TylerTemp / docpie

An easy and Pythonic way to create your POSIX command line
MIT License
22 stars 1 forks source link

.. docpie .. README.rst


An easy and Pythonic way to create your POSIX command line

View on: GitHub <https://github.com/TylerTemp/docpie/> / PyPi <https://pypi.org/project/docpie/>

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/TylerTemp/docpie.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/TylerTemp/docpie

.. contents::


version 0.4.4:

change auto balance function, fix the issue that won't work for this case

.. code-block:: python

    cp [options] <source>... <target>



How do you define your command line interface? Write a parse by yourself or spend hours learning optparse / argparse , and modify both code side and document every time you update the interface?

Life is short, man! You can simply do it this way:

.. code:: python

""" My copy script

Usage: cp.py [options] cp.py [options] ...

Options: -h -? --help print this screen --version print the version of this script -v --verbose print more information while running """

from docpie import docpie args = docpie(doc) print(args)

Now run it

.. code:: bash

$ python cp.py a.txt b.txt c.txt /tmp {'--': False, '--help': False, '--verbose': False, '--version': False, '-?': False, '-h': False, '-v': False, '': ['a.txt', 'b.txt', 'c.txt'], '': '/tmp', '': None}

Write a __doc__, pass it to a function, DONE! Isn't it simple?

try it \>\> <http://docpie.comes.today/try?argvnofilestr=a.txt%20b.txt%20c.txt%20%2Ftmp&attachopt=on&attachvalue=on&auto2dashes=on&doc=My%20copy%20script%5Cn%5CnUsage%3A%5Cn%20%20cp.py%20%5Boptions%5D%20%3Csource_file%3E%20%3Ctarget_file%3E%5Cn%20%20cp.py%20%5Boptions%5D%20%3Csource_file%3E...%20%3Ctarget_directory%3E%5Cn%5CnOptions%3A%5Cn%20%20-h%20-%3F%20--help%20%20%20%20print%20this%20screen%5Cn%20%20--version%20%20%20%20%20%20%20print%20the%20version%20of%20this%20script%5Cn%20%20-v%20--verbose%20%20%20%20print%20more%20information%20while%20%20running&help=on&replace=on&stdopt=on>__


Install release version:

.. code:: python

pip install docpie

Install nightly/dev version:

.. code:: bash

pip install git+https://github.com/TylerTemp/docpie.git@dev

docpie has been tested with Python:

You can run test suit by python setup.py test

Get Start!

Interested? Visit Wiki <https://github.com/TylerTemp/docpie/wiki>__ and get start!

Or you can try it in your browser <http://docpie.comes.today/try/>__

Why docpie?

docpie can greatly reduce the work you need to be done for command-line interface. What you see is what you get. Every time you only need to update your document, and keep the code unchanged.

See here <https://github.com/TylerTemp/docpie/wiki/Why-docpie>__ for more reasons.


Many examples & tests are from docopt.


docpie is released under MIT-License <https://github.com/TylerTemp/docpie/blob/master/LICENSE>__


If you like this project, you can buy me a beer so I can make it better!

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.. image:: https://button.flattr.com/flattr-badge-large.png :target: https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=TylerTemp&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocpie.comes.today