UBC-Solar / sunlink

UBC Solar's radio and cellular-based telemetry system
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link
data-visualization docker grafana influxdb observability python telemetry

UBC Solar's Sunlink

Sunlink is UBC Solar's radio and cellular-based telemetry system. It allows us to process, store, and visualize data produced by our solar cars in real-time.

Collecting and visualizing this data is useful since it allows for:

  1. Optimizing drive performance
  2. Debugging on-board electronic systems
  3. Verifying race-strategy simulation models
  4. Enabling continuous race-strategy simulation recalculations
  5. Post-mortem system analysis

This repository contains all of the components that make up Sunlink.

Table of contents

Directory structure

System overview

Below is a complete block diagram of all system components:

Sunlink high-level architecture

Telemetry cluster

The telemetry cluster forms the core of Sunlink. The cluster consists of three Docker containers:

  1. Parser - implemented as a Flask server which exposes an HTTP API that accepts parse requests.
  2. InfluxDB - the database instance that stores the time-series parsed telemetry data.
  3. Grafana - the observability framework that allows building dashboards for data visualization.

Radio and cellular

There are two technologies that our cars utilize to transmit data: radio and cellular. Due to differences in the way these work, they interact with the telemetry cluster in slightly different ways.

The cellular module on Daybreak runs MicroPython and can make HTTP requests which means it can communicate with the telemetry cluster directly.

The radio module, however, is more complicated. It can only send a serial stream to a radio receiver. This radio receiver, when connected to a host computer, makes the stream of bytes coming from the radio transmitter available over a serial port. Unfortunately, this still leaves a gap between the incoming data stream and the telemetry cluster.

This is where the link_telemetry.py script (AKA the telemetry link) comes in. Its main function is to bridge the gap between the incoming data stream and the telemetry cluster by splitting the data stream into individual messages, packaging each message in a JSON object, and finally making an HTTP request to the cluster.

NOTE: the only way for a data source (e.g., radio, cellular, etc.) to access the telemetry cluster is to make HTTP requests to the parser. No direct access to the Influx or Grafana containers is available. Only the parser can directly communicate with those services.

A detailed description of all system components is given here.

Getting started

When attempting to set up Sunlink, it is important to decide whether you want to set up both the telemetry cluster and telemetry link or just the telemetry link.

Automated Sunlink Telemetry Cluster Setup

This includes a bash script to automate the setup of Sunlink with Nginx as a reverse proxy to spin up Docker containers for the telemetry cluster. The setup.sh script and the few manual steps within it will result sunlink completely setup for the user. This means that the script will provide all the instructions necessary..


The setup.sh script simplifies the process of installing dependencies and setting up Sunlink. This additionally configures Nginx and Docker to manage your telemetry cluster. It sets up Nginx as a reverse proxy, enabling seamless communication between your Docker containers.

Script Summary

The setup.sh script:


If you would like a fresh copy of the Kvaser drivers and SDK for Linux then run sudo make uninstall in the linuxcan/ and kvlibsdk/ folders and then delete them afterwords. Of course, make sure to type y when prompted to install Kvaser drivers and SDK in the setup script.

  1. Download the Script

    Download the setup.sh script into the directory where you want to set up the telemetry cluster:

    curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UBC-Solar/sunlink/main/setup.sh

[!NOTE] Before running the command below if you are on WSL2 the enter n (No) to the prompt asking to install Kvaser's kvlibsdk and linuxcan drivers. This is because we currently cannot install these drivers on WSL2 but we are able to on a machine with a Linux boot.

[!IMPORTANT] If you enter No to the Kvaser Driver Download it will comment out a line which requires the kvaser drivers to be installed. This is to eliminate an error that says the driver is uninstalled. Note that if you have the driver ALREADY installed and click No it will still comment out this line.

  1. Run Script

    To run the script, simply enter the following command:


[!NOTE] If the script does not have permission to execute then run chmod +x setup.sh to enable execution.

Telemetry cluster setup

Since the telemetry cluster consists of three Docker containers that are spun up with Docker Compose, it can easily be deployed on any (although preferably Linux) system.

This means that there are two possibilities for running the telemetry cluster. You may either run it locally or remotely. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Local cluster Remote cluster
Cluster runs on the same host as the telemetry link Cluster runs on a different host as the telemetry link
Total pipeline latency from data source to cluster is very small (~5ms) Total pipeline latency from data source to cluster is higher (~200ms)
Ideal for time-sensitive control board debugging Allows for a centralized, Internet-accessible storage location for parsed data
Useful for when an Internet connection is unavailable/unreliable Access to the cluster requires an Internet connection
Only supports radio as a data source Supports both radio and cellular as a data source

Whether you're setting up the cluster locally or remotely, the setup instructions are exactly the same.

