UBC-MDS / DSCI532_GROUP104_Movies

MIT License
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Visualization App Purpose

Our proposed project is a data visualization app. Investors and researchers can select a movie genre to find out the top 30 most experienced directors of that genre, and then review and compare individual director's statistics by filtering. The full proposal can be found in our proposal file.

App Description

The landing page of the app contains a bar chart of the top 30 most productive directors, and two line plots showing the ratings and profits of movies of these 30 directors across the years. With the genre dropdown menu, users can select a genre (i.e. Drama) to view the bar chart representing the number of movies from the top 30 most productive directors in that genre. Each movie is in a unique genre and there is no overlapping between genres. Then, users can click on a director's bar in the bar chart to get the corresponding movie ratings and profits in the line charts. Besides users can select multiple bars to compare different directors' movie ratings and profits. You can find the deployed app here: Directors Production Tracker milestone2 and milestone3.

APP Functionality

Users can first choose a genre to explore in the Genres dropdown menu. Then users get a bar chart showing the number of movies from the top 30 most productive directors in that genre. Now users can click on a director's bar to see his statistics (ratings and profits of his movies). To compare different directors, users can choose multiple directors by shift + click on corresponding bars. In the Ratings and Profits plots, each data point represents a single movie and points from the same director are linked by lines. If users hover the pointer over a data point, without clicking, a tooltip will appear to show the represented movie's title, director, genre, and ratings or profits.

App Sketch


We welcome all feedback and contributions. If you are interested in contributing to our app, please read our contributing document and our code of conduct. Our license outlines our permissions and copyright information for users.


This GitHub repository was created by Sarah Weber, Fanli Zhou, and Wenjiao Zou.