UHERO / udaman

UHERO Data Manager
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Build Status Udaman: UHERO Data Manager

Udaman is UHERO's data management system.

Setup for Local Development

1. Get Database Data

Option A: Clone Test DB


Option B: request copy of of development db

Option C: Connect to "test" database on uhero12

2. Initiate Rails App


Install Gems

$ bundle install

3. Add a User Acct

From the Udaman application folder, open the rails console:

$ rails console

Add a user:

User.create!(email: "your@email.com", role: <as appropriate>, password: "secret", password_confirmation: "secret")

Replace your@email.com and secret with your desired username and password.

Quit the rails console


Take Udaman for a spin

Start the rails server in the console

$ rails s -b

In another terminal window enter the rails console in the project folder (rails console). And find the name of a series with data in it using the following command:

Series.all.each {|s| dps = s.current_data_points.count; puts "#{s.name}, #{dps}" if dps > 0};0

This command will spit out a list of series mnemonics with their number of current data points.

Navigate to Udaman in your browser. The default location is http://localhost:3000/.

Type the name of the series (i.e., the series mnemonic) you've chosen into the search bar in the top right of Udaman. For example, "BRENT@US.M"

Click the Analyze link in the under the series header to the left to see a graphical display of this series.

Contributing to Udaman

Fork this repo and submit a pull request if you would like to contribute to Udaman.