NOTE: at some point in the future, I envision being able to run a local and remote cluster concurrently. The telemetry link would then be able to decide which cluster to access depending on Internet connectivity. Currently, there's nothing stopping you from spinning up both a local and remote cluster, but the telemetry link cannot dynamically switch between them at runtime.


How to Install Linux PCAN Drivers

This assumes you are using Ubuntu 22.04 desktop. The purpose of this section is to fix issues where can0 (or just canX in general) is not being detected/initialized by the system. A common reason for this issue is the bay computer shutting down, and, upon start up the CAN drivers suddenly stop working. The specific error message may say: Cannot find device "can0".

  1. Go to Linux PCAN Driver and scroll down until you see the When to Use the Package section.
  2. There, click Download Driver Package and open the documentation on the side. Note: Their documentation contains all commands explained below so you can follow that as well. However, their guide contains many other commands and options which may be confusing so continue reading for Solar's driver installation guide.
  3. With the zipped driver package downloaded, we will now extract it. To do this, first open a terminal inside the directory (likely Downloads) which contains the zipped file.
  4. Run tar -xzf peak-linux-driver-X.Y.Z.tar.gz where X.Y.Z is the version number of the driver package (see the name of your zip file inside your file explorer).
  5. Now change directories to the extracted folder by running cd peak-linux-driver-X.Y.Z.
  6. Run make clean to get rid of any pre-built binaries that could be outdated.
  7. Now run make netdev to build the driver package.
  8. Next we will install the built binaries into our system. To do this, run sudo make install.
  9. Finally run sudo modprobe pcan to load the driver into the kernel.

Aside: Using Sunlink with WSL2


Follow these instructions to attach a USB device to a Linux distribution running on WSL 2:

  1. Follow the instructions in the link above to install the USBIPD-WIN project as support for connecting USB devices is not natively available in WSL.
  2. Follow the instructions in the same link to attach the USB device.

[!NOTE] This has to be done every time WSL2 is restarted.

The commands to attatch a USB device to WSL2 are as follows:

  1. usbipd list: Lists all the connected USB devices.
  2. usbipd bind --busid <BUSID>: Binds a specifc USB device. For the radio module's USB look for something that says serial in it.
  3. usbipd attach --wsl --busid <BUSID>: Attachs the USB device to WSL2.

Additionally, to avoid getting Permission Denied errors when trying to access /dev/ttyUSB0 run the following commands to add your WSL2 user to the tty and dialout groups:

  1. sudo usermod -a -G tty $USER
  2. sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
  3. Restart WSL2

The setup script should have already setup sunlink for you. As such we will just confirm our Python version and Docker compose version:

Check your Python installation by running:

python --version

NOTE: In some cases, your python interpreter might be called python3.

Check your Docker Compose installation by running:

sudo docker compose version

[!NOTE] If you plan to use the offline mode with the linktelemetry.py script, please see the below settings for VirtualBox and bringing up the CAN interface

Add PCAN USB port to Ubuntu from Virtual Box settings:

Battery state

Bringing CAN interface up:

$ sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000
$ sudo ip link set up can0

NOTE: Make sure you added the usb port for PCAN on the Ubuntu from the settings.

Check if PCAN is connected properly:

candump -H -td -x -c can0

This should output what is on the PCAN at the moment.

Setup Script Explanation: How our environment variables are set up:

The ./setup.sh script already created a .env file for you in the same directory are as the docker-compose.yaml file). When you open the .env file it follows this template:

# Grafana environment variables


# InfluxDB environment variables



# Needed to Initialize InfluxDB

# Parser secret key

# Access tokens


The setup script will then fill in the fields based on your inputs (like API tokens and credentials) so that the final .env looks like the following:

# Grafana environment variables


# InfluxDB environment variables



# Needed to Initialize InfluxDB

# Secret key


# Access tokens


For the passwordsm ensure they are long enough when you input them in the setup script otherwise Grafana and InfluxDB will reject them.

The SECRET_KEY field must be generated.

:warning: WARNING: Make sure not to change the INFLUX_ORG, INFLUX_INIT_BUCKET, and INFLU_DEBUG_BUCKET variables from their defaults since that might break the provisioned Grafana dashboards.

Setup Script Explanation: How our secret key was set up

The SECRET_KEY variable defines the key that the parser will look for in the authentication headers for any HTTP request sent to it. Because the parser API is exposed over the internet, the secret key authentication is a simple form of access control.

