UI-Research / mobility-from-poverty

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Boosting Upward Mobility from Poverty

This repository contains code to construct 26 metrics for 25 predictors of mobility across 5 pillars that broadly measure mobility from poverty. The data are available for 3,143 counties (example: Los Angeles County) and 486 selected cities (example: Philadelphia).

To learn more about the upward mobility framework, please read:

To learn more about the data, please read:


The objective of this repository is to make all results reproducible, to document processes and assumptions, and to make it easier for analysts to produce metrics in future years. A little extra effort today can make a big difference in the future. For more motivation, please read the motivation for a style guide by Michael Stepner. If that isn't enough, read the section on technical debt.

This guide is a work-in-progress. If there are any ambiguities or unresolved questions, please contact Aaron R. Williams.

Table of Contents

Repository Contents

Note: The code is organized by nine domains for legacy reasons even though the updated framework is organized into five pillars. Below is a table showing each predictor by pillar, and the domain it was previously assigned to.

Legacy Domain Pillar Predictors
01_financial-well-being Rewarding Work Opportunities for income
Financial security
02_housing Opportunity-Rich & Inclusive Neighborhoods Wealth-building opportunities
Housing affordability
Housing stability
03_health Healthy Environment & Access to Good Health Care Access to health services
Neonatal health
Safety from trauma
05_local-governments Responsive & Just Governance Political participation
Descriptive representation
06_neighborhoods Opportunity-Rich & Inclusive Neighborhoods Economic inclusion
Racial diversity
Transportation access
Environmental quality
Social capital
07_safety Responsive & Just Governance Safety from crime
Just policing
08_education High-Quality Education Access to preschool
Effective public education
School economic diversity
Preparation for college
Digital access
09_employment Rewarding Work Employment opportunities
Access to jobs paying a living wage

File Descriptions

The all metrics combined datasets for this project are read out into several file formats which are described below. The main difference is the geographic level of the data (city vs county), the number of years included and whether subgroups (i.e. race/ethnicity) are included. The all metrics combined files are in the "long" format as opposed to a "wide" format, meaning that in the files covering multiple years or subgroup each unique geography will account for more than one row. The data are hosted publicly on the Urban Institute data catalog.

Recent Files

Multi-Year Files

Subgroups Files

year state county state_name county_name subgroup_type subgroup
2014 01 001 "Alabama" "Autauga County" "all" "All"
2014 01 001 "Alabama" "Autauga County" "race-ethnicity" "Black, Non-Hispanic"
2014 01 001 "Alabama" "Autauga County" "race-ethnicity" "Hispanic"
2014 01 001 "Alabama" "Autauga County" "race-ethnicity" "Other Races and Ethnicities"
2014 01 001 "Alabama" "Autauga County" "race-ethnicity" "White, Non-Hispanic"

Project Organization


GitHub Standards

GitHub Basics

An Urban Institute-focused introduction to GitHub including installation instructions is available here.

After installing Git and setting up a GitHub account, follow these steps to get started on Windows:

  1. Right click and select "Git Bash Here" where you want to copy the repository (main folder) on your computer.
  2. Submit git clone https://github.com/UI-Research/mobility-from-poverty.git. You will need to enter your user email and password. Everything will then copy to your computer.
  3. Close Git Bash.
  4. Enter the gates-mobility-metrics folder, right click, and select "Git Bash Here".
  5. Submit git checkout -b version2024 to get to the staging branch.
  6. This project uses an issue based branching system. When you start working on an issue you will create a branch for it using git checkout -b <"issue name"> but replace "issue name" with the issue you are working on.
  7. For issues that already have branches created you can switch to them using the command git checkout <"issue name">

After this, you should be able to edit files and then add them to Git with the process outlined in the guide above.

GitHub Workflow

GitHub will be used as the primary form of communication for programs and data. The workflow will rely on GitHub Issues that will be linked to metrics work goals. These issues will be organized and tracked using GitHub projects which can be viewed on the GitHub repository.

Note: The GitHub repository is public and all files that are not included in the gitignore will be publicly available when pushed to the repository.

