Injectable LUA scripting system, SDK generator, live property editor and other dumping utilities for UE4/5 games
MIT License
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[BUG - Release] Palworld v0.2.0.6 Dedicated servers refuse connections if UE4SS is installed. #452

Closed StrikerMan780 closed 5 months ago

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

Branch or Release 3.0.1

Game and Engine Version Palworld v0.2.0.6. Unreal Engine 5.

Describe the bug Dedicated servers seem to either refuse connections if UE4SS is installed, even without any additional mods. bUseObjectArrayCache is set to false, and it still refuses to work. Removing UE4SS stops the issue.

Mods directory Just stock UE4SS Mods folder.

To Reproduce

  1. Install UE4SS on a windows Palworld v0.2.0.6 server.
  2. Try to join it. It'll time out. It won't let you connect. RCON command still work, so it seems the server still runs.

Expected behavior Being able to connect.

Screenshots, UE4SS Log, and .dmp file

[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Console created
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] UE4SS - v3.0.1 Beta #0 - Git SHA #d935b5b
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] UE4SS Build Configuration: Game__Shipping__Win64 (MSVC)
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Setting up mods...
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)...
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)...
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] No specific game configuration found, using default configuration file
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Config: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS-settings.ini

[2024-04-04 20:35:15] root directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] working directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] game executable directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] game executable: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe (140991488 bytes)

[2024-04-04 20:35:15] mods directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] log directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] object dumper directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64

[2024-04-04 20:35:15] PS Scan attempt 1
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] [PS] Reading image
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] [PS] Starting scan
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Scan finished in 210.9865ms
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found EngineVersion: 5.1
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found GUObjectArray: 0x7ff6d873fdd0
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found GMalloc: 0x7ff6d8667768
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found FName::ToString: 0x7ff6d30f02e0
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found FName::FName(wchar_t*): 0x7ff6d30df520
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found StaticConstructObject_Internal: 0x7ff6d3288810
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found FText::FText(FString&&): 0x7ff6d3010ac0
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] PS scan successful
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Class
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Struct
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Pawn
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Character
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Actor
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Vector
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Default__DefaultPawn
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.HitResult
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Default__MaterialExpression
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.ActorComponent
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.OrientedBox
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.MovementComponent
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.HUD
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.PlayerController
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.PlayerCameraManager
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.EInterpCurveMode
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.ENetRole
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/MovieScene.MovieSceneEditorData
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/UMG.Widget
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/UMG.ComboBoxString
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Interface
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.DynamicClass
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [1 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Class
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [2 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [3 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Struct
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [4 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Pawn
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [5 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Character
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [6 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Actor
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [7 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Vector
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [8 / 23]: /Script/Engine.HitResult
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [9 / 23]: /Script/Engine.ActorComponent
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [10 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.OrientedBox
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [11 / 23]: /Script/Engine.MovementComponent
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [12 / 23]: /Script/Engine.HUD
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [13 / 23]: /Script/Engine.PlayerController
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [14 / 23]: /Script/Engine.PlayerCameraManager
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [15 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.EInterpCurveMode
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [16 / 23]: /Script/Engine.ENetRole
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [17 / 23]: /Script/MovieScene.MovieSceneEditorData
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [18 / 23]: /Script/UMG.Widget
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [19 / 23]: /Script/UMG.ComboBoxString
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [20 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Interface
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [21 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.DynamicClass
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [22 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Default__DefaultPawn
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [23 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Default__MaterialExpression
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Constructed 23 of 23 objects
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] ProcessInternal address: 0x7ff6d32672b0 <- Built-in
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] ProcessLocalScriptFunction address: 0x7ff6d3267360 <- Built-in
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UnrealConfig.FExecVTableOffsetInLocalPlayer: 28
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Unreal Engine modules (non-modular):
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] MainExe @ 0x7ff6d04b0000 size=0x8bbc000
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] 

