Injectable LUA scripting system, SDK generator, live property editor and other dumping utilities for UE4/5 games
MIT License
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[BUG - Release] Palworld v0.2.0.6 Dedicated servers refuse connections if UE4SS is installed. #452

Closed StrikerMan780 closed 3 months ago

StrikerMan780 commented 3 months ago

Branch or Release 3.0.1

Game and Engine Version Palworld v0.2.0.6. Unreal Engine 5.

Describe the bug Dedicated servers seem to either refuse connections if UE4SS is installed, even without any additional mods. bUseObjectArrayCache is set to false, and it still refuses to work. Removing UE4SS stops the issue.

Mods directory Just stock UE4SS Mods folder.

To Reproduce

  1. Install UE4SS on a windows Palworld v0.2.0.6 server.
  2. Try to join it. It'll time out. It won't let you connect. RCON command still work, so it seems the server still runs.

Expected behavior Being able to connect.

Screenshots, UE4SS Log, and .dmp file

[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Console created
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] UE4SS - v3.0.1 Beta #0 - Git SHA #d935b5b
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] UE4SS Build Configuration: Game__Shipping__Win64 (MSVC)
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Setting up mods...
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)...
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)...
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] No specific game configuration found, using default configuration file
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] Config: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS-settings.ini

[2024-04-04 20:35:15] root directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] working directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] game executable directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] game executable: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe (140991488 bytes)

[2024-04-04 20:35:15] mods directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] log directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] object dumper directory: D:\home\sid_1340516\palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64

[2024-04-04 20:35:15] PS Scan attempt 1
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] [PS] Reading image
[2024-04-04 20:35:15] [PS] Starting scan
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Scan finished in 210.9865ms
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found EngineVersion: 5.1
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found GUObjectArray: 0x7ff6d873fdd0
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found GMalloc: 0x7ff6d8667768
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found FName::ToString: 0x7ff6d30f02e0
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found FName::FName(wchar_t*): 0x7ff6d30df520
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found StaticConstructObject_Internal: 0x7ff6d3288810
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] [PS] Found FText::FText(FString&&): 0x7ff6d3010ac0
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] PS scan successful
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Class
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Struct
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Pawn
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Character
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Actor
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Vector
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Default__DefaultPawn
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.HitResult
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Default__MaterialExpression
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.ActorComponent
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.OrientedBox
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.MovementComponent
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.HUD
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.PlayerController
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.PlayerCameraManager
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.EInterpCurveMode
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.ENetRole
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/MovieScene.MovieSceneEditorData
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/UMG.Widget
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/UMG.ComboBoxString
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Interface
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.DynamicClass
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [1 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Class
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [2 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [3 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Struct
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [4 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Pawn
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [5 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Character
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [6 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Actor
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [7 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Vector
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [8 / 23]: /Script/Engine.HitResult
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [9 / 23]: /Script/Engine.ActorComponent
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [10 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.OrientedBox
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [11 / 23]: /Script/Engine.MovementComponent
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [12 / 23]: /Script/Engine.HUD
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [13 / 23]: /Script/Engine.PlayerController
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [14 / 23]: /Script/Engine.PlayerCameraManager
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [15 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.EInterpCurveMode
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [16 / 23]: /Script/Engine.ENetRole
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [17 / 23]: /Script/MovieScene.MovieSceneEditorData
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [18 / 23]: /Script/UMG.Widget
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [19 / 23]: /Script/UMG.ComboBoxString
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [20 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Interface
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [21 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.DynamicClass
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [22 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Default__DefaultPawn
[2024-04-04 20:35:16] Constructed [23 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Default__MaterialExpression
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Constructed 23 of 23 objects
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] ProcessInternal address: 0x7ff6d32672b0 <- Built-in
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] ProcessLocalScriptFunction address: 0x7ff6d3267360 <- Built-in
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UnrealConfig.FExecVTableOffsetInLocalPlayer: 28
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Unreal Engine modules (non-modular):
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] MainExe @ 0x7ff6d04b0000 size=0x8bbc000
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] 