  1. Set up Git
  2. Clone the repository
  3. From the mobility-from-poverty folder you have cloned to your local computer, make sure you are on the version2024 branch - mobility-from-poverty - and ensure it is up to date with GitHub:
    • git checkout version2024 o git pull origin version2024
  4. Check out a branch with the same name as the issue connected to that metric
    • git checkout -b <"issue name">
  5. Additional branching is allowed but merge all changes into the branch tied to the issue.
  6. Add your changes to the code.

    • The command git status shows which files have changed.

    • git diff <"filename"> will highlight which lines have been modified.

    • Use the arrow keys to scroll, and press q if you need to exit the prompt.

    • git add [filename] will stage files to commit (git add -u will add all modified files).

    • git commit -m <"your message here"> will commit changes to version control. Commit messages should be clear and meaningful.

    • git push origin <"issue branch name"> will push committed changes up to the GitHub for review.

  7. To contribute to the main branch, put in a Pull Request. Tag your assigned reviewer (@reviewer). Briefly describe what the PR does.
  8. All code will go through a code review process with an assigned reviewer. After a successful review, the changes will be pulled into the version2024 branch. Reviewers may ask you to make changes. For Urban employees only, please reach out to the "umf-mobilitymetrics3" slack channel if you have questions.

Working with issues

Issues exist for each metric update that needs to be completed. Metric leads will be assigned to their issues using GitHub (assignments will be linked to GitHub accounts).

Note that issues will include notes on what needs to be completed outside of updating to the latest data. There are two types of recurring notes that appear on most issues:

Data Standards

This section will walk through the standards around data starting with the raw data used to create the metric, joining variables that need to be included in every file, data naming and sorting conventions, data quality standards and standard errors, subgroup files and file naming/final metric file standards.

Starting or raw data practices

Joining variables

Subgroups Specific Variables

The all metrics combined subgroup datasets will contain a subset of metrics from the original/years dataset because not all metrics will be extended for subgroup analysis.

The only variables in the subgroup datasets that will not be in the aggregate datasets will be subgroup_type and subgroup.

subgroup_type will be the broader category that the descriptive variable the data is being broken out by falls into, for example race-ethnicity

subgroup will be the name of the specific subgroup. These may differ some across metrics so we will need to converge on the appropriate names. The table below shows the current list of subgroup types and subgroup values, if your metric has subgroup data the values should match the names in the table below.

subgroup category subgroup_type (variable name) subgroup
Race and ethnicity race-ethnicity All Black, Non-Hispanic
Other Races and Ethnicities
White, Non-Hispanic
Race race-ethnicity All
Other Races and Ethnicities
Race share race-share All
Majority Non-White
Majority White, Non-Hispanic
Mixed Race and Ethnicity
Income income All
Low Income
Not Low-Income

If you are an Urban employee and believe that the values of the subgroup do not align with the table above please reach out to the umf-mobilitymetrics3 slack channel for guidance.

Variable Names

In addition to the prescribed variable names (year, state, county, place, subgroup_type, and subgroup) each dataset will also have (a) variable(s) specific to the metric.

In previous rounds of this work, we renamed variables for metrics when building the database so the names are consistent and descriptive. All names start with the following:

Moving forward, please use these standardized variable names in the program for each of your assigned metrics. Variable names should only include lower case letters, numbers, and underscores (lower camel case, i.e. camel_case).


Values for subgroups will depend on data availability and prioritization. For race, the objective is to pull "Black, Non-Hispanic", "Hispanic", "Other Races and Ethnicities", and "White, Non-Hispanic." If a subgroup lacks the precision to be responsibly reported, then report an NA and set the data quality to NA. Try to not combine groups such as "Other Races and Ethnicities" with "White, Non-Hispanic".



Subgroups File Structure

A new database with one observation per subgroup per county per year, so that metric values for subgroups are rows. This database will be in a long format and contain the "all" group. For example, if there are four subgroups then there should be 3,143x4 + 3,143x1 = 15,715 observations per year. This may seem foreign to some Stata and SAS programmers but it has several advantages.

