UBC-MDS / DSCI_532_Group114_SKEC

MIT License
0 stars 4 forks source link


@Chimaobi Amadi, Elliott Ribner, Shivam Verma, Xugang Zhong(Kirk)

Dashboard & Screenshot

This repository is to demonstrate an interactive visualization app developed on the data provided by the Vancouver Police Department (VPD). Our aim is to help spread awareness about Crimes in Vancouver and facilitate transparency of policing activity. Please have a look at the documents listed below to get into more details. We welcome improvements from anyone willing to contribute to our app to make it better. Also, please find below a rough sketch of the application for a quick walkthrough.

Screenshot of the Dashboard



Heroku Deployment

Please click here to view the final dashboard!

Key Documents:

App Proposal
Code of Conduct (CoC)

Folder Structure:

Data: This is where data resides
Img: Images of App designs
src: Contains all the source codes we have used to develop this app

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