UBC-MDS / Ranimalsgonewild

Package of animal themed string functions
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This package is designed to demonstrate how basic features of text analysis can be utilized to analyze and represent a text file or string while applying a humorous lens (because what is data science without a dash of humor!). It counts the number of words from a text, calculates the average word length of that text, and returns an animal image corresponding to the average word length. It subsequently transforms the text into a wordcloud in block letters of the animal. We have included a bonus fourth function for fun, inspired by the popular childhood game - MadLibs.


Kyle Maj, Nagraj Rao, Morgan Rosenberg, Junrong Zhu


The development version of Ranimalsgonewild can be downloaded from from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Please note that the Ranimalsgonewild package has been tested on the following versions of the packages, and in case the codes do not work for you, please download the right version of the dependencies. Note that for wordcloud2, you need to download the development version of the package using the command devtools::install_github(“lchiffon/wordcloud2”).

devtools: Version 2.4.3
stringr: Version 1.4.0
graphics: Version 4.1.2
grDevices: Version 4.1.2
imager: Version 0.42.11
png: Version 0.1-7
RCurl: Version 1.98-1.5
XML: Version 3.99-0.8
htm2txt: Version 2.1.1
tm: Version 0.7-8
SnowballC: Version 0.7.0
wordcloud: Version 2.6
testthat: Version 3.1.1
wordcloud2: Version 0.2.2

If you get the following message below during downloading the Ranimalsgonewild package, please select Option “None”.

These packages have more recent versions available.
It is recommended to update all of them.
Which would you like to update?

 1: All                               
 2: CRAN packages only                
 3: None                              
 4: pillar   (1.6.5  -> 1.7.0 ) [CRAN]
 5: magrittr (2.0.1  -> 2.0.2 ) [CRAN]
 6: rlang    (0.4.12 -> 1.0.1 ) [CRAN]
 7: glue     (1.5.1  -> 1.6.1 ) [CRAN]
 8: fansi    (0.5.0  -> 1.0.2 ) [CRAN]
 9: cli      (3.1.0  -> 3.1.1 ) [CRAN]
10: tiff     (0.1-10 -> 0.1-11) [CRAN]
11: testthat (3.1.1  -> 3.1.2 ) [CRAN]

Enter one or more numbers, or an empty line to skip updates:

If you encounter an error message saying: “Error in load.image(filename) : could not find function ‘load.image’”, please make sure to run the following line to proceed:



This package can be used in conjunction with any code to read in multiple text files to analyze and compare whole corpuses (your software must call the Ranimalsgonewild functions for each text variable). Note that you must include the library before runnign any of these functions:



A vignette showing detailed use of the functions can be found here

Function 1: animalClassifier

This function takes a sequence of text(character), counts the words in the string, and then returns an animal type (character).

animalClassifier("I just caught a pikachu!")

Function 2: animalType

This function takes a sequence of text(str) and a species (str), determines the average word length (proxy for language complexity), and returns an animal image (jpg) corresponding to the average word length.

text <- "Pie's abundantly awesome"
species <- "Duck"
animal_rep <- animalType(species, text)

Function 3: wordCloud

This function takes a website link for which a wordcloud is to be generated as a text variable: text(character). It displays a wordcloud with the characters from the text of the website embedded onto a wordcloud image.

link = "https://www.britannica.com/place/Japan"

Function 4: textTransformer

This function takes a sequence of text(character) and a species(character), and randomly replaces a set number of words with a random animal.

text = "Your chances of being ambushed by a duck are low... but never zero!"

Fit within the R ecosystem:

While other fun packages with animal images exist, most are very basic. For example, the cowsay package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/cowsay/vignettes/cowsay_tutorial.html) makes it easy to print messages, warnings, or character strings with various animals and other creatures. However, we were unable to find any interactive, multidimensional comedic relief package, where users can input information, and receive dynamic humorous feedback in the form of cute and/or hilarious animals. Given how much time we all are spending in front of a computer screen during the pandemic, this package is an essential addition to the ecosystem promoting mental wellness through humor. By offering it as a package rather than a script, we also empower other developers to integrate this is as a fun injection to their coding projects.


Interested in contributing? Check out the contributing guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


Ranimalsgonewild was created by DSCI 524 - Team 16: Nagraj Rao, Junrong Zhu, Kyle Maj, Morgan Rosenberg

It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Ranimalsgonewild was created using the tutorial in The Whole Game