UICrail / SemanticRSM

RSM refoundation, based on direct RDF/OWL modelling
European Union Public License 1.2
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RSM recast, based on direct RDF/OWL modelling.

RSM stands for Rail System Model. RSM is a UIC IRS (International Railway Standard), first released in 2016 as RailTopoModel (RTM): see https://rsm.uic.org.


EUPL 1.2


RTM 1.0, RTM 1.1, RSM 1.2 and its extensions, all published by UIC, follow principles generally observed in conceptual modelling, using UML 2.56 as a formal language. RSM 1.2 model was successfully transformed into an OWL ontology, using the Ontorail toolset developed by UIC.

However, the expressiveness of OWL differs from UML class diagrams. OWL offers possibilities to make RSM both more compact and more expressive, while remaining compatible with former, UML-based versions. The present repository summarizes the re-casting efforts.

Design goals

Design process

The process currently considers:

However the design, as previously with RSM, emphasizes generality and usability, while avoiding ad-hoc solutions.

Other important concepts may come from other pieces of EU Law, such as TAF TSI, or from ongoing EU projects.



See the Flask folder and launch __init__.py. You'll be able to process files with your usual web navigator, via a local server (



RDF, RDF-star, OWL, SHACL (for constraints), SPARQL (for queries), SPARQL-star, Python; some SWI Prolog (for demo purposes).



The Wiki documents the design process, esp. main design choices. This is an integrated wiki, also accessible via the GitHub menu bar.

Documentation folder

Only contains diagrams (class diagrams for instance) and illustrations for use by the wiki and in other repositories. Full documentation is in the wiki.