[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ClassPrivate = 0x10
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::InternalIndex = 0xC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::EngineShowFlags = 0xB8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::AutoReceiveInput = 0x153
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::World = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ObjectFlags = 0x8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnEndCursorOver = 0x1D6
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CustomTimeDilation = 0x64
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NamePrivate = 0x18
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAllowTickBeforeBeginPlay = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bForceNetAddressable = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::InputPriority = 0x154
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OuterPrivate = 0x20
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetTemporary = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ActorHasBegunPlay = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchEnd = 0x1DA
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHasDeferredComponentRegistration = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::AttachmentReplication = 0x70
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Children = 0x188
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::DetachFence = 0x280
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CreationTime = 0x158
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::DefaultUpdateOverlapsMethodDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5F
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::InitialLifeSpan = 0x60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Tags = 0x1C0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::InputComponent = 0x160
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnTakePointDamage = 0x1D1
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::LastRenderTime = 0x17C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::RemoteRole = 0x68
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Layers = 0x1A8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::MinNetUpdateFrequency = 0x174
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::TimerHandle_LifeSpanExpired = 0x1A0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnTakeAnyDamage = 0x1D0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetCullDistanceSquared = 0x168
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnActorEndOverlap = 0x1D4
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetDormancy = 0x151
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetDriverName = 0x148
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetTag = 0x16C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetPriority = 0x178
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::PrimaryActorTick = 0x28
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::NetUpdateFrequency = 0x170
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnClicked = 0x1D7
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnActorBeginOverlap = 0x1D3
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnActorHit = 0x1DD
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::StatHitchesData = 0x390
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnBeginCursorOver = 0x1D5
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnDestroyed = 0x1DE
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchEnter = 0x1DB
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHasAudioFocus = 0xFC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnEndPlay = 0x1DF
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchBegin = 0x1D9
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchLeave = 0x1DC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnReleased = 0x1D8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::OnTakeRadialDamage = 0x1D2
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Owner = 0x140
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ParentComponent = 0x1B8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::RayTracingGroupId = 0x6C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ReplicatedComponentsInfo = 0x1F0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ReplicatedMovement = 0xD0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::UpdateOverlapsMethodDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ReplicatedSubObjects = 0x1E0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Role = 0x150
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::RootComponent = 0x198
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::SpawnCollisionHandlingMethod = 0x152
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetStartup = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorIsBeingConstructed = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorBeginningPlayFromLevelStreaming = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAllowReceiveTickEventOnDedicatedServer = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIsMouseOverClient = 0x39D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorEnableCollision = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorInitialized = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorIsBeingDestroyed = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorSeamlessTraveled = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bActorWantsDestroyDuringBeginPlay = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAlwaysRelevant = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAsyncPhysicsTickEnabled = 0x5D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bAutoDestroyWhenFinished = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bBlockInput = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCallPreReplication = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCallPreReplicationForReplay = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCanBeDamaged = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCanBeInCluster = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bCollideWhenPlacing = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHasRegisteredAllComponents = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bEnableAutoLODGeneration = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bExchangedRoles = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bGenerateOverlapEventsDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHasFinishedSpawning = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHidden = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIgnoresOriginShifting = 0x5A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIsEditorOnlyActor = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetCheckedInitialPhysicsState = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetLoadOnClient = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bNetUseOwnerRelevancy = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bOnlyRelevantToOwner = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bRelevantForLevelBounds = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bRelevantForNetworkReplays = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bReplayRewindable = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bReplicateMovement = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bReplicateUsingRegisteredSubObjectList = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bReplicates = 0x5B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bRunningUserConstructionScript = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bTearOff = 0x59
