UBC-MDS / safe_vancity

The Safe Vancity app consists of maps and plots on crime rates in Vancouver in 2021, which help you make safest housing choices!
MIT License
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barplot dash-plotly dashboard dropdown map tab

Welcome to Safe Vancity Dashboard App!

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Thank you for visiting the Safe Vancity app project repository. This is a Vancouver crime incidence app and we are your friendly, neighbourhood data scientists wanting to help you make the safest choice of location for your next forever or rental homes with the creation of this app.

The most recent version of the dashboard is available at the following link: Safe Vancity

In this document, we outline some information about the project. See sections below:


Being the largest city in British Columbia, Vancouver is an attractive city to call home for many. Reasons include its vast ethnic diversity, natural landscape, coastal, foresty, job market and so on. Despite the vibrant quality of this city, an important factor when deciding to live in a specific city depends on the safety of its neighborhoods, along with other factors such as access to essential services, cost of living etc. Research evidence has shown that crime types have had significant changes during COVID at neighborhood levels in Vancouver (Anderson and Hodgkinson 2022). For example, assault cases, arson and robbery have increased in Vancouver’s Downtown core, Strathcona and Mount Pleasant areas. At VanRealtor, we wanted to offer our clients the decision to choose their next neighborhood to move, rent or visit while being aware of the crimes statistics of the city.


The Safe Vancity app is an interactive platform that provides an overview of the crime reports across various Vancouver neighborhoods, based on 2021 crime statistics data. This dashboard aims to help people make decisions when considering their next trip or move to Vancouver, BC, via visually exploring a dataset of crime statistics from last year. We are currently only reporting incidence in 2021 for the ease of usage of the app and may incorporate past year's data at a later stage. The dashboard also provides summaries of important metrics related to crime statistics and allows users to filter information by geological location, crime type, crime category (violent vs property crimes), and time of the crime (month, weekday).

App Description and Implementation

The Safe Vancity app opens to a landing page with three plots. In the bottom left-hand side we have added all the filters in dropdown lists which includes crime types, neighbourhoods, month, and weekday. By selecting a neighbourhood, all the plots in the app will display metrics related to that neighbourhood.

For example, selecting "Mount Pleasant" as neighbourhood, the dashboard will display the crime density in this neighbourhood in the map plot on the top left of the screen, total reported cases in Mount Pleasant by crime type and crime category in the bottom bar plot, and the number of crimes by weekday in Mount Pleasant in the top-right bar plot.

App Design


Implementation and user guide

  1. Usage of the crime density map

App sketch

  1. Usage of total reported cases by crime category plot

App sketch

  1. Usage of total reported cases by day of the week plot

App sketch

Run the app locally

First clone the repo and then run this code block:

cd safe_vancity
docker-compose up

Finally, open the app in the following URL


If you run into trouble, please check the issues to see if your problem has already been reported or to open new issues. We are here to help!

Get Involved

We recognize and welcome all contributors.

Interested in contributing to our dashboard?

Check out the contributing guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

Code of Conduct

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. Detailed descriptions of these points can be found in the Code of Conduct.

About us

Names and GitHub @usernames of developers listed below:

This app was developed as part of the course requirement for DSCI 532 - Data Visualization II course in the Master of Data Science program at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.


safe_vancity was created by Arlin Cherian, Victor Francis and Wanying Ye. It is licensed under the terms of the License: MIT


Anderson, M., and T. Hodgkinson. 2022. “Andresen MA, Hodgkinson t. In a World Called Catastrophe: The Impact of COVID-19 on Neighbourhood Level Crime in Vancouver, Canada [Published Online Ahead of Print, 2022 Jan 9]. J Exp Criminol. 2022;1-25. Doi:10.1007/S11292-021-09495-6.” Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1–25.