The way we generated the value for the SECRET_KEY variable in the script is by using Python's secrets package and then executing the following:

import secrets

When you run this code it will output 'dsdsxt12pr364s4isWFyu3IBcC392hLJhjEqVvxUwm4' which is your generated secret key

Setup Script Explanation: Starting the telemetry cluster

Once the script fills your .env file it will start up the telemetry cluster by running:

sudo docker compose up

Aside: handy docker commands

Command Description
sudo docker ps Lists all running containers.
sudo docker compose stop Stops all running containers defined in Compose file.
sudo docker compose restart Restarts all running containers defined in Compose file.
sudo docker compose up -d Spins up all containers in detached mode (i.e., in the background).
sudo docker exec -it <CONTAINER_NAME> /bin/bash Starts a shell instance inside <CONTAINER_NAME>.
sudo docker system df Shows docker disk usage (includes containers, images, volumes, etc.). Useful when checking how much space the InfluxDB volume is taking.

Setup Script Explanation: API tokens

The script will run the docker contianers which results in the InfluxDB container binding to port 8086, the Grafana container binding to port 3000, and the parser container binding to port 5000.

As such you should be able to access InfluxDB, Grafana, and the parser at http://localhost:8086, http://localhost:3000, and http://localhost:5000 respectively.

The script will also prompt you to enter in the API tokens for Grafana and InfluxDB by asking you to:

Both the InfluxDB API docs and Grafana API docs provide detailed guides on how to create API tokens for each platform.

NOTE: both the InfluxDB and Grafana token need to be given write access since the telemetry link uses them to write data to the InfluxDB bucket and the Grafana Live endpoint. Ensure that the Grafana token has admin access since live-streaming data will not work otherwise.

Once you enter these values into the script it will run the following to restart the telemetry cluster:

sudo docker compose stop
sudo docker compose up

NOTE: You may also try using sudo docker compose restart but sometimes it causes Grafana to be unable to authorize its connection to InfluxDB.

Checking your setup

Now that you've finished setting up the cluster, you need to check that everything is up and running. The quickest way to do this would be to use cURL to query the health endpoint that the parser exposes. This does require HTTP authentication so make sure you have access to the SECRET_KEY variable in your .env file by opening it and copying the key.

Assuming the value of my SECRET_KEY was dsdsxt12pr364s4isWFyu3IBcC392hLJhjEqVvxUwm4 and the parser was available on localhost:5000/, my cURL command would look like:

curl --get localhost:5000/api/v1/health -H "Authorization: Bearer dsdsxt12pr364s4isWFyu3IBcC392hLJhjEqVvxUwm4"

If all your tokens are correctly set up, the parser should return the following:

    "services": [
            "name": "influxdb",
            "status": "UP",
            "url": "http://influxdb:8086/"
            "name": "grafana",
            "status": "UP",
            "url": "http://grafana:3000/"

Telemetry link setup

The telemetry link must be set up on the host machine on which the radio receiver is connected. This links the radio module to the telemetry cluster and enables using radio as a data source.


If you ran the setup script then you will not need to clone the repository as it does the cloning and full Telemetry Link setup for you. Otherwise you need to run the following:

git clone https://github.com/UBC-Solar/sunlink.git

Check your Python installation by running:

python --version

NOTE: In some cases, your python interpreter might be called python3.

Setup Script Explanation: How we create a Python virtual environment

The script will create a Python virtual environment to avoid breaking your system-installed version of Python. It will name your virtual environment folder as envirobment and makes use of the following commands to initilaize the environment:

cd sunlink/
python -m venv environment

The next step would be to activate the environment, however, since the script runs in a separate shell (terminal) from the one you ran it in, doing source environment/bin/activate within the script won't work. This is why at the very end of the setup script, one of the instructions it asks you to manually perfomr is running source environment/bin/activate so you activiate the environment in the temrinal you are in. Note if you are on windows the command looks like: .\environment\Scripts\Activate.ps1, however, the script will not default to this if you use windows (we require dual booted Linux or at least WSL).

Aside from the script if you wnat to exit your virtual environment run:


Installing Python package requirements

After creaitng the virtual environment, the script directs you to to install the package requirements for link_telemetry.py, go to the root directory, and execute:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If that does not work try

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

All the required packages for link_telemetry.py should now be installed.

Setup Script Explanation: Telemetry link configuration

The link_telemetry.py script expects a telemetry.toml file in the same directory as it. This is where the setup.sh script comes in and creates that for you. The template it follows can be found in the /templates folder. If you want to do it manually copy this template file into the project root directory and rename it to telemetry.toml.

An example telemetry.toml would look like:

url = ""

secret_key = "dsdsxt12pr364s4isWFyu3IBcC392hLJhjEqVvxUwm4"

channel = "can0"
bitrate = "500000"

The parser.url field specifies the URL where the script can find the telemetry cluster parser. Note that the ./setup.sh script will set up the toml with the parser running on localhost port 5000 so the url is http://localhost:5000/.