  1. It limits the challenges in standardization of naming conventions and the number of variables. For example, imagine adding four subgroups in a wide format. This would mean adding four variables, four lower bounds, four upper bounds, and four quality metrics. In addition to being unwieldy, it would result in burdensome variable names (e.g. `share_debt_coll_nonhispanic_white_quality1).
  2. This format is tidy (Wickham, 2014) and has many appealing features for data analysis.
  3. The format works best for the Mobility Metrics Data Tables. For R programmers, creating long versions of the data using the pivot_longer function.

Data Quality Flags

Score Description
1 The calculated metric for the observation is high-quality and there are no substantial concerns with measurement error, missingness, sample size, or precision.
2 There are issues with the calculated metric for the observation but the issues are limited. It is OK for a community partner to look at the metric.
3 There are serious issues with the calculated metric for the observation. It is possible to calculate the metric but there are critical issues with measurement error, missingness, sample size, and/or precision. A community should not act on this information.
It was not possible to calculate a metric for the county or city.

Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals


File Names

  1. Final metric files should have descriptive names related to the metric and must only include lower case letters, numbers, and underscores (lower camel case, i.e. camel_case). Do not use spaces.It is up to you how to name the files for your metric but the file names need to be consistent (meaning you should refer to the metric in the file name the same way every time) and should be concise.

    • For example, the 2022 county metric file for the share of low-weight births metric, which fall under the Neonatal Health predictor, could be named "lwb_metric_2022_county.csv"
  2. Save data in a folder titled "final" to keep the repository organized. When saving files, include the year, geography (county or place), and subgroup information in the file name unless the file is combined (e.g. the file contains multiple years).

    • For combined files, replace the year with "all". Continuing with the low-weight birth example, to be consistent with the name above the combined place level file would be named "lwb_metric_all_place.csv"
    • For subgroup data, a combined county file with subgroup data would be titled "lwb_metric_all_subgroups_plce.csv"

Final Metric Files

Code Standards

Programmer: [your name]
Date created: [date]
Date of last revision: [date]
Ancestor Program: [Path to the program including the name of the program]
original data: [Path of where the data live]
Description: [Overall description]
(1)[insert task description here, and then copy & paste this to indicate where that task is later in your program]
(3) [etc...]

Scripts should be clearly organized so others can follow them.


Include comments throughout your scripts so others can follow your work and decisions. Include comments that state "why", not "what". Include comments for all assumptions.

Naming & Dates

Use descriptive names for all variables, datasets, functions, and macros. Avoid abbreviations. Use ISO 8601 dates (YYYY-MM-DD).

Assertions and Tests

Write assertions and in-line tests. Assertions, things expected to always be true about the code, should be tested in-line. healthinequality-code offers some good background. assert is useful in Stata and stopifnot() is useful in R.

Write tests for final files. For example, write a test if all numbers should be non-negative or if values should not exceed \$3,000.

Check that the value ranges make sense. Spot-check your outliers to confirm that those values are not an error. In some cases, you might need to dig on the internet to see if say a community has the worst rates of air quality that there's some verification of that. Or if homelessness among students spiked that there's some context that could explain that. If not, then check your code to make sure it is doing what you think it is doing.

Also, check the data quality flag. Look at the distribution of assigned quality.

Write tests for macros and functions to ensure appropriate behavior.

Whenever you are tempted to type something into a print statement or a debugger expression, write it as a test instead. --- Martin Fowler


Check final calculations against state and/or national numbers if available.

For questions about code, please contact upwardmobility\@urban.org and include "Code in GitHub" in the subject line.

Subgroups Code

Metric leads will need to decide whether to create new scripts/programs for extending the database (additional years or subgroup analysis) or to extend existing scripts. The optimal approach may differ based on the situation. For example, some metric leads will need to change datasets entirely (e.g. 1-year vs. 5-year ACS data) and new scripts may be most efficient and clean, while other metric leads may need to make minimal changes to an existing script.

