TylerWoolcott / blockchain-developer-bootcamp-final-project

Blockchain developer bootcamp final project
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This is a final project for Consensys Blockchain Developer Bootcamp 2021. It is deployed on Ropsten at 0xdF41435F04AfF150e247ee3DFE55f25E03cc9ED0.

Link to the frontend website hosted on Vercel: https://frontend-nqk4sxecp-tylerwoolcott.vercel.app/

Link to video recording walking through the project: https://www.loom.com/share/bfd49915e06d408bac07b311df496755

My public Ethereum mainet Account (for NFT certificate): 0x4CF10E2B109389189a3FC334cf2aFcB7383b3df0

Table of Contents

About the Project

Problem Statement

Today Augmented Reality experiences are only accessible through siloed proprietary apps (eg. Instagram, TikTok). Creating AR content for social media 2.0 is quick and easy (eg. Lens Studio for Snapchat, Spark AR for Instagram) but it’s useless outside the app. Currently, AR NFT creators tend to send the AR component as a separate file (unlockable), which means no one else other than the collector can enjoy it, even though its ownership is secured on the blockchain. As such, AR remains a niche player in the NFT space. However, the viral success of AR face filters on closed social networks like Snapchat proves there is huge untapped potential for AR NFTs.


Alice wants to mint and interact with an augmented reality NFT and be able to transfer it to Bob.

Actual workflow:

Alice goes in the web UI and submits a request through MetaMask to mint an AR NFT. Inputs include:

The smart contract mints an NFT to the Account Owner's Address.

Alice can then also transfer an NFT she owns to Bob's account. Inputs include:

The smart contract transfers the NFT from Alice to Bob.

Alice and Bob can check their NFT balance and also who owns a particular NFT by entering its TokenId.

Directory Structure

The root directory of the project contains the following sub-directories:



  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install Truffle
  3. Optional: install Ganache - you can use any blockchain emulator, but I will be using Ganache in the installation instructions
  4. Install MetaMask


git clone this repository to your local repo.

To start the dapp locally requires two separate tasks:

Starting the frontend

Navigate to the client directory:

cd client

Install the dependencies

npm install

Start the application

npm run start

In the browser, visit:


Deploying the smart contract

In a new terminal, navigate to the project root and install the project's dependencies

npm install

Deploying to a local development network

Start a local development blockchain on port 8545 by running:


In a new terminal, navigate to the project root and deploy the contract

truffle migrate --network development --reset

Important: After redeploying you will need to add the new address of OpenAR contract to App.js (line 6).

In the browser, visit:


Open MetaMask and select Network:

Localhost 8545

Import the private keys from Account(0) and Account(1) from ganache-cli to MetaMask to start testing.

Deploying to the Ropsten testnet

Use the .env.sample file to create a .env file in the project's root directory and add the following:



MNEMONIC="Your mnemonic here"

Open MetaMask and select Network:


Then deploy the contract:

truffle migrate --network ropsten --reset

Important: After redeploying you will need to add the new address of OpenAR contract to App.js (line 8). Copy the newly generated ABI file in the build directory located in the project root to src > utils > OpenAR.json

In the browser, visit:


Running the test suite

If not done already, start a local development blockchain on port 8545 by running:


To run the test suite simply enter the following command:

truffle test