[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ClassPrivate = 0x10
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::InternalIndex = 0xC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::EngineShowFlags = 0xB8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::AutoReceiveInput = 0x153
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::World = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ObjectFlags = 0x8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnEndCursorOver = 0x1D6
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CustomTimeDilation = 0x64
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NamePrivate = 0x18
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAllowTickBeforeBeginPlay = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bForceNetAddressable = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::InputPriority = 0x154
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OuterPrivate = 0x20
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetTemporary = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ActorHasBegunPlay = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchEnd = 0x1DA
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHasDeferredComponentRegistration = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::AttachmentReplication = 0x70
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Children = 0x188
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::DetachFence = 0x280
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CreationTime = 0x158
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::DefaultUpdateOverlapsMethodDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5F
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::InitialLifeSpan = 0x60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Tags = 0x1C0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::InputComponent = 0x160
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnTakePointDamage = 0x1D1
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::LastRenderTime = 0x17C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::RemoteRole = 0x68
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Layers = 0x1A8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::MinNetUpdateFrequency = 0x174
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::TimerHandle_LifeSpanExpired = 0x1A0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnTakeAnyDamage = 0x1D0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetCullDistanceSquared = 0x168
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnActorEndOverlap = 0x1D4
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetDormancy = 0x151
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetDriverName = 0x148
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetTag = 0x16C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetPriority = 0x178
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::PrimaryActorTick = 0x28
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetUpdateFrequency = 0x170
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnClicked = 0x1D7
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnActorBeginOverlap = 0x1D3
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnActorHit = 0x1DD
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::StatHitchesData = 0x390
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnBeginCursorOver = 0x1D5
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnDestroyed = 0x1DE
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchEnter = 0x1DB
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHasAudioFocus = 0xFC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnEndPlay = 0x1DF
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchBegin = 0x1D9
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchLeave = 0x1DC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnReleased = 0x1D8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnTakeRadialDamage = 0x1D2
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Owner = 0x140
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ParentComponent = 0x1B8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::RayTracingGroupId = 0x6C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ReplicatedComponentsInfo = 0x1F0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ReplicatedMovement = 0xD0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::UpdateOverlapsMethodDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ReplicatedSubObjects = 0x1E0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Role = 0x150
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::RootComponent = 0x198
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::SpawnCollisionHandlingMethod = 0x152
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetStartup = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorIsBeingConstructed = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorBeginningPlayFromLevelStreaming = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAllowReceiveTickEventOnDedicatedServer = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIsMouseOverClient = 0x39D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorEnableCollision = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorInitialized = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorIsBeingDestroyed = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorSeamlessTraveled = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorWantsDestroyDuringBeginPlay = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAlwaysRelevant = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAsyncPhysicsTickEnabled = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAutoDestroyWhenFinished = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bBlockInput = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCallPreReplication = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCallPreReplicationForReplay = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCanBeDamaged = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCanBeInCluster = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCollideWhenPlacing = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHasRegisteredAllComponents = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bEnableAutoLODGeneration = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bExchangedRoles = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bGenerateOverlapEventsDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHasFinishedSpawning = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHidden = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIgnoresOriginShifting = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIsEditorOnlyActor = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetCheckedInitialPhysicsState = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetLoadOnClient = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetUseOwnerRelevancy = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bOnlyRelevantToOwner = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bRelevantForLevelBounds = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bRelevantForNetworkReplays = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bReplayRewindable = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bReplicateMovement = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bReplicateUsingRegisteredSubObjectList = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bReplicates = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bRunningUserConstructionScript = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bTearOff = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bTickFunctionsRegistered = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ActiveSplitscreenType = 0x70
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::AudioDeviceHandle = 0xF8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CurrentBufferVisualizationMode = 0x130
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CurrentLumenVisualizationMode = 0x140
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CurrentNaniteVisualizationMode = 0x138
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CurrentVirtualShadowMapVisualizationMode = 0x148
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CursorWidgets = 0x200
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::DebugProperties = 0x48
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::GameLayerManagerPtr = 0x120
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::HardwareCursorCache = 0x160
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::HardwareCursors = 0x1B0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::HighResScreenshotDialog = 0x150
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::MaxSplitscreenPlayers = 0x68
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::MouseCaptureMode = 0x39A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::MouseLockMode = 0x39C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::SplitscreenInfo = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::StatUnitData = 0x388
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ViewModeIndex = 0xB0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Viewport = 0xE8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ViewportConsole = 0x40
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ViewportFrame = 0xF0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ViewportOverlayWidget = 0x110
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Window = 0x100
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bDisableSplitScreenOverride = 0x398
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bDisableWorldRendering = 0x6C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHideCursorDuringCapture = 0x39B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIgnoreInput = 0x399
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIsPlayInEditorViewport = 0x6C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bShowTitleSafeZone = 0x6C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bSuppressTransitionMessage = 0x88
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bUseSoftwareCursorWidgets = 0x250
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::StructFlags = 0xB0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::CppStructOps = 0xB8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::bPrepareCppStructOpsCompleted = 0xB4
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps::Alignment = 0xC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps::Size = 0x8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::ClassPrivate = 0x8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::NamePrivate = 0x28
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::FlagsPrivate = 0x30
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::Next = 0x20
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::Owner = 0x10
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FOutputDevice::bAutoEmitLineTerminator = 0x9
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FOutputDevice::bSuppressEventTag = 0x8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FEnumProperty::Enum = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FEnumProperty::UnderlyingProp = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::DestructorLink = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::Children = 0x48
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::ChildProperties = 0x50
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::PostConstructLink = 0x88
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::UnresolvedScriptProperties = 0xA0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::MinAlignment = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::PropertiesSize = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::PropertyLink = 0x70
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::RefLink = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::Script = 0x60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::ScriptAndPropertyObjectReferences = 0x90
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::SuperStruct = 0x40
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::EventGraphCallOffset = 0xD0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::EventGraphFunction = 0xC8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::RPCId = 0xBA
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::FirstPropertyToInit = 0xC0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::Func = 0xD8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::FunctionFlags = 0xB0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::NumParms = 0xB4
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::ParmsSize = 0xB6
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::RPCResponseId = 0xBC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::ReturnValueOffset = 0xB8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UField::Next = 0x28
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::ArrayDim = 0x38
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::DestructorLinkNext = 0x68
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::ElementSize = 0x3C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::NextRef = 0x60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::Offset_Internal = 0x4C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::PostConstructLinkNext = 0x70
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::PropertyLinkNext = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::PropertyFlags = 0x40
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::RepIndex = 0x48
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::RepNotifyFunc = 0x50
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::BlockTillLevelStreamingCompletedEpoch = 0x144
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bAllowAudioPlayback = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::ActiveLevelCollectionIndex = 0x190
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::AudioTimeSeconds = 0x678
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::CommittedPersistentLevelName = 0x700
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bInTick = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::LWILastAssignedUID = 0x258
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::CleanupWorldTag = 0x70C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bTickNewlySpawned = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::AuthorityGameMode = 0x150
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::DeltaRealTimeSeconds = 0x680
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::BuildStreamingDataTimer = 0x448
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bPlayersOnly = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::DeltaTimeSeconds = 0x684
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::ExtraReferencedObjects = 0x68
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::PreparingLevelNames = 0x6F0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::IsInBlockTillLevelStreamingCompleted = 0x140
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsRunningConstructionScript = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bAllowDeferredPhysicsStateCreation = 0x108
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::LastRenderTime = 0x130
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::LastTimeUnbuiltLightingWasEncountered = 0x658
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bHasEverBeenInitialized = 0x13F
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::NextSwitchCountdown = 0x6C0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bMaterialParameterCollectionInstanceNeedsDeferredUpdate = 0x13F
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::RealTimeSeconds = 0x670
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::NextURL = 0x6E0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::NumStreamingLevelsBeingLoaded = 0x6DA
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::PauseDelay = 0x688
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::PerModuleDataObjects = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsDefaultLevel = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::PlayerNum = 0x618
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bAggressiveLOD = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::StreamingLevelsPrefix = 0xC8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bTriggerPostLoadMap = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsLevelStreamingFrozen = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::StreamingVolumeUpdateDelay = 0x61C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsBuilt = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::TimeSeconds = 0x660
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::UnpausedTimeSeconds = 0x668
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bActorsInitialized = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsTearingDown = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bAreConstraintsDirty = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bBegunPlay = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bDebugPauseExecution = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bDoDelayedUpdateCullDistanceVolumes = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bRequestedBlockOnAsyncLoading = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bDropDetail = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bMatchStarted = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsCameraMoveableWhenPaused = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bShouldSimulatePhysics = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsWorldInitialized = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bKismetScriptError = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bMarkedObjectsPendingKill = 0x708
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bWorldWasLoadedThisTick = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bPlayersOnlyPending = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bPostTickComponentUpdate = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bRequiresHitProxies = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bShouldForceUnloadStreamingLevels = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bShouldForceVisibleStreamingLevels = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bShouldTick = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bStartup = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bStreamingDataDirty = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::bLayoutChanging = 0xD1
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassWithin = 0xE0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::bCooked = 0xD0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassConfigName = 0xE8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassConstructor = 0xB0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassDefaultObject = 0x110
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassFlags = 0xD4
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassUnique = 0xC8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassVTableHelperCtorCaller = 0xB8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::FirstOwnedClassRep = 0xCC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::FuncMap = 0x128
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::Interfaces = 0x1D0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::NetFields = 0x100
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::SparseClassData = 0x118
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::SparseClassDataStruct = 0x120
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::SuperFuncMap = 0x178
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::CppForm = 0x50
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::CppType = 0x30
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::EnumDisplayNameFn = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::Names = 0x40
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::EnumFlags_Internal = 0x54
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::EnumPackage = 0x60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FObjectPropertyBase::PropertyClass = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FDelegateProperty::SignatureFunction = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FMulticastDelegateProperty::SignatureFunction = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FSetProperty::ElementProp = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FStructProperty::Struct = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FArrayProperty::Inner = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FArrayProperty::ArrayFlags = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FMapProperty::KeyProp = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FMapProperty::MapFlags = 0xA0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FMapProperty::ValueProp = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FBoolProperty::FieldMask = 0x7B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FBoolProperty::ByteMask = 0x7A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FBoolProperty::FieldSize = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FBoolProperty::ByteOffset = 0x79
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FByteProperty::Enum = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FClassProperty::MetaClass = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FSoftClassProperty::MetaClass = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FInterfaceProperty::InterfaceClass = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FFieldPathProperty::PropertyClass = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] 