  1. Do not worry about editing existing scripts provided they recreate the original dataset. There is no need to use version control in file names (i.e. script.R to script2.R). Git will handle this. If you have not added your data as a .csv to version control, then please reach out to Aaron (this is a change from earlier policy).
  2. When possible, use functions and macros to avoid repeating the same code multiple times. For example, if you are pulling the 1-year ACS, try to write functions that take year as an argument and then call the function multiple times instead of copying-and-pasting code.

Code and Technical Review

Scope of the review

All code and documentation will go through a review process. Code reviews will be handled through GitHub.

It is possible that changes will be requested before the completion of a code review. For example, a reviewer may send the code back to the analyst if the code isn't reproducible (i.e. doesn't run) or if the documentation is insufficient for th reviewer to follow the logic.

The scope of the review will involve the following three levels:

  1. Reproduction of results.
    • Code should not error out. Warnings and notes are also cause for concern.
    • The code should exactly recreate the final result.
  2. A line-by-line review of code logic.
    • Code script should include top-level description of process and what the code accomplishes.
    • Does the author's process and analytical choices make sense given the metric they are trying to calculate? Is the process implemented correctly?
    • Variable construction: What is the unit of analysis? Is it consistent throughout the dataset?
    • Are new variables what they say they are (check codebooks)?
    • Check whether simple operations like addition/subtraction/division exclude observations with missing data.
    • Does the researcher subset the data at all? Is it done permanently or temporarily?
    • How are missing values coded?
    • Look at merges/joins and appends - do the data appear to be matched appropriately? Are there identical non-ID variables in both datasets? How are non-matching data handled or dropped?
    • Is the correct geographic crosswalk used?
    • Are weights used consistently and correctly?
  3. Code Architecture/Readability.
    • Is the code DRY (don't repeat yourself)? If code is repeated more than once, recommend that the writer turn the repeated code into a function or macro.
    • Is there a place where a variable is rebuilt or changed later on?
    • Are values transcribed by hand?
    • "Messy but error-free" is not an acceptable status for finalized code. Code should be easy to follow, efficient, reproduceable, and should reflect well on the organization and project team.
  4. Public Release Is the code clearly commented for public release (e.g., no use of abbreviations or acronyms that are Urban Institute specific) Is the code free from any licenses, PII, or proprietary information?

How to Prepare for a Code Review

All scripts should run all the way through without errors. This should be the case regardless of the user/computer.

Code Reviews in GitHub

Our code review process will be handled through GitHub, which has powerful tools for code review. This page outlines the functionality.

1. Request

In our workflow, every analyst will push their code to the repository on its own branch named after the issue created for that task. The process of reconciling these different branches into one branch called version2024 is handled through pull requests.

For example, I will put in a pull request from "issexample" to version2024. At this point, a reviewer will be requested in the pull request. Aaron and Claudia will flag the reviewers.

2. Review

The code will not be merged to version2024 until the reviewer(s) approve the pull request.

GitHub will generate a line-by-line comparison of every line that is added or removed from "issexample" to version2024.

Reviewers can add line-specific comments in GitHub.

3. Approve

Reviewers can also add overall comments before approving or requesting changes for the pull request. If additional changes are added, GitHub will highlight the specific lines that changed in response to the review--this will save the reviewer time on second or third reviews of the same code.

Once the code is approved, the branch can be merged into the main branch where it can referenced and used for subsequent analyses.

Code Branching for Reviewers

Line-by-line edits and feedback should be handled by reviewers through the point-and-click interface on GitHub. Running code from a pull request will require branching.

Suppose you are reviewing code from branch "issexample2". You need to "fetch" the "issexample2" branch on to your local computer to run and review the code. Steps:

  1. Open up Git Bash in the directory by right clicking in the mobility-from-poverty directory and and selecting Git Bash Here (on Windows).
  2. Make sure you are on the version2024 branch git checkout version2024
  3. Submit git status and ensure that you don't have any tracked changes that have not been committed.
  4. Use git branch to see your current branch and other available branches. You should at least see version2024 and main.
  5. Submit git fetch to get remote branches.
  6. Submit git checkout --track origin/issexample2 to switch to the issexample2 branch. Submit git branch to confirm the change.