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bTickFunctionsRegistered = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ActiveSplitscreenType = 0x70
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::AudioDeviceHandle = 0xF8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CurrentBufferVisualizationMode = 0x130
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CurrentLumenVisualizationMode = 0x140
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CurrentNaniteVisualizationMode = 0x138
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CurrentVirtualShadowMapVisualizationMode = 0x148
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::CursorWidgets = 0x200
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::DebugProperties = 0x48
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::GameLayerManagerPtr = 0x120
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::HardwareCursorCache = 0x160
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::HardwareCursors = 0x1B0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::HighResScreenshotDialog = 0x150
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::MaxSplitscreenPlayers = 0x68
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::MouseCaptureMode = 0x39A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::MouseLockMode = 0x39C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::SplitscreenInfo = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::StatUnitData = 0x388
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ViewModeIndex = 0xB0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Viewport = 0xE8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ViewportConsole = 0x40
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ViewportFrame = 0xF0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::ViewportOverlayWidget = 0x110
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::Window = 0x100
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bDisableSplitScreenOverride = 0x398
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bDisableWorldRendering = 0x6C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bHideCursorDuringCapture = 0x39B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIgnoreInput = 0x399
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bIsPlayInEditorViewport = 0x6C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bShowTitleSafeZone = 0x6C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bSuppressTransitionMessage = 0x88
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UObjectBase::bUseSoftwareCursorWidgets = 0x250
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::StructFlags = 0xB0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::CppStructOps = 0xB8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::bPrepareCppStructOpsCompleted = 0xB4
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps::Alignment = 0xC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps::Size = 0x8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::ClassPrivate = 0x8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::NamePrivate = 0x28
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::FlagsPrivate = 0x30
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::Next = 0x20
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FField::Owner = 0x10
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FOutputDevice::bAutoEmitLineTerminator = 0x9
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FOutputDevice::bSuppressEventTag = 0x8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FEnumProperty::Enum = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FEnumProperty::UnderlyingProp = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::DestructorLink = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::Children = 0x48
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::ChildProperties = 0x50
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::PostConstructLink = 0x88
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::UnresolvedScriptProperties = 0xA0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::MinAlignment = 0x5C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::PropertiesSize = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::PropertyLink = 0x70
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::RefLink = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::Script = 0x60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::ScriptAndPropertyObjectReferences = 0x90
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UStruct::SuperStruct = 0x40
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::EventGraphCallOffset = 0xD0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::EventGraphFunction = 0xC8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::RPCId = 0xBA
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::FirstPropertyToInit = 0xC0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::Func = 0xD8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::FunctionFlags = 0xB0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::NumParms = 0xB4
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::ParmsSize = 0xB6
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::RPCResponseId = 0xBC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UFunction::ReturnValueOffset = 0xB8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UField::Next = 0x28
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::ArrayDim = 0x38
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::DestructorLinkNext = 0x68
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::ElementSize = 0x3C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::NextRef = 0x60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::Offset_Internal = 0x4C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::PostConstructLinkNext = 0x70
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::PropertyLinkNext = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::PropertyFlags = 0x40
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::RepIndex = 0x48
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FProperty::RepNotifyFunc = 0x50
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::BlockTillLevelStreamingCompletedEpoch = 0x144
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bAllowAudioPlayback = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::ActiveLevelCollectionIndex = 0x190
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::AudioTimeSeconds = 0x678
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::CommittedPersistentLevelName = 0x700
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bInTick = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::LWILastAssignedUID = 0x258
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::CleanupWorldTag = 0x70C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bTickNewlySpawned = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::AuthorityGameMode = 0x150
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::DeltaRealTimeSeconds = 0x680
