. The sender will operate on data if necessary pre transfer, such as leaving out unnecessary info. The receiver will decompress if necessary and trigger an action such as running the flow program or aggregating results. Senders and receivers keep receipts of all throughput.


A configurable and exchangable library takes care of saving compressed data to disk. Saved files are organized by Step and named by the data's receipt that they represent. This data is saved to be used later for retries.


Let's run the example first! We can use the library on it's on before creating a full app. A word counter will be run, just like the example used in Flow's docs. Estimated time: 5 minutes.

Step 1: Clone the repository from github https://github.com/Tyler-pierce/ElasticFlow.git

terminal 1> mix deps.get

Step 2: Change the options in config/config.exs to use your computer name for the servers. The rest of the options are defaulted to use the word counting app.

config :elastic_flow, 
  servers: %{
    :"yam1@your-computer-name" => :master, 
    :"yam2@your-computer-name" => :slave, 
    :"yam3@your-computer-name" => :slave

Step 3: Now make sure you have 3 console windows/tabs open, and you can start your 3 'servers'

terminal 1> iex --sname yam1 --cookie yamrider -S mix run
terminal 2> iex --sname yam2 --cookie yamrider -S mix run
terminal 3> iex --sname yam3 --cookie yamrider -S mix run

Step 4: Run the convenience function to connect the servers (in production you'd have your cluster setup by your deployment or vm.args) and then run the program.

iex(yam1@your-computer-name)1> ElasticFlow.Example.setup()

iex(yam1@your-computer-name)1> ElasticFlow.Example.run()

# You should see a lot of output because of the example apps custom interceptor.  Check the other tabs and you should see yam2
and yam3 have received and sent data (and left receipts behind).  Feel free to take the interceptor out of the config to 
avoid the noise.

Step 5: Check your results!

iex(yam1@your-computer-name)1> ElasticFlow.Example.results()

  %{"first" => 7, "whole" => 14, ... }

And that's it. Have a look through the example folder code. I'll continue to update it as features progress so each integration point is obvious.


Last Release 0.0.2

This section contains a list of updates from the last release.