[2024-04-04 20:35:17] m_shared_functions: 0x7ffbc8b63b60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Enabling custom events
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)...
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'CheatManagerEnablerMod'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] [RegisterHook] Registered native hook (1, 2) for Function /Script/Engine.PlayerController:ClientRestart
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'ConsoleCommandsMod'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'LineTraceMod'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] [Lua] KismetSystemLibrary: KismetSystemLibrary /Script/Engine.Default__KismetSystemLibrary
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] [Lua] KismetMathLibrary: KismetMathLibrary /Script/Engine.Default__KismetMathLibrary
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'BPModLoaderMod'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] [Lua] Mods/BPModLoaderMod/load_order.txt not present or no matching mods, loading all BP mods in random order.[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'BPML_GenericFunctions'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)...
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Event loop start

Desktop (please complete the following information):

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

Is there no .dmp file in the Win64 directory ?

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

Nope. Might not actually be crashing, but it definitely is refusing any connection. I can't get on my server with UE4SS installed on the server at all. This wasn't a problem until the new update. Nothing has changed either. I removed all mods, still same problem.

Okaetsu commented 5 months ago

Nope. Might not actually be crashing, but it definitely is refusing any connection. I can't get on my server with UE4SS installed on the server at all. This wasn't a problem until the new update. Nothing has changed either. I removed all mods, still same problem.

Have you tried doing a clean reinstall of the server and then putting UE4SS on it? Also make sure it is a fresh world since you might have corrupt data if you used mods before. Doing that fixed my issues atleast and I'm able to run UE4SS and still connect.

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

UE4SS seems to be incredibly unstable clientside as well, has a tendency to hard-lock/freeze, but not crash.

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

Nope. Might not actually be crashing, but it definitely is refusing any connection. I can't get on my server with UE4SS installed on the server at all. This wasn't a problem until the new update. Nothing has changed either. I removed all mods, still same problem.

Have you tried doing a clean reinstall of the server and then putting UE4SS on it? Also make sure it is a fresh world since you might have corrupt data if you used mods before. Doing that fixed my issues atleast and I'm able to run UE4SS and still connect.

No difference. The only thing that stabilizes it is disabling UE4SS altogether. Server and world itself are fine.

Checking on the Palworld Discord, I'm not the only one with these issues either.

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

Ive seen 10+ people with the same issue

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

I have tried 6 clean reinstalls and many other fixes still nothing

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately it's hard to help without a crash dump, and I don't own the game so I can't reproduce it myself. The logs aren't displaying anything wrong. I guess you could try uninstalling all mods that come with UE4SS, maybe one of them is causing problems for some reason.

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

need a crash?

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

crash_2024_04_04_17_08_08.dmp crash_2024_04_04_17_03_25.dmp

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

crash_2024_04_04_17_08_08.dmp crash_2024_04_04_17_03_25.dmp

Unfortunately these dmp files suffer from the same problem that many others do for me. For some reason unknown to me, I can't view the call stack, it just says some binary is missing, in this case KERNELBASE.dll which is weird. This means they aren't useful in debugging this problem.

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

what about the thing it says its missing 0933f27e708

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

what about the thing it says its missing 0933f27e708

That's a memory address, and those are different for every person, so is therefore not useful in identifying the problem. When it crashes, do you get a UE crash reporter ? If so, the call stack might be in there and that could be useful.

