UB-ES-2018 / etsy

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El entorno de desarrollo esta configurado con docker siguiendo los pasos de los chicos de capisde


You will need to have docker installed at your system and running


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Copy the env.example file to a new env file at the root of the project.
  3. Set the password for the database at the env file
  4. Build the containers: docker-compose build (add --no-cache to avoid problems)
  5. Run the containers: docker-compose up -d
  6. Test at your browser that http://localhost is up and running.

Access to docker containers:

  1. docker ps to get all containers information.
  2. 'docker exec -it "container_name" /bin/sh' to enter into the container.

Run manage.py:

  1. Enter to "etsy_web_1" container.
  2. 'cd' to "etsy/web/etsy/".
  3. 'python manage.py "command"'.


When 'docker-compose up', if database raises an error, check permissions in "postgres/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/etsy_web.sh". Detected related error also when doing migrations. If the problem persits, try to:

  1. Enter to the postgres container.
  2. psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER $DB_USER PASSWORD '$DB_PASS'"
  3. psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE $DB_NAME OWNER $DB_USER"
  4. Exit postgres container, enter to web's one and create superuser with 'python3 manage.py createsuperuser'

When 'docker-compose build' it may raise an error showing that "ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localunixsocket - is it running?", or similar. A solution to this may be adding docker to a security group, doing the following steps:

  1. 'sudo usermod -aG docker $USER'
  2. Login out and back in.