Tymek / A3AC

Arma 3 Artillery Calculator
MIT License
8 stars 5 forks source link

Arma 3 Artillery Calculator

for manual fire without in-game Artillery Computer.

Last build: a3ac.vercel.app



If you don't know how to manual fire, watch this video tutorial.


  1. Artillery type
    • mortar (MK6 Mortar / Mobile Mortar Truck)
    • MLRS (M5 Sandstorm)
    • howitzer (2S9 Sochor / M4 Scorcher)
  2. Mode
    • map coordinates (default)
    • direct range
  3. Main input area
    • X/Y coordinates – 4 digits per field!
    • altitude / range in meters
  4. Adjustment
    • available (clickable) when yellow
    • in-game default key is F
  5. Elevation
    • in-game PageUp/PageDown
    • hold Shift for precise manipulation
  6. Direction
    • azimuth with up to 2 decilal places
  7. Estimated round travel time
    • in seconds

No "submit/calculate" button – live output triggered by every input change

How to run

Just download this and open www/index.html


You need to meet all standard requirements for android compilation with Cordova, or send files to build server.

cordova prepare

cordova build android

This is a legacy hobby project

Made on Foundation framework with AngularJS and some jQuery. Sorry for poorly structured and undocumented (except some comments in Polish) code. Some logic in HTML file. App was not made to be public at first. On the plus side, code is very short, with main js file ~150 lines.


Changes tracked from first public version (v2). Repository initialized on v2.03




2.02 RC

2.01 beta

Scheduled changes

Planned features