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

[2024-04-04 18:29:33] Console created [2024-04-04 18:29:33] UE4SS - v3.0.1 Beta #0 - Git SHA #d935b5b [2024-04-04 18:29:33] UE4SS Build Configuration: GameShippingWin64 (MSVC) [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Setting up mods... [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)... [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)... [2024-04-04 18:29:33] No specific game configuration found, using default configuration file [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Config: D:\home\sid_1428465\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS-settings.ini

[2024-04-04 18:29:33] root directory: D:\home\sid_1428465\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] working directory: D:\home\sid_1428465\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] game executable directory: D:\home\sid_1428465\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] game executable: D:\home\sid_1428465\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe (140991488 bytes)

[2024-04-04 18:29:33] mods directory: D:\home\sid_1428465\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods [2024-04-04 18:29:33] log directory: D:\home\sid_1428465\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] object dumper directory: D:\home\sid_1428465\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64

[2024-04-04 18:29:33] PS Scan attempt 1 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Reading image [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Starting scan [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Scan finished in 210.215ms [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Found EngineVersion: 5.1 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Found GUObjectArray: 0x7ff6f023fdd0 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Found GMalloc: 0x7ff6f0167768 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Found FName::ToString: 0x7ff6eabf02e0 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Found FName::FName(wchar_t*): 0x7ff6eabdf520 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Found StaticConstructObject_Internal: 0x7ff6ead88810 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] [PS] Found FText::FText(FString&&): 0x7ff6eab10ac0 [2024-04-04 18:29:33] PS scan successful [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Class [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Struct [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Pawn [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Character [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Actor [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Vector [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.DefaultDefaultPawn [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.HitResult [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.DefaultMaterialExpression [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.ActorComponent [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.OrientedBox [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.MovementComponent [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.HUD [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.PlayerController [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.PlayerCameraManager [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.EInterpCurveMode [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.ENetRole [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/MovieScene.MovieSceneEditorData [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/UMG.Widget [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/UMG.ComboBoxString [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Interface [2024-04-04 18:29:33] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.DynamicClass

[2024-04-04 18:29:34] Constructed 23 of 23 objects [2024-04-04 18:29:34] ProcessInternal address: 0x7ff6ead672b0 <- Built-in [2024-04-04 18:29:34] ProcessLocalScriptFunction address: 0x7ff6ead67360 <- Built-in [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UnrealConfig.FExecVTableOffsetInLocalPlayer: 28 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Unreal Engine modules (non-modular): [2024-04-04 18:29:34] MainExe @ 0x7ff6e7fb0000 size=0x8bbc000 [2024-04-04 18:29:34]


