UBC-MDS / kmeaningfulR

DSCI 524 group 16: Package that implements k-means in R
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Have you ever encountered a dataset that seems to have different patterns in it? Have you ever tried to group similar things together in a dataset and to assign a new sample based on your findings?

We created kmeaningfulR to help solve such problems. kmeaningfulR is a R package that uses the k-means algorithm to find clusters and assign new data points to them. It also contains functions to help with data preprocessing, hyperparameter tuning and visualizing clusters.


You can install the released version of kmeaningfulR from github with


KmeaningfulR’s Place in the R Ecosystem

There already exist several packages that implement k-means clustering in R. Most notably there is the stats::kmeans implementation. There are also several functions for modified versions of k-means available in the ClusterR package. We are not trying to break new ground with kmeaningfulR, but rather to build a simple and lightweight implementation from scratch.


  1. preprocess(X) - Automatic dataset preprocessing: scales numerical features
  2. find_elbow(X) - Automatic hyperparameter tuning to select optimal number of clusters, k, according to silhouette score
  3. fit_assign(X, k) - Wrapper function that calls fit(X, k) and assign(X, centres)
    • fit(X, k) - finds centroid location for all of the k clusters
    • assign(X, centres) - assigns each example to a cluster
  4. show_clusters(X, centres) - Visualize clusters according to 2d PCA representation



#> Attaching package: 'kmeaningfulR'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     assign

# helper data X
X  <- array(c(0, 1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 1, 10, 11, 0, 1), dim = c(6,2))

# scale data
X_scaled <- preprocess(X)

# find optimal number of clusters
optimal_K <- find_elbow(X_scaled)

# find location of cluster centers
centers <- fit(X_scaled, optimal_K)

# assign label of nearest center to every point
labels <- assign(X_scaled,centers)

# plot a 2D PCA visualisation of the points clusters
# show_clusters(X_scaled, labels, centers)

Task Function
Scale numerical features preprocess(df)
Find list of centroid points fit(df, 3)
Assign new data point to cluster assign(df, array2d)
Find optimal number of cluster fit_elbow(X)
Visualize data coloured by cluster show_cluster(df, array2d)


The official documentation is hosted here: https://ubc-mds.github.io/kmeaningfulR/


This project was created by DSCI 524 Group 16:

We welcome and recognize all contributions. You can see a list of current contributors in the contributors tab.