Stud.UCLouvain is an application designed to accompany UCLouvain students in their daily life on campus.
Contributions are welcome for any good feature.
[WIP] Possible major update (+ migration to Ionic_v4) :
Download nodejs from It will install node
and npm
node -v
- should be >= 12.0.0
npm -v
- should be >= 6.0.0
For iOS, update XCode version to 8.0 or higher
Get Google Maps API keys :
Clone this repository
Install Ionic, cordova
$ npm install -g ionic cordova@^9
or update Ionic
$ npm uninstall -g ionic cordova
$ npm install -g ionic cordova@^9
Install node_modules
$ npm install
Replace the values of "myapikeyforandroid" and "myapikeyforios" by the keys you created in the Google Console, in the file StudUCLouvain/config.xml
<preference name="GOOGLE_MAPS_ANDROID_API_KEY" value="myapikeyforandroid"/>
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-googlemaps">
<variable name="API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID" value="myapikeyforandroid" />
<variable name="API_KEY_FOR_IOS" value="myapikeyforios" />
Replace the value of "myapikey" by your Javascript key in the file StudUCLouvain/src/app/variables-config.ts
$ ionic cordova build <platform>
$ ionic cordova build <platform> --prod
$ ionic cordova build <platform> --prod --release
$ ionic serve
$ cordova prepare
$ ionic cordova platform add <android/iOS>
$ ionic cordova run <android/iOS>
For iOS, a Mac device is mandatory.
To run the unit tests
$ npm test
To run the E2E tests
$ ionic serve
$ npm run e2e
Contributions are welcome!
Stud.UCLouvain is available under the GNU/GPLv3 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.