[2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ClassPrivate = 0x10 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget = 0x5A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::InternalIndex = 0xC [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::EngineShowFlags = 0xB8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::AutoReceiveInput = 0x153 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::World = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ObjectFlags = 0x8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnEndCursorOver = 0x1D6 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::CustomTimeDilation = 0x64 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::NamePrivate = 0x18 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bAllowTickBeforeBeginPlay = 0x5A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bForceNetAddressable = 0x59 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::InputPriority = 0x154 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OuterPrivate = 0x20 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bNetTemporary = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ActorHasBegunPlay = 0x5D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchEnd = 0x1DA [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bHasDeferredComponentRegistration = 0x5C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::AttachmentReplication = 0x70 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::Children = 0x188 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::DetachFence = 0x280 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::CreationTime = 0x158 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::DefaultUpdateOverlapsMethodDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5F [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::InitialLifeSpan = 0x60 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::Tags = 0x1C0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::InputComponent = 0x160 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnTakePointDamage = 0x1D1 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::LastRenderTime = 0x17C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::RemoteRole = 0x68 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::Layers = 0x1A8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::MinNetUpdateFrequency = 0x174 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::TimerHandle_LifeSpanExpired = 0x1A0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnTakeAnyDamage = 0x1D0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::NetCullDistanceSquared = 0x168 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnActorEndOverlap = 0x1D4 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::NetDormancy = 0x151 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::NetDriverName = 0x148 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::NetTag = 0x16C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::NetPriority = 0x178 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::PrimaryActorTick = 0x28 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::NetUpdateFrequency = 0x170 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnClicked = 0x1D7 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnActorBeginOverlap = 0x1D3 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnActorHit = 0x1DD [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::StatHitchesData = 0x390 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnBeginCursorOver = 0x1D5 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnDestroyed = 0x1DE [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchEnter = 0x1DB [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bHasAudioFocus = 0xFC [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnEndPlay = 0x1DF [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchBegin = 0x1D9 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchLeave = 0x1DC [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnReleased = 0x1D8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::OnTakeRadialDamage = 0x1D2 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::Owner = 0x140 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ParentComponent = 0x1B8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::RayTracingGroupId = 0x6C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ReplicatedComponentsInfo = 0x1F0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ReplicatedMovement = 0xD0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::UpdateOverlapsMethodDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5E [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ReplicatedSubObjects = 0x1E0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::Role = 0x150 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::RootComponent = 0x198 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::SpawnCollisionHandlingMethod = 0x152 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bNetStartup = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bActorIsBeingConstructed = 0x5D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bActorBeginningPlayFromLevelStreaming = 0x5C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bAllowReceiveTickEventOnDedicatedServer = 0x5B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bIsMouseOverClient = 0x39D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bActorEnableCollision = 0x5C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bActorInitialized = 0x5C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bActorIsBeingDestroyed = 0x5D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bActorSeamlessTraveled = 0x5B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bActorWantsDestroyDuringBeginPlay = 0x5D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bAlwaysRelevant = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bAsyncPhysicsTickEnabled = 0x5D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bAutoDestroyWhenFinished = 0x5A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bBlockInput = 0x5A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bCallPreReplication = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bCallPreReplicationForReplay = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bCanBeDamaged = 0x5A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bCanBeInCluster = 0x5B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bCollideWhenPlacing = 0x5A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bHasRegisteredAllComponents = 0x5C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bEnableAutoLODGeneration = 0x5B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bExchangedRoles = 0x59 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bGenerateOverlapEventsDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bHasFinishedSpawning = 0x5C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bHidden = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bIgnoresOriginShifting = 0x5A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bIsEditorOnlyActor = 0x5B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bNetCheckedInitialPhysicsState = 0x5B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bNetLoadOnClient = 0x59 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bNetUseOwnerRelevancy = 0x59 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bOnlyRelevantToOwner = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bRelevantForLevelBounds = 0x59 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bRelevantForNetworkReplays = 0x59 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bReplayRewindable = 0x59 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bReplicateMovement = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bReplicateUsingRegisteredSubObjectList = 0x5B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bReplicates = 0x5B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bRunningUserConstructionScript = 0x5C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bTearOff = 0x59 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bTickFunctionsRegistered = 0x5C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ActiveSplitscreenType = 0x70 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::AudioDeviceHandle = 0xF8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::CurrentBufferVisualizationMode = 0x130 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::CurrentLumenVisualizationMode = 0x140 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::CurrentNaniteVisualizationMode = 0x138 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::CurrentVirtualShadowMapVisualizationMode = 0x148 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::CursorWidgets = 0x200 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::DebugProperties = 0x48 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::GameLayerManagerPtr = 0x120 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::HardwareCursorCache = 0x160 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::HardwareCursors = 0x1B0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::HighResScreenshotDialog = 0x150 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::MaxSplitscreenPlayers = 0x68 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::MouseCaptureMode = 0x39A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::MouseLockMode = 0x39C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::SplitscreenInfo = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::StatUnitData = 0x388 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ViewModeIndex = 0xB0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::Viewport = 0xE8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ViewportConsole = 0x40 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ViewportFrame = 0xF0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::ViewportOverlayWidget = 0x110 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::Window = 0x100 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bDisableSplitScreenOverride = 0x398 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bDisableWorldRendering = 0x6C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bHideCursorDuringCapture = 0x39B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bIgnoreInput = 0x399 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bIsPlayInEditorViewport = 0x6C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bShowTitleSafeZone = 0x6C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bSuppressTransitionMessage = 0x88 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UObjectBase::bUseSoftwareCursorWidgets = 0x250 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UScriptStruct::StructFlags = 0xB0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UScriptStruct::CppStructOps = 0xB8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UScriptStruct::bPrepareCppStructOpsCompleted = 0xB4 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps::Alignment = 0xC [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps::Size = 0x8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FField::ClassPrivate = 0x8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FField::NamePrivate = 0x28 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FField::FlagsPrivate = 0x30 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FField::Next = 0x20 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FField::Owner = 0x10 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FOutputDevice::bAutoEmitLineTerminator = 0x9 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FOutputDevice::bSuppressEventTag = 0x8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FEnumProperty::Enum = 0x80 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FEnumProperty::UnderlyingProp = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::DestructorLink = 0x80 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::Children = 0x48 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::ChildProperties = 0x50 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::PostConstructLink = 0x88 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::UnresolvedScriptProperties = 0xA0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::MinAlignment = 0x5C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::PropertiesSize = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::PropertyLink = 0x70 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::RefLink = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::Script = 0x60 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::ScriptAndPropertyObjectReferences = 0x90 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UStruct::SuperStruct = 0x40 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::EventGraphCallOffset = 0xD0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::EventGraphFunction = 0xC8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::RPCId = 0xBA [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::FirstPropertyToInit = 0xC0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::Func = 0xD8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::FunctionFlags = 0xB0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::NumParms = 0xB4 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::ParmsSize = 0xB6 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::RPCResponseId = 0xBC [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UFunction::ReturnValueOffset = 0xB8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UField::Next = 0x28 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::ArrayDim = 0x38 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::DestructorLinkNext = 0x68 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::ElementSize = 0x3C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::NextRef = 0x60 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::Offset_Internal = 0x4C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::PostConstructLinkNext = 0x70 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::PropertyLinkNext = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::PropertyFlags = 0x40 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::RepIndex = 0x48 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FProperty::RepNotifyFunc = 0x50 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::BlockTillLevelStreamingCompletedEpoch = 0x144 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bAllowAudioPlayback = 0x13E [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::ActiveLevelCollectionIndex = 0x190 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::AudioTimeSeconds = 0x678 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::CommittedPersistentLevelName = 0x700 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bInTick = 0x13B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::LWILastAssignedUID = 0x258 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::CleanupWorldTag = 0x70C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bTickNewlySpawned = 0x13B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::AuthorityGameMode = 0x150 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::DeltaRealTimeSeconds = 0x680 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::BuildStreamingDataTimer = 0x448 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bPlayersOnly = 0x13D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::DeltaTimeSeconds = 0x684 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::ExtraReferencedObjects = 0x68 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::PreparingLevelNames = 0x6F0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::IsInBlockTillLevelStreamingCompleted = 0x140 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bIsRunningConstructionScript = 0x13C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bAllowDeferredPhysicsStateCreation = 0x108 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::LastRenderTime = 0x130 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::LastTimeUnbuiltLightingWasEncountered = 0x658 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bHasEverBeenInitialized = 0x13F [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::NextSwitchCountdown = 0x6C0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bMaterialParameterCollectionInstanceNeedsDeferredUpdate = 0x13F [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::RealTimeSeconds = 0x670 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::NextURL = 0x6E0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::NumStreamingLevelsBeingLoaded = 0x6DA [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::PauseDelay = 0x688 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::PerModuleDataObjects = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bIsDefaultLevel = 0x13C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::PlayerNum = 0x618 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bAggressiveLOD = 0x13C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::StreamingLevelsPrefix = 0xC8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bTriggerPostLoadMap = 0x13B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bIsLevelStreamingFrozen = 0x13B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::StreamingVolumeUpdateDelay = 0x61C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bIsBuilt = 0x13B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::TimeSeconds = 0x660 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::UnpausedTimeSeconds = 0x668 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bActorsInitialized = 0x13C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bIsTearingDown = 0x13D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bAreConstraintsDirty = 0x13E [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bBegunPlay = 0x13D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bDebugPauseExecution = 0x13D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bDoDelayedUpdateCullDistanceVolumes = 0x13C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bRequestedBlockOnAsyncLoading = 0x13C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bDropDetail = 0x13C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bMatchStarted = 0x13D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bIsCameraMoveableWhenPaused = 0x13E [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bShouldSimulatePhysics = 0x13C [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bIsWorldInitialized = 0x13B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bKismetScriptError = 0x13D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bMarkedObjectsPendingKill = 0x708 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bWorldWasLoadedThisTick = 0x13B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bPlayersOnlyPending = 0x13D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bPostTickComponentUpdate = 0x13B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bRequiresHitProxies = 0x13E [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bShouldForceUnloadStreamingLevels = 0x13E [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bShouldForceVisibleStreamingLevels = 0x13E [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bShouldTick = 0x13E [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bStartup = 0x13D [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UWorld::bStreamingDataDirty = 0x13E [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::bLayoutChanging = 0xD1 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::ClassWithin = 0xE0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::bCooked = 0xD0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::ClassConfigName = 0xE8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::ClassConstructor = 0xB0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::ClassDefaultObject = 0x110 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::ClassFlags = 0xD4 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::ClassUnique = 0xC8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::ClassVTableHelperCtorCaller = 0xB8 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::FirstOwnedClassRep = 0xCC [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::FuncMap = 0x128 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::Interfaces = 0x1D0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::NetFields = 0x100 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::SparseClassData = 0x118 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::SparseClassDataStruct = 0x120 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UClass::SuperFuncMap = 0x178 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UEnum::CppForm = 0x50 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UEnum::CppType = 0x30 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UEnum::EnumDisplayNameFn = 0x58 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UEnum::Names = 0x40 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UEnum::EnumFlags_Internal = 0x54 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] UEnum::EnumPackage = 0x60 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FObjectPropertyBase::PropertyClass = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FDelegateProperty::SignatureFunction = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FMulticastDelegateProperty::SignatureFunction = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FSetProperty::ElementProp = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FStructProperty::Struct = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FArrayProperty::Inner = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FArrayProperty::ArrayFlags = 0x80 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FMapProperty::KeyProp = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FMapProperty::MapFlags = 0xA0 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FMapProperty::ValueProp = 0x80 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FBoolProperty::FieldMask = 0x7B [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FBoolProperty::ByteMask = 0x7A [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FBoolProperty::FieldSize = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FBoolProperty::ByteOffset = 0x79 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FByteProperty::Enum = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FClassProperty::MetaClass = 0x80 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FSoftClassProperty::MetaClass = 0x80 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FInterfaceProperty::InterfaceClass = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] FFieldPathProperty::PropertyClass = 0x78 [2024-04-04 18:29:34]


