UCSF-CBI / c4-ondemand-interactive-apps

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Interactive Applications for OnDemand on the UCSF C4 Cluster

This repository holds the configuration for the UCSF C4 OnDemand services. Open OnDemand provides access to high-performance-compute (HPC) resources via the web browser, e.g. a file management, a command-line shell, a graphical desktop environment, job scheduler management, and access popular graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The C4 OnDemand service, currently provides:

These services are launched automatically via the C4 job scheduler and will run on a compute node that can meet the requests resource specifications.

Deployment instructions from c4-ondemand[1-2]


Since this is a core Open OnDemand application, it is treated differently from the rest.

  1. Log in as ansible
  2. cd repositories
  3. git pull origin main
  4. cd ~/repositories/c4-ondemand-interactive-apps/bc_desktop/etc/ood/config/apps
  5. sudo cp -Rf bc_desktop/ /etc/ood/config/apps/

RStudio Server

  1. Log in as ansible
  2. cd repositories
  3. git pull origin main
  4. cd ~/repositories/c4-ondemand-interactive-apps
  5. sudo cp -Rf RStudio/ /var/www/ood/apps/sys/

Jupyter Notebook

  1. Log in as ansible
  2. cd repositories
  3. git pull origin main
  4. cd ~/repositories/c4-ondemand-interactive-apps
  5. sudo cp -Rf jupyter/ /var/www/ood/apps/sys/
