This Playground was created so viewers of Tim Beaudet's Indie Adventure could try out Track Builder and explore through various bugs to report.
It is there to allow Track Builder to choose the project area, since Track Builder can work on multiple games/projects.
Middle-mouse + mouse + WASD will fly camera around. (if the camera is automatically moving on middle mouse, try slightly resizing the screen; horizontally for left movement or vertically for up movement, or both :D)
TAB (changes mode, only testing Primary Editor Mode which has the "Scene Editor") Shortcuts (G)rab, (R)otate, (S)cale
If you submit an issue here for Track Builder stuff start it with: TrackBuilder: ...
like: TrackBuilder: Camera is stuck moving around
open_art_grass.png by "LuminousDragonGames" open_art_sand.png is grass with a yellow tint!