UAEU-IRI / std_googleAssistant

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google asssitant library documentation

Google Assistant Instructions

Inmoov Assembly Instructions (right hand and forearm)

Useful Links:

launch command:

python --project-id social-arm-69980 --device-model-id social-arm-69980-my-social-arm-9xnl96

Behaviours table

Behaviour Character Description
victory or peace sign 'v' close all fingers, but fully extend index and middle fingers
show number 1 '1' close all fingers, but fully extend index finger
show number 2 '2' same as victory sign
show number 3 '3' fully extend index, middle, and ring fingers. close remaining fingers
show number 4 '4' fully extend all fingers, but close the thumb
show number 5 '5' fully extend all fingers
Hand Wake up 'w' fully extends all fingers, or the wrist rotates 5 degrees clock wise and -5 degrees counter clockwise and back to zero degree (shake wrist)
Response Finish 'r' Relax fingers, fingers close a little
Count numbers from 1 to 5 'c' Extend one finger after another till all fingers is extended
thumb up 't' close all fingers but fully extend thumb
Hi 'h' extend and extend all fingers or move wrist
bye 'b' move wrist
close hand 'l' close all fingers
open hand 'o' fully extend all fingers
Play Rock Paper Scissor 'p' the hand choose randomly between rock paper scissor and user press buttons to decide his move
Play Memory Sequence 's' the hand do random numbers for example 345 and user try to remember and press buttons to decide the numbers sequence he remembered
Have a good day 'u' bye function

Behaviours table from ARD to RPI

Character Description
'l' play loss song
'w' play win song
't' play same song
'a' play loss song for memory game
'b' play win song for memory game
'c' count the number of fingers that arm have
'm' after we ask about hand sign of shaikh Mohammad
'i' hand sign of shaikh Mohammad "Win"
'v' hand sign of shaikh Mohammad "Victory"
'e' hand sign of shaikh Mohammad "Love"