[2024-04-04 18:29:34] m_shared_functions: 0x7ff9bb573b60 [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Enabling custom events [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)... [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Mod 'ActorDumperMod' disabled in mods.txt. [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Starting Lua mod 'ConsoleCommandsMod' [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Starting Lua mod 'ConsoleEnablerMod' [2024-04-04 18:29:34] [Lua] ConsoleClass, GameViewport, or ViewportConsole is invalid [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Mod 'SplitScreenMod' disabled in mods.txt. [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Mod 'LineTraceMod' disabled in mods.txt. [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Mod 'BPModLoaderMod' disabled in mods.txt. [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Mod 'BPML_GenericFunctions' disabled in mods.txt. [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Mod 'jsbLuaProfilerMod' disabled in mods.txt. [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Starting Lua mod 'Keybinds' [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)... [2024-04-04 18:29:34] Mod 'BPModLoaderMod' has enabled.txt, starting mod. [2024-04-04 18:29:34] [Lua] Mods/BPModLoaderMod/load_order.txt not present or no matching mods, loading all BP mods in random order.[2024-04-04 18:29:34] Event loop start

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

thats all it says

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

I was able to circumvent the KERNELBASE.dll problem by using Microsofts symbol server. I also realized I can get PalServer using SteamCMD without owning the game so I got passed that problem too. Now the problem is that I'm missing palguard.dll, and I don't see it anywhere in the files that I got via SteamCMD.

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

that might have been a previous crash before i took palgaurd off

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

that might have been a previous crash before i took palgaurd off

Both your crash dumps are pointing towards palguard being the source. I don't know how much more information might be available if I had palguard.dll, but it would tell us whether the crash actually originated in palguard or if the code is just passing through the dll.

>   KERNELBASE.dll!RaiseException() Unknown
    PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe!00007ff79905fa78() Unknown
    PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe!00007ff79902bb20() Unknown
    PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe!00007ff796f176e1() Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!_invalid_parameter_internal()  Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!_invalid_parameter()   Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!_invalid_parameter_noinfo()    Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!_isatty()  Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!__acrt_stdio_begin_temporary_buffering_nolock()    Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!<lambda>(void)()   Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!__crt_seh_guarded_call<unsigned __int64>::operator()<<lambda_a2589f19c515cac03caf6db9c38355e9>,<lambda>(void) &,<lambda_ad9ce2f38261e34e8a422b9cc35dfe8d>>()   Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!fwrite()   Unknown
    msvcp140.dll!std::basic_filebuf<char,std::char_traits<char>>::xsputn(const char * _Ptr, __int64 _Count) Line 634    C++
    [Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for palguard.dll]  
    palguard.dll!00007ff9cb664429() Unknown
UE4SS commented 5 months ago

I found palguard on nexusmods, this is the full call stack for @ksumm1998 crash dump. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with UE4SS. Note though that as they mentioned, this might be an old crash dump so it might be unrelated to this issue.

>   KERNELBASE.dll!RaiseException() Unknown
    PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe!00007ff79905fa78() Unknown
    PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe!00007ff79902bb20() Unknown
    PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe!00007ff796f176e1() Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!_invalid_parameter_internal()  Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!_invalid_parameter()   Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!_invalid_parameter_noinfo()    Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!_isatty()  Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!__acrt_stdio_begin_temporary_buffering_nolock()    Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!<lambda>(void)()   Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!__crt_seh_guarded_call<unsigned __int64>::operator()<<lambda_a2589f19c515cac03caf6db9c38355e9>,<lambda>(void) &,<lambda_ad9ce2f38261e34e8a422b9cc35dfe8d>>()   Unknown
    ucrtbase.dll!fwrite()   Unknown
    msvcp140.dll!std::basic_filebuf<char,std::char_traits<char>>::xsputn(const char * _Ptr, __int64 _Count) Line 634    C++
    palguard.dll!00007ff9cb664429() Unknown
    palguard.dll!00007ff9cb6471b7() Unknown
    palguard.dll!00007ff9cb6859c3() Unknown
    palguard.dll!00007ff9cb68061e() Unknown
    kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk()  Unknown
    ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart()  Unknown
StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

On my end, I don't have Palguard, no other mods. Just UE4SS, on a bare server. No crash dumps, just a hard freeze / inability to connect.