The security.secret_key field specifies the secret key to use in the HTTP authentication headers when making a request to the parser.

This secret key must match with the secret key configured for the telemetry cluster parser that you are trying to communicate with. The script will take care of this.

If you set up the telemetry cluster locally then you already have access to this secret key. If the telemetry cluster was set up for you, ask your software lead for the secret key.

The offline.channel and offline.bitrate fields specify the channel and bitrate of the PCAN. The script will also fill in these.

[!IMPORTANT] The [offline] fields are only required if you plan to use the offline mode with PCAN.

Running Link Telemetry

Make sure you've entered your virtual environment before trying to run the script.

link_telemetry.py takes many command-line arguments. The best way to learn what each one does is to look at the help menu:

./link_telemetry.py --help

Here are some example invocations:

Command Description
./link_telemetry.py --health Checks if the parser is available.
./link_telemetry.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 230400 --prod Specifies a source port of /dev/ttyUSB0 with a baudrate of 230400 and requests the parser to write to the CAN InfluxDB bucket.
./link_telemetry.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 230400 --no-write Specifies a source port of /dev/ttyUSB0 with a baudrate of 230400 and requests the parser to only parse and not write data to InfluxDB.
./link_telemetry.py -r all --debug Makes the link randomly generate message data for CAN, GPS, and IMU (all) and requests the parser to write to the debug InfluxDB bucket.
./link_telemetry.py -r can --debug Makes the link randomly generate message data for can) and requests the parser to write to the debug InfluxDB bucket.
./link_telemetry.py -r all --live-on 0x401 1795 IMU --debug Makes the link randomly generate message data for CAN, GPS, and IMU (all), requests the parser to write to the debug InfluxDB bucket, and livestreams only message ID 0x401 (hex), 1795 (decimal), and IMU messages to Grafana
./link_telemetry.py -r all --live-off --debug Makes the link randomly generate message data for CAN, GPS, and IMU (all), requests the parser to write to the debug InfluxDB bucket, and livestreams nothing to Grafana.
./link_telemetry.py -r all --live-on all --debug Makes the link randomly generate message data for CAN, GPS, and IMU (all), requests the parser to write to the debug InfluxDB bucket, and livestreams all data to Grafana.
./link_telemetry.py -r can -f 100 --debug Makes the link randomly generate CAN message data at 100Hz and requests the parser to write to the debug InfluxDB bucket.
./link_telemetry.py -o --debug Makes the link to recieve data from PCAN and requests the parser to write to the debug InfluxDB bucket.
./link_telemetry.py -o --prod Makes the link to recieve data from PCAN and requests the parser to write to the CAN InfluxDB bucket.
./link_telemetry.py -o --raw Will print out the hexified serial messages that will be sent to the parser in the message field of the payload
./link_telemetry.py -o --rawest This prints the exact CHUNK_SIZE of data received from serial as a hex string. Because of the chunking algorithm, the chunk may have incomplete messages

Previously, the --prod option would write to the production InfluxDB bucket. This has been changed to write to the CAN InfluxDB bucket as CAN is currently the only source of data source that is supported in Sunlink. Soon, other buckets will be added along with support for other data sources including GPS, IMU, and VDS (Vehicle Dynamics Sensors) data. New buckets must be created with shell scripts, similar to in the script scripts/create-influx_debug-bucket.sh. The .env file must also contain the name for the bucket created on telemetry.ubcsolar.com:8086. The parser script must be modified to support posting data to new buckets.

Running the Offline Log Uploader

The offline log uploader will use the MemoratorUploader script in the tools/ folder to read the contents of the SD card on the Memorator and then upload those messages to InfluxDB. There are two options for this: -u fast and -u all. -u fast will only upload one Log File Container (1 .KMF file will be read). In -u all all 15 .KMF files on the SD card will be read and their data will be uploaded. Note: data is sent to the _log suffixed bucket.

[!IMPORTANT] It is highly recommended to run this script in a separate terminal (not using a terminal in VSCode). From experience the program is prone to crashing when running the upload script in a VSCode terminal.

./link_telemetry.py -u fast
./link_telemetry.py -u all

Running the tests

To run the parser tests, make sure you're in your virtual environment, go to the project root directory, and execute:

python -m pytest

Currently, the test framework only tests that the parser parses CAN messages as expected. It does not test any other part of Sunlink.


Refer to API.md for the full documentation of the endpoints that the parser exposes.


Here are some screenshots of real data gathered from Daybreak using Sunlink:

Battery state

Battery voltages

Current setpoint and bus current

Current setpoint and vehicle velocity

Vehicle velocity and motor velocity