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::BuildStreamingDataTimer = 0x448
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bPlayersOnly = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::DeltaTimeSeconds = 0x684
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::ExtraReferencedObjects = 0x68
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::PreparingLevelNames = 0x6F0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::IsInBlockTillLevelStreamingCompleted = 0x140
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsRunningConstructionScript = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bAllowDeferredPhysicsStateCreation = 0x108
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::LastRenderTime = 0x130
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::LastTimeUnbuiltLightingWasEncountered = 0x658
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bHasEverBeenInitialized = 0x13F
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::NextSwitchCountdown = 0x6C0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bMaterialParameterCollectionInstanceNeedsDeferredUpdate = 0x13F
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::RealTimeSeconds = 0x670
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::NextURL = 0x6E0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::NumStreamingLevelsBeingLoaded = 0x6DA
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::PauseDelay = 0x688
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::PerModuleDataObjects = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsDefaultLevel = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::PlayerNum = 0x618
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bAggressiveLOD = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::StreamingLevelsPrefix = 0xC8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bTriggerPostLoadMap = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsLevelStreamingFrozen = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::StreamingVolumeUpdateDelay = 0x61C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsBuilt = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::TimeSeconds = 0x660
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::UnpausedTimeSeconds = 0x668
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bActorsInitialized = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsTearingDown = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bAreConstraintsDirty = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bBegunPlay = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bDebugPauseExecution = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bDoDelayedUpdateCullDistanceVolumes = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bRequestedBlockOnAsyncLoading = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bDropDetail = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bMatchStarted = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsCameraMoveableWhenPaused = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bShouldSimulatePhysics = 0x13C
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bIsWorldInitialized = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bKismetScriptError = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bMarkedObjectsPendingKill = 0x708
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bWorldWasLoadedThisTick = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bPlayersOnlyPending = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bPostTickComponentUpdate = 0x13B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bRequiresHitProxies = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bShouldForceUnloadStreamingLevels = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bShouldForceVisibleStreamingLevels = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bShouldTick = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bStartup = 0x13D
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UWorld::bStreamingDataDirty = 0x13E
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::bLayoutChanging = 0xD1
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassWithin = 0xE0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::bCooked = 0xD0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassConfigName = 0xE8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassConstructor = 0xB0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassDefaultObject = 0x110
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassFlags = 0xD4
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassUnique = 0xC8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::ClassVTableHelperCtorCaller = 0xB8
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::FirstOwnedClassRep = 0xCC
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::FuncMap = 0x128
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::Interfaces = 0x1D0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::NetFields = 0x100
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::SparseClassData = 0x118
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::SparseClassDataStruct = 0x120
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UClass::SuperFuncMap = 0x178
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::CppForm = 0x50
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::CppType = 0x30
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::EnumDisplayNameFn = 0x58
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::Names = 0x40
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::EnumFlags_Internal = 0x54
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] UEnum::EnumPackage = 0x60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FObjectPropertyBase::PropertyClass = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FDelegateProperty::SignatureFunction = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FMulticastDelegateProperty::SignatureFunction = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FSetProperty::ElementProp = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FStructProperty::Struct = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FArrayProperty::Inner = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FArrayProperty::ArrayFlags = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FMapProperty::KeyProp = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FMapProperty::MapFlags = 0xA0
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FMapProperty::ValueProp = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FBoolProperty::FieldMask = 0x7B
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FBoolProperty::ByteMask = 0x7A
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FBoolProperty::FieldSize = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FBoolProperty::ByteOffset = 0x79
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FByteProperty::Enum = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FClassProperty::MetaClass = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FSoftClassProperty::MetaClass = 0x80
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FInterfaceProperty::InterfaceClass = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] FFieldPathProperty::PropertyClass = 0x78
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] 

[2024-04-04 20:35:17] m_shared_functions: 0x7ffbc8b63b60
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Enabling custom events
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)...
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'CheatManagerEnablerMod'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] [RegisterHook] Registered native hook (1, 2) for Function /Script/Engine.PlayerController:ClientRestart
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'ConsoleCommandsMod'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'LineTraceMod'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] [Lua] KismetSystemLibrary: KismetSystemLibrary /Script/Engine.Default__KismetSystemLibrary
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] [Lua] KismetMathLibrary: KismetMathLibrary /Script/Engine.Default__KismetMathLibrary
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'BPModLoaderMod'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] [Lua] Mods/BPModLoaderMod/load_order.txt not present or no matching mods, loading all BP mods in random order.[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting Lua mod 'BPML_GenericFunctions'
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)...
[2024-04-04 20:35:17] Event loop start

Desktop (please complete the following information):

ayaldev commented 3 months ago

~ game just released updates, hopefully solves some of these issues :D

It does not, unfortunately.

Leaving this here for anyone wanting a temporary workaround: https://shadowmavericks.com/files/ShareX/UE4SS_4d65ae1_nodefaultdlldircetoriescall.zip

Caveat being, DLL mods might not work. Lua and blueprint mods should be fine, however.

thanks, workaround worked on Gportal server

ImKringle commented 3 months ago

~ game just released updates, hopefully solves some of these issues :D

It does not, unfortunately.

Leaving this here for anyone wanting a temporary workaround: https://shadowmavericks.com/files/ShareX/UE4SS_4d65ae1_nodefaultdlldircetoriescall.zip

Caveat being, DLL mods might not work. Lua and blueprint mods should be fine, however.

Im guessing we got zero idea why Proton broke overnight though huh 😢

UE4SS commented 3 months ago

I believe I've found a reasonable fix for this problem. See #453.

UE4SS commented 3 months ago

The fix is now available as an experimental version here: https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/releases/download/experimental/UE4SS_v3.0.1-39-g3320fc1.zip If you try it, it would be appreciated if you tell us if it works.

1gcat commented 3 months ago

The fix is now available as an experimental version here: https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/releases/download/experimental/UE4SS_v3.0.1-39-g3320fc1.zip If you try it, it would be appreciated if you tell us if it works.

Windows Server 2022 Datacenter it works well.

Koruzarius commented 3 months ago

The fix is now available as an experimental version here: https://github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/releases/download/experimental/UE4SS_v3.0.1-39-g3320fc1.zip If you try it, it would be appreciated if you tell us if it works.

It's working for me on my GPortal server!

king24371 commented 3 months ago

修復現在作為實驗版本提供: https: //github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/releases/download/experimental/UE4SS_v3.0.1-39-g3320fc1.zip 如果您嘗試的話,將會是如果您告訴我們它是否有效,我們將不勝感激。

Sorry ,unfortunately, this version still conflicts with the stand-alone version. According to tests, an error occurs with the dll file: "dwmapi.dll". If you delete this file, the game will run, but any Mod that relies on UE4SS will not.

UE4SS commented 3 months ago

修復現在作為實驗版本提供: https: //github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/releases/download/experimental/UE4SS_v3.0.1-39-g3320fc1.zip 如果您嘗試的話,將會是如果您告訴我們它是否有效,我們將不勝感激。

Sorry ,unfortunately, this version still conflicts with the stand-alone version. According to tests, an error occurs with the dll file: "dwmapi.dll". If you delete this file, the game will run, but any Mod that relies on UE4SS will not.

I'm unable to reproduce the problem. Both PalWorld (on Steam) and PalServer (via SteamCMD) work for me.

StrikerMan780 commented 3 months ago

修復現在作為實驗版本提供: https: //github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/releases/download/experimental/UE4SS_v3.0.1-39-g3320fc1.zip 如果您嘗試的話,將會是如果您告訴我們它是否有效,我們將不勝感激。

Sorry ,unfortunately, this version still conflicts with the stand-alone version. According to tests, an error occurs with the dll file: "dwmapi.dll". If you delete this file, the game will run, but any Mod that relies on UE4SS will not.

Make sure you don't have a copy of the old xinput dll wrapper in there.

ksumm1998 commented 3 months ago

the fix worked for me as far as i can tell it let people in now to see if the mods actually work

Koruzarius commented 3 months ago

I added the no food decay mod and have been chilling for an hour now, and nothing has expired yet. Looks good to me.

ksumm1998 commented 3 months ago

its working serverside but cant use creative menu

UE4SS commented 3 months ago

its working serverside but cant use creative menu

Any errors in UE4SS.log ?

ksumm1998 commented 3 months ago

UE4SS.log this is what its saying now

UE4SS commented 3 months ago

UE4SS.log this is what its saying now

Can you share your mods directory ? This could be a mod specific problem but I'd like to confirm by looking at the code of the mod.

ksumm1998 commented 3 months ago


UE4SS commented 3 months ago

Screenshot 2024-04-05 134101 this?

Yeah, but I just found CreativeMenu on Nexus Mods so I think you might not need to send anything.

UE4SS commented 3 months ago

Regarding CreativeMenu: @ksumm1998 Have you tried updating the mod ? I'm not able to reproduce the same problem. @Okaetsu I am however unable to actually interact with the menu when it opens, it won't accept my mouse or keyboard inputs.

UE4SS commented 3 months ago

Update on CreativeMenu: I'm now able to reproduce the problem. The /creativemenu command doesn't work. I was previously using the keybind and that does work. Will investigate to see if /creativemenu being broken is because of UE4SS or the mod itself.

ksumm1998 commented 3 months ago

UE4SS.log yes this is with the latest update

ksumm1998 commented 3 months ago

i can click on them but they dont load in while they do in single player

ksumm1998 commented 3 months ago

also thankyou for putting in all the work to help I do appreciate it

UE4SS commented 3 months ago

The CreativeMenu mod is failing in GetModActor:

for index, value in ipairs(ActorArray) do

It's assuming that ActorArray is a table, but it's in fact nil in this case for some reason. EDIT: This looks like something for @Okaetsu (the mod author) to look into, it doesn't look like a bug in UE4SS.

Okaetsu commented 3 months ago

@UE4SS That's some jank from Palworld when you first load into a world, I'm thinking they have some UI element stuck on the screen. As for the command being broken, that's a UE4SS issue where LogicMods don't load properly with Dedicated Servers.

It's related to PostLoadMap hook that BPModLoaderMod is using and I forgot the exact details, but the hook doesn't get called at the right time in UE4SS. I made a pretty hacky workaround for servers which loops until it successfully loads the mods.

@localcc was working on a fix, but I dunno what the status on that is.

ksumm1998 commented 3 months ago

the workaround worked though

UE4SS commented 3 months ago

As for the command being broken, that's a UE4SS issue where LogicMods don't load properly with Dedicated Servers.

It's related to PostLoadMap hook that BPModLoaderMod is using and I forgot the exact details, but the hook doesn't get called at the right time in UE4SS. I made a pretty hacky workaround for servers which loops until it successfully loads the mods.

I've confirmed that it works after applying your BPML changes.

localcc commented 3 months ago

Blueprint mod loading should actually be fixed by a slightly less hacky way in #454

king24371 commented 3 months ago

修復現在作為實驗版本提供:https: //github.com/UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS/releases/download/experimental/UE4SS_v3.0.1-39-g3320fc1.zip如果您嘗試的話,將會是如果您告訴我們它是否有效,我們將不勝感激。

抱歉,不幸的是,該版本仍然與單機版本衝突。根據測試,dll檔案「dwmapi.dll」出現錯誤。如果刪除此文件,遊戲將運行,但任何依賴 UE4SS 的 Mod 都不會運行。

確保其中沒有舊的 xinput dll 包裝器的副本。

Yeah, I was checked, there has no any "xinput.dll" in my folder, but when I start the game, it just pop this window image

Buckminsterfullerene02 commented 3 months ago

That looks like a popup from one of your mods

king24371 commented 3 months ago


Right? But what is puzzling is that this error will only pop up when dwmapi.dll exists in the Win64 folder. I was also dumbfounded.

Buckminsterfullerene02 commented 3 months ago

dwmapi.dll is what injects UE4SS into your game, which in turn loads all of your mods. If you delete dwmapi.dll then none of your mods will be loaded. Clearly one of the mods that you have installed is causing this popup, and is very likely a C++ mod (i.e. a mod that has a main.dll file inside of it). This is not a UE4SS issue. Find the mod and find its github or nexusmods page.

king24371 commented 3 months ago

dwmapi.dll 是將 UE4SS 注入到您的遊戲中,進而載入您的所有 mod。如果刪除 dwmapi.dll,則不會載入任何 mod。顯然,您安裝的 mod 之一導致了此彈出窗口,並且很可能是 C++ mod(即main.dll內部有檔案的 mod)。這不是 UE4SS 問題。找到該 mod 並找到其 github 或 nexusmods 頁面。

God damn! It turned out to be one of the mod that ignored the building restrictions! Thx bro, my Hero!