If you need a copy of the game, I might be able to arrange this. I need a means of contact, however.

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

On my end, I don't have Palguard, no other mods. Just UE4SS, on a bare server. No crash dumps, just a hard freeze.

Then I'm afraid I can't really help much unless you're willing to either: A. Buy me the game + give me your save files. or B. Allow me to debug the problem remotely on your PC. This option means me controlling your computer, as well as potentially downloading and building the UE4SS source to do some debugging.

Neither option comes with any guarantee of a fix for this problem, and for obvious reasons I prefer the first option.

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

its because its not crashing its causing a whole freeze or connection refusal

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

On my end, I don't have Palguard, no other mods. Just UE4SS, on a bare server. No crash dumps, just a hard freeze.

Then I'm afraid I can't really help much unless you're willing to either: A. Buy me the game + give me your save files. or B. Allow me to debug the problem remotely on your PC. This option means me controlling your computer, as well as potentially downloading and building the UE4SS source to do some debugging.

Neither option comes with any guarantee of a fix for this problem, and for obvious reasons I prefer the first option.

Like I said, I can probably arrange a way to get you a copy of the game, but I need a means of contact, preferably on steam.

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

Also, upon further inspection, the server isn't exactly frozen. I can issue it RCON commands (this is a remotely hosted server, on GPORTAL specifically), but it refuses connections from anyone.

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

BTW, I am hearing that there might be some issue relating to the Steam DLLs/Bootstrapper in some cases? Some weird nonsense where it is breaking with UE4SS.

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

Since PalGuard was mentioned: PalGuard had to make a specific update for Headless servers like GPortal (Which I'm running my server on, BTW). Maybe UE4SS needs to do the same?

PeNDRaGooNDev commented 5 months ago

Hello guys so i been running pal world servers for 1 to 2 months now

i always noticed the red query port in amp to be red in amp control panel, The query port would still work on battle metrics etcs and i could connect to my servers fine

one thing i just noticed on my non modded server that i can connect to the query port IS GREEN

the non modded one as soon as i add in uess4 it turns it to red?

Apparently pal world did some update to Query port stuff i heard so maybe ITS this?

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

Hello guys so i been running pal world servers for 1 to 2 months now

i always noticed the red query port in amp to be red in amp control panel, The query port would still work on battle metrics etcs and i could connect to my servers fine

one thing i just noticed on my non modded server that i can connect to the query port IS GREEN

the non modded one as soon as i add in uess4 it turns it to red?

Apparently pal world did some update to Query port stuff i heard so maybe ITS this?

I've been unable to replicate the problem with the latest Palworld and server. I can connect just fine with UE4SS 3.0.1 installed on the server as long as I have Steam installed on the computer that the server is running on. For some reason, if I don't have Steam installed, I can't connect to my Palworld server with or without UE4SS. According to the person that made this issue, they have a headless set up without Steam installed and they can connect without UE4SS so I suspect I'm having a different problem to them and I have to solve it before I can debug their problem.

theletterV42 commented 5 months ago

For some reason, if I don't have Steam installed, I can't connect to my Palworld server with or without UE4SS.

There are two separate issues. One issue can be solved by either installing the steam client OR (and this is probably pretty close to what the OP did) installing the steam SDK (steamcmd app ID 1007). Install that SDK in your Binaries/Win64 directory, and you'll then be able to run a Palworld server WITHOUT UE4SS.

But then you run into the second issue - the issue this ticket is about: you won't be able to run the server WITH UE4SS. That is, until you install the actual full steam client, for some reason. Hope this helps you reproduce the issue.

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

For some reason, if I don't have Steam installed, I can't connect to my Palworld server with or without UE4SS.

There are two separate issues. One issue can be solved by either installing the steam client OR (and this is probably pretty close to what the OP did) installing the steam SDK (steamcmd app ID 1007). Install that SDK in your Binaries/Win64 directory, and you'll then be able to run a Palworld server WITHOUT UE4SS.

But then you run into the second issue - the issue this ticket is about: you won't be able to run the server WITH UE4SS. That is, until you install the actual full steam client, for some reason. Hope this helps you reproduce the issue.

Yeah copying the files that came from steamcmd worked, thanks. Idk why they're placed in the wrong location originally, but whatever, lets see if I can figure out the real problem.

PeNDRaGooNDev commented 5 months ago

For some reason, if I don't have Steam installed, I can't connect to my Palworld server with or without UE4SS.

There are two separate issues. One issue can be solved by either installing the steam client OR (and this is probably pretty close to what the OP did) installing the steam SDK (steamcmd app ID 1007). Install that SDK in your Binaries/Win64 directory, and you'll then be able to run a Palworld server WITHOUT UE4SS.

But then you run into the second issue - the issue this ticket is about: you won't be able to run the server WITH UE4SS. That is, until you install the actual full steam client, for some reason. Hope this helps you reproduce the issue.

i have installed the steam client up to where it asked me to log in, dosn' t work for me on modded servers

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

This is caused by calling SetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS) in UE4SSProgram::setup_paths.

I have no idea why this is a problem. This happens even if we don't call AddDllDirectory at all.

Any ideas @trumank ?

trumank commented 5 months ago

This is caused by calling SetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS) in UE4SSProgram::setup_paths.

We made this discovery in the discord just now too. I thought I recalled this issue coming up somewhere else recently but I can't find it now. I'm unfamiliar with how the DLL search paths work, but I've noticed similar issues on WINE but just assumed it was a WINE or game specific issue and forgot about it. Clearly this warrants a closer look.

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

This is caused by calling SetDefaultDllDirectories(LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS) in UE4SSProgram::setup_paths.

We made this discovery in the discord just now too. I thought I recalled this issue coming up somewhere else recently but I can't find it now. I'm unfamiliar with how the DLL search paths work, but I've noticed similar issues on WINE but just assumed it was a WINE or game specific issue and forgot about it. Clearly this warrants a closer look.

Yes, and it doesn't help that the PR that added this change (#172) didn't explain why this was even needed to begin with.

Dekita commented 5 months ago

Yeah copying the files that came from steamcmd worked, thanks. Idk why they're placed in the wrong location originally, but whatever, lets see if I can figure out the real problem.

^ This seems to be entirely based on how your launching the server. If your calling Pal/PalServer.exe to start, then that calls the _shipping_cmd.exe from win64, and then the dll''s files are routed correctly to the _cmd.exe file. If you start the _shipping_cmd.exe file directly to launch the server (which a lot of dockerized frameworks etc do), then those dll's arent automatically found, and for some folks copying them to the win64 dir does seem to help.

Side note: that pr was due to me:

LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS is a combination of other sys flags, for system 32, and the users directories. The reason it was added, was so that the c++ feature of ue4ss would automatically include the dll's from the game folder.. I recall the alternative was having to manually specify the folder for the dll or something (been a while, sorry)

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

^ This seems to be entirely based on how your launching the server. If your calling Pal/PalServer.exe to start, then that calls the _shipping_cmd.exe from win64, and then the dll''s files are routed correctly to the _cmd.exe file. If you start the _shipping_cmd.exe file directly to launch the server (which a lot of dockerized frameworks etc do), then those dll's arent automatically found, and for some folks copying them to the win64 dir does seem to help.

For the record, I launch PalServer.exe, not the shipping exe.

Side note: that pr was due to me:

LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_DEFAULT_DIRS is a combination of other sys flags, for system 32, and the users directories. The reason it was added, was so that the c++ feature of ue4ss would automatically include the dll's from the game folder.. I recall the alternative was having to manually specify the folder for the dll or something (been a while, sorry)

Perhaps so that dlls with dynamic dependencies (other dlls) don't need those dependencies to exist in the Win64 directory, and can instead be in that particular mods 'dlls' directory.

Dekita commented 5 months ago

yes, that sounds exactly right. :) For the dlls that require other dll's, sorry, should have been more explciit :P

ksumm1998 commented 5 months ago

my problem is my files are all located remotely

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

my problem is my files are all located remotely

Not sure I understand your problem, but there's no fix yet, so right now there's nothing you can do. When a fix has been created, hopefully all you have to do is install the new UE4SS.dll file.

Dekita commented 5 months ago

side note: using the default windows pal server (installed via steam) and ue4ss works completely fine for me. no connection issues at all. All running on my local machine.

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

side note: using the default windows pal server (installed via steam) and ue4ss works completely fine for me. no connection issues at all. All running on my local machine.

That's because steam itself is present on your machine. Dedicated servers usually don't have a full steam installation, usually just SteamCMD. This is especially so on managed services like GPortal.

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

side note: using the default windows pal server (installed via steam) and ue4ss works completely fine for me. no connection issues at all. All running on my local machine.

This is good information but unfortunately it doesn't solve the problem for people that are unable to install via Steam. Some server hosts might just provide the files and give no options when it comes to how those files are acquired. People that have access to the server could maybe install via Steam but not all hosts provide that kind of access.

Dekita commented 5 months ago

Yeah, this is very true.

There also seems to be a newly introduced issue with running the windows game server via proton/wine (which worked completely fine prior to this update). Wont work with or without ue4ss installed. Wondering if that is perhaps similar to what trumank mentioned above. ~ although, not really a ue4ss issue :D

PeNDRaGooNDev commented 5 months ago

side note: using the default windows pal server (installed via steam) and ue4ss works completely fine for me. no connection issues at all. All running on my local machine.

That's because steam itself is present on your machine. Dedicated servers usually don't have a full steam installation, usually just SteamCMD. This is especially so on managed services like GPortal.

so why does this not work for me on windows server 2022 modded

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

Yeah, this is very true.

There also seems to be a newly introduced issue with running the windows game server via proton/wine (which worked completely fine prior to this update). Wont work with or without ue4ss installed. Wondering if that is perhaps similar to what trumank mentioned above. ~ although, not really a ue4ss issue :D

On Windows, it definitely is a UE4SS issue. Removing the API call in question fixes it. WINE might be a different issue altogether.

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

Yeah, this is very true. There also seems to be a newly introduced issue with running the windows game server via proton/wine (which worked completely fine prior to this update). Wont work with or without ue4ss installed. Wondering if that is perhaps similar to what trumank mentioned above. ~ although, not really a ue4ss issue :D

On Windows, it definitely is a UE4SS issue. Removing the API call in question fixes it. WINE might be a different issue altogether.

They are talking about a different problem.

ayaldev commented 5 months ago

on my local Windows 11 Pro + playit gg test server, palworld+UE4SS works fine on gportal (Windows Server 2022 (21H2)) server, the mods work, the server runs but people can't connect (noticed it when i remove the ue4ss/mods.. the effect of MergeDrops[a mod that combines loot] persist after restarting the server)

Dekita commented 5 months ago

~ game just released updates, hopefully solves some of these issues :D

StrikerMan780 commented 5 months ago

~ game just released updates, hopefully solves some of these issues :D

It does not, unfortunately.

Leaving this here for anyone wanting a temporary workaround: https://shadowmavericks.com/files/ShareX/UE4SS_4d65ae1_nodefaultdlldircetoriescall.zip

Caveat being, DLL mods might not work. Lua and blueprint mods should be fine, however.

UE4SS commented 5 months ago

~ game just released updates, hopefully solves some of these issues :D

It does not, unfortunately.

Leaving this here for anyone wanting a temporary workaround: https://shadowmavericks.com/files/ShareX/UE4SS_4d65ae1_nodefaultdlldircetoriescall.zip

Caveat being, DLL mods might not work. Lua and blueprint mods should be fine, however.

To expand on dll mods not working: The only ones that should be affected are ones that have their own dependencies in the form of dll files that need to be dynamically (automatically) loaded at runtime. Mod creators can avoid this by statically linking if they really need to.