At this point, you should be able to run and review the code. Back on GitHub, you should be able to add line-by-line comments to the Pull Request if you click "Files changed" and then click the blue plus sign that appears next to the number by the line of code.

When your review is complete, click the green "Review changes" button on GitHub. You should be able to add overall comments, approve the Pull Request, or Request changes to the Pull Request. If you request changes, you will need to git pull issexample2 after the analyst pushes the updated code to GitHub.

When you are done, you can switch back to your branch with git checkout branch-name where branch-name is the name of the branch you wish to switch to. If you have un-committed changes, you will need to get rid of them with git stash. You shouldn't make substantive changes on some else's branch.

After all metrics have updated on version2024, reviewed and approved will the changes be merged with the main repository.

Creating the All Metrics Combined Files

The code to create the final collective files that combine all metrics is in 10_construct-database/

There will be two final files. The first file with be a year-county file with one row per county per year. The second file will be county-level file with only the most recent year of data for each variable. Both files will be tidy data with each variable in its own column, each observation in its own row, and each value in its own cell.

Data Dictionary

The data dictionary is a website created with Quarto and hosted on GitHub pages. The Quarto documents are stored in mobility-from-poverty-documentation/. The folder contains its own .Rproj for Quarto reasons. The website is contained in docs/. Use the following steps to update the website.

  1. Open mobility-from-poverty-documentation/mobility-from-poverty-documentation.Rproj
  2. Update files but do not click render. Common types of changes include
    • Updating .qmd files with additional information
    • Re-rendering the documentation after updating the mobility metrics
    • Updating R functions to change the information included in the data dictionary
  3. Run quarto render at the command line.
  4. Add, commit, and push the files to GitHub.
  5. Open a pull request to the branch that GitHub pages uses.

External Users

For users outside of the Urban Institute that would like to utilize this repository this section offers guidance and tips.

General repository structure

The folders in this repository are broken into three main sections: Domains, Data and Documentation/Auxiliary.

  1. Domains

    • Each domain in the UMF project has a folder (for example, 08_education). This folder holds the programs for the creation of the predictors that fall under that domain, for example, metrics for access to preschool, effective public education, school diversity, preparation for college, and digital access.
  2. Data

    • The final data produced for each domain folder is within that domain in the "data/final" folder. The collective final data in raw form is also hosted in this repository under the folder titled "data".
  3. Documentation/Auxiliary

    • The other folders either document or provide auxiliary information/data for creating the predictors. The folder titled "documentation" holds a description of each predictor code in the repository as well as an introductory training to using Git and GitHub.
    • Other auxiliary folder include the geographic-crosswalks folder which hosts all of the crosswalks the programs in this repository utilize. There is also a folder for constructing the database from the individual predictor files.

For more specific use cases see below.

Finding code

One benefit of hosting this work on a public repository is that external users can view and download the code used to create these indicators. If you would like to download the code used to create a certain UMF data point you can find it in one of the folder held in this repository. To track down the right folder, first utilize the table under repository contents to match your predictor of interest (right-hand column) with that predictor's domain. The folder containing the code for that predictor will have a title similar to the domain. Enter that folder on GitHub and locate the program file with the predictor in the title.

Example: Environmental quality The environmental quality predictor falls under the Opportunity-Rich & Inclusive Neighborhoods pillar. In the GitHub repository there is a folder titled 06_neighborhoods - this is the corresponding folder. Inside that folder is another folder titled environment. It is in that folder you will find the program that creates the predictor. GitHub will give you the option to download the raw version of the file.

Locating raw data

The origins of the raw data used to create each of these indicators should be readily available in the code associated with each predictor. There are likely two primary ways you can trace the data:

1) For predictors where the raw data is not available for direct download through an API, the source of the raw data will be noted in text at the top of the code. Follow the link or description to download this data.

2) For predictors where the data is available through an API, the code will utilize that API to pull the data directly. You can read the section of the code that interacts with the API to see what variables and specifications are used.


For Urban employees only, please reach out to the "umf-mobilitymetrics3" slack channel if you have questions. For external users please contact Aaron R. Williams with questions.