Handle All Missing (Values)
pip install git+https://github.com/UBC-MDS/HAM_Python.git
Our package intends to explore the pattern of missing values in users' dataset and also imputes the missing values using several methods.
We decided to make this project because we have not found any package that handle both tasks in either R or Python. In R, we found Amelia and vis_dat package that only visualize the missing data and in Python we found fancyimpute that deals with missing value but does not have any visualization and missingno handle the visualization only. We thought this would be better package for users who do not have much experience in data wrangling.
Python 3
Currently, our package only handles continuous features.
todf(data_obj, col_names=None)
: convert a matrix to a data frame or returns the original input data frame
: a data frame or a numerical matrixcol_names
: a list of column names (default is None)col_names
is None, then returns a data frame with small letters ('a', 'b', ...) being column names. Otherwise returns a data frame with user-specified column names.Exploratory Function: use matplotlib and seaborn to plot patterns or proportions of missing values in the dataset:
: creates a heatmap that visualizes the missing values in the data setimpute_missing(dfm, col, method, missing_val_char)
: Impute the missing value in a specified column of a data frame or a numerical matrix
: a data frame or a numerical matrix with missing valuescol
: a column name (string)method
: a method name ("CC", "MIP", "DIP")missing_val_char
: missing value characters (np.nan, np.NaN, np.NAN, "", "?")compare_model()
: Compare summary statistics between various imputation methods
(ndarray) -- the original dataset with missing values that needs to be imputedfeature
(str) -- name of a specified feature from the original dataset containing missing values that need to be imputed
(str or list)-- the methods that users want to compare (default: ["CC","IMP"]) Supporting methods are: CC - Complete Case MIP - Imputation with mean value DIP - Imputation with median value
(str or float) -- missing value types. Supporting types are: NaN - Not a Number (np.nan, np.NaN, np.NAN) "" - Blank "?" - Question mark
Output: a summary table
Call the above function for several methods
Compare the summary statistics of what being imputed in the dataset using several available methods
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ham.ham import todf, impute_missing, compare_model, vis_missing
# (from HAM_Python.ham import ham)
raw_data = np.matrix([[1, 2, 3], [3, np.nan, 5], [9, 22, np.nan]])
raw_data = todf(raw_data, ["H", "A", "M"])
vis_missing(raw_data, missing_val_char = np.nan)
df = impute_missing(raw_data, 'A', "CC", np.NaN)
compare_model(raw_data, 'A', ("CC","MIP"), np.